Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11808: Carrion monster (the fifth outbreak)

"I think so too, so the next place we're going is the huge mine." Guan Heng said at this time, "But you don't have to look forward to it too much, after all, the period when the yellow iron scorpion annihilated the clan has passed. After thousands of years, there is no certainty how many useful things are left in the mine, right?" "Well, this makes sense." "Everything has to be confirmed with your own eyes to be clear. Ah." "No more to say, Guan Heng, hurry up and take us out." "Okay, let's go this way." After saying that, Guan Heng has already led everyone towards the front. ...Just a few moments later, everyone followed Guan Heng to the entrance of the huge mine. "This is the nest of the yellow iron scorpion in the memory of the insect soul." "It seems that half of the entrance is blocked by gravel. Come on, let's clean it up first." With that, Guan Heng said to the magician. With a wink, the other party immediately called the gray-brown hedgehog, the round-eared monster and the ice gluttonous beast. They worked together and cleaned up the gravel in a few breaths. At the same time, a monster hedgehog squeezed into the gap of the hole, glanced inside, and then got out and squeaked, telling everyone that there is no danger near the hole, and you can come and go at will. "Very well, this is what I want to know." Guan Heng nodded and said, "Magic, give some rewards to the hedgehogs, they have worked very hard."

"Yes, Master Guan." The magic mandrill agreed, walked quickly to the hedgehogs and took out a lot of fire grain Gu and other food. The hedgehogs snorted and ate, and the strange mice and ice gluttonous beasts were also nearby. When they came over, fortunately, the demons also prepared their share, and everyone also devoured them. "Hey, there are more helpers, but they also eat a lot, so it's hard to serve them." The demon sighed and said so. "Look at what you said, what does it have to do with how much they eat?" King Jia Yao curled his lips and said casually: "Those are all things produced in the Toad Cauldron Space, you are only responsible for passing it on, do you feel tired? Is it?" "Hahaha—" Hearing that King Jia Yao revealed the other's shortcomings, the girls suddenly laughed out loud. The corners of Guan Heng's mouth were slightly raised, and he also said, "Magic mandrill, if you find it troublesome, why don't you feed the hedgehogs a few times less?" "Master Guan, I don't dare to do this. If the hedgehogs don't have enough to eat, they don't have the strength to mine stones." Do your best, but don't want to take good care of them, how can there be such an easy thing in the world? Reflect on your lazy remarks." "Yes, princess, I was wrong."

Hearing what Qianxin said, the embarrassed Demon Mandrill scratched his head, and then whispered, "I will definitely change it in the future." "It's not too bad." After they were almost cleaned up, they said to everyone: "Let's go."... Not long after entering this huge mine, Guan Heng and everyone saw a group of "indigenous people" living here. "These guys... should be a kind of carrion monster, right?" An Yan said after looking at the group of guys in front. "Yes, it is the appearance of some kind of evil monster whose corpse is in a semi-rotten state after death, but it can continue to walk on the remnants of evil energy." Guan Heng said casually: "Generally speaking, the speed of carrion monsters is not too fast..." "Boom!" It was too late, but it was fast. As soon as Guan Heng finished his sentence, the two nearest carrion monsters on the opposite side suddenly rushed with the wind, and they scratched their claws when they came to the magic mandrill. "Master Guan, is this not fast?!" Seeing the enemy attacking, the Demon Mandrill threw out his fists, knocking the pair of unfortunate monsters away, then turned his head and said something. Guan Hengyan said: "Didn't you hear what I said is the general situation? Now it seems that these carrion monsters are all mutants, so they can't be dealt with according to common sense." "Oh, that's the case." When it came to Guan Heng's words, he nodded his head in disbelief. Although he felt that something was wrong, he still couldn't figure it out.

"But now is not a good time to think about it, let's settle these carrion monsters first." The demon muttered in his heart, while carrying the ancient gold ice-breaking scorpion and sprinting towards the other party. Guan Heng said at this time: "Old monkey, Chubby, Bingjiao, you all go to help, try not to use big moves, just use brute force to deal with these guys." The reason why he wished everyone so, was afraid of monkeys , Bingjiao, they suddenly ran wild, released a lot of tricks that gathered ice and fire aura, and collapsed the mine tunnel, it was impossible to move. "Woo Jiji!" "Knowing Master Guan, we have a good idea." King Jia Yao said as he ran towards the opposite side, "Bang bang bang! Dong Dong Dong!" After a while, King Jia Yao slammed into a few carrion monsters with a fit, and the opponent was completely powerless to fight back. At the same time, the old white-browed monkey threw his fist into the battle group, and he punched the carrion monster in front of him. Shaking in place. "Huhuhu——chichichi——" The ice dragon in the air was not to be outdone, and suddenly gathered the ice mysterious aura into hundreds of thousands of ice thorns, and rushed towards the carrion monsters. "Beasts, you all die!" "DuoDuoDuo!"

The roar of the ice dragon suddenly burst out, and the icy thorns that were rushing like a shower were all nailed to the carrion monster on the ground. "Swish-swish-swish--" In an instant, the cold air swept through the cold air, and surrounded the monsters that were not hit, freezing their bodies into ice. "Hahaha, stand in a row and wait for me to do it, you guys are so good." "Pingping pong pong!" "Crackling!" King Jia Yao laughed wildly and slammed it with his head butt, and the frozen carrion monster was smashed into pieces by it. , Randomly. At the same time, the old white-browed monkey was fierce and fierce, and Huo Di danced the metal short stick and shield, setting off a whirlwind in the enemy group, and slammed into the remaining monsters viciously. The attack, the end can be imagined, it is only a tragic death. "Hey, what is this?" After killing the carrion monster in front of him, Mo Ji suddenly noticed something half-covered and buried in the soil under the rock wall beside him, so he quickly took two steps forward and stretched out his hand. Just dug them out. "Hey, good luck." Holding these things, the demon hurriedly walked to Guan Heng, handed it over, and said, "Lord Guan, you see, we have found metal ore of good quality." "Okay, we can. Seeing this kind of thing proves that we won't come here for nothing." After seeing the ore, Guan Heng nodded with a smile.

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