Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11821: Devouring the same kind (third more)

After saying this, Guan Heng waved his hand suddenly, "Shuhuhuhu——" Just in the blink of an eye, a large amount of earth and mysterious aura gathered on the ground, and it continued to absorb the surrounding soil, forming a composition. A earth spirit warrior with a height of more than ten feet.

The earth spirit warrior waved at the more than ten spirit-absorbing spar stones, and the other party immediately attracted them to the earth spirit warrior's arms.

Guan Heng said at the moment: "When you don't need the spar, let them stay on the body of the earth spirit warriors and continuously absorb the mysterious aura. In this way, you will gradually strengthen your aura usage in the future, which is very beneficial."

"That's a good idea." Seeing this scene, Qianxin smiled and said, "You still think the same way."

"It's just a coincidence." Guan Heng said lightly: "I know the structure of loess ore spar relatively well, so I quickly thought of measures. Not much more to say, let's go."


After a short while, everyone descended to the bottom of the deep pit.

Unexpectedly, this place is very wide, like a huge square, Guan Heng looked left and right, then nodded, and said: "Everyone should pay attention, because this place is not so simple and harmless. Area."

"Isn't it just a few evil spirits? It's not a threat to us, right?" Ruo Tao said with a smile: "You are too cautious, son."

"No, I'm not just talking about evil spirits. There seems to be something else in this hidden mine."

Guan Heng touched his nose and said: "However, I haven't yet determined what the other party is. Everyone takes one step at a time, pay attention to the surroundings carefully, and don't be tricked by those guys."

"Hey hey, it's not necessarily who is playing who."

"Chiu oh, chiu oh." Ruo Tao said triumphantly, and the golden wren chicks also chirped happily on her shoulders, expressing agreement.

"King of Dogs, continue to let the dogs patrol around and closely monitor the dynamics of anything nearby. Go ahead." With that said, Guan Heng waved to the King of Corpse Dogs, who immediately let out a low growl and led the group of dogs towards Go with the front.

"Magic mandrill, let the ice gluttonous beasts, the round-eared monsters and the gray-brown monster hedgehogs also go out to find the whereabouts of the loess mine."

Guan Heng glanced at the nearby area and said casually: "I found traces of **** on the ground around here, and the earth spirit warrior who carried the spar also responded, let this guy walk in front, it will lead the monster hedgehogs. to the mines."

"Yes, Master Guan."

After hearing this, the demon nodded and immediately did as he was told. In this way, a large number of colleagues who were exploring the mines and caves were dispatched by Guan Heng, and Qianxin asked at this time, "Aren't you afraid that they will encounter evil spirits or other dangers when they are looking for mines?"

"It doesn't matter, they are all moving within our line of sight anyway. Besides, the mother insect has already sent the scorpions out to protect them in secret, and the monster hedgehogs also have the ability to protect themselves, so there is no problem at all."

When Guan Heng said this, he raised a finger and continued: "The most important point is to send everyone out for activities, in order to draw out the hidden enemies around, if the other party really shows up, Wouldn't that be better?"

"Well, what the young master said makes sense, I agree with it with both hands." Ruo Tao echoed without hesitation at this time.

"Then let's do it like this." Qing Huang also nodded and said, "Then everyone should help pay attention, don't let the enemy take advantage of the loopholes."


"Okay, then let's start quickly." Everyone continued to act as they spoke, and just after counting the breath, they ushered in their first harvest.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The body of the evil spirit, haha, it really came to the door."

"Sisters, prepare to fight!"

"Okay." Qinghuang, Ruotao and the others agreed, pulling out their swords and waiting for them.

But what is very strange is that these evil spirits don't seem to be attacking everyone, but they seem to be fleeing and avoiding some kind of threat behind them.

"Everyone, don't act rashly." Suddenly, Guan Heng waved his hand and shouted, "Don't attack these guys, I want to see what kind of people are chasing them."


Hearing this, Qinghuang and Qianxin immediately took a few steps back with the other sisters. Then, Guan Heng suddenly flicked his fingers, "Shhhhhh! Huhhhh!" In an instant, more than ten bursts of fiery energy erupted. Suddenly breaking through the air, Kankan came to the front of many evil spirit kings.

"Boom-boom-boom--" In the blink of an eye, fire bursts out, forming a large towering wall of fire around the Evil Spirit King, quickly blocking the opponent's path.

Seeing that they could no longer escape, the evil spirit kings screamed in anger, but these guys didn't have the guts to rush through the wall of fire to escape, so they could only wander around constantly, shouting that they were unlucky.

"Hooooooh--" At this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly erupted, and a huge shadow of evil spirit flew from behind again. When everyone saw it, they immediately became happy.

It turned out that the other party turned out to be the Great Evil Spirit King who was bitten by the dogs and fled into the deep pit in a hurry. At this time, because the fire wall blocked the view, the Great Evil Spirit King did not notice Guan Heng and they were nearby. If so, this guy might turn around and run away immediately.

"Everyone, don't alarm each other first." The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a playful smile appeared on Guan Heng's face, and then he continued: "Let these guys bite the dog first, it should be quite interesting."

"Hehehe, Ah Heng is right." Qing Huang also said with a smile, "Let's do it like this, let's watch the fun first."

"However, this group of guys should be a group, right?" Gusang girl said at this time: "Why do you want to kill each other?"

"It's a very simple question, you'll understand it after a little thought."

Guan Heng explained: "The Great Evil Spirit King was scared away by the Dog King and the dogs just now, he must be worried that he will be hunted down by us, and now escape or resist, there are only two options available, so this guy plans to Devouring the evil spirit kings to strengthen their own strength, trying to protect themselves."

"So that's the case. If you analyze it like this, it does make some sense." Hearing these words, Qin Xin asked: "Then what are we going to do? Are you just watching the Great Evil Spirit King devour other spirit bodies?"

"Then watch it."

Guan Heng said slowly: "Don't talk about eating a few evil spirit kings, what if this guy swallows hundreds of them? It is still not our opponent. On the contrary, the more evil spirits it absorbs, the more evil spirits it absorbs. The better the better, isn't it?"

"Yes, you are so right."

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