Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1200: Oncoming foreign enemies (first)

"It's me again!" Borui walked reluctantly to the night elf boy and said with a voice of mosquito fan wings: "Sorry, little boy."

Because Borui said that the last three words were fast and vague, it was a flash, so even the boy himself didn't hear it clearly. Guan Heng came to the round at this time: "Sorry little brother, talk behind the scenes You are our fault, please forgive us. "

"Your elder brother is very polite, okay, then I will forgive you." After the little boy said, he turned and left, and Guan Heng suddenly called him: "So, how about everyone making friends? My name is Guan Horizontal, what's your name? "

"I'm the best archer of the night elves. My name is Dorie." The boy dropped the sentence and ran away a few moments later.

"Well, what is the best archer of the night elves, I think it is the most arrogant little fart of the night elves." Borui spit his tongue out into the distance, then turned his head and said to Guan Heng: "Boss, auction The meeting is also over, are we going to head to the Carlin Mountains and find the bad luck of the Iron Dragon Riding Team ... "

"Booming--" Before Borui's words fell, he heard huge vibrations all around, a chaos in the King City of the Kingdom of Germany. At the same time, the entire auction building trembled violently. .

"No, something happened." Guan Heng waved to the other four companions. "Hurry out of the auction building and evacuate the crowd by the way."

"Okay!" Borui and others agreed, and immediately scattered to find the crowd who had not had time to evacuate.


Time, back to a few minutes ago, at the end of the city of Zhan De facing the sea, dozens of huge black shadows appeared in the air and in the sea. Seeing this scene, the guard on the wall shouted loudly: "It's the Dragon, Dragon The Legion began to attack our Kingdom of Germany, and fired at once! "

"Booming--" In a hurry, more than a dozen ultra-long-range metal guided cannons were pushed out of the ramparts of the city wall, and they started firing in a forward direction: "Bang Bang!"

Numerous cannonballs wrapped in strong wind hit the evil dragon approaching in the air, and a plume of dark smoke rose, and a large amount of mist suddenly appeared on the sea.

"Hahaha, the evil dragon has been repelled." Shou yelled excitedly and punched the city bricks in the duokou: "The magical artillery of our occupation of the Kingdom of Germany is invincible, and the dragon team has no fight back. Force, they're a fart! "

"Hoo--" The next moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew across the sea and the air, the fog formed by the smoke was dispersed, and a roar of a furious dragon rang out suddenly: "Oh!"

"Hey hey, really a group of stupid and short-sighted humans." In the dark corners of the city, there are weird eyes staring at this battle all the time: "How can magical artillery be rivals of the Dragons?"

The magic artillery was invalid. Just when the soldiers and defenders of the Zander Kingdom were amazed, the dragons in the sea and the dragons in the sky had struck the kingdom guard soldiers on the harbour and the city walls like lightning.

"Bang, bang!" The violent evil dragon swept past the giant tail, and dozens of soldiers screamed in sorrow and sorrow, and then fell down to the sea and the city wall, "Hoo-crackle crackle!" The fiery dragon's breath kept burning. With the magical artillery on the city wall, the sharp weapons created at a high price were turned into molten metal in an instant.

"Abominable, stop these monsters!"

Dozens of spears were wrapped in strong winds to break through the stabs, and they were brushed together on the dragon, but they were slightly shaken by the opponent, and the tip of the gun was immediately broken, and those spearmen were also shot by the dragon's claws. On the ground, a broken body fell, and for a time, the army of Zhan De Kingdom fell down, and the dragons shouted loudly and hurled towards the city.

"Abominable dragon, I killed you!"

At this time, a fitness figure suddenly appeared on the street. Instead of retreating with the horrified panic crowd, he rushed forward in the direction of the dragon.

"Yeah!" Jiao Jianying was as fast as electricity. Several ups and downs reached the commanding heights of an attic, watching a approaching dragon, this man raised his arms and turned his wrists, took off a long bow, and drew an arrow. , Aimed at Leng Sensen's arrowhead Feng Ya.

"I am the people visited by the God of the Moonlight, the wind whisperer in the jungle, and my arrow of arrow will run through the evil enemy, and wipe out the shame of the tribe with the blood of the other party!"

"嗖 ——" With the boy's groaning, a strong wind wrapped in the air turned into a sharp arrow of lightning, nailed into the eyes of the dragon hundreds of meters away!

"Boom!" The blindness caused the dragon to lose its mind suddenly. It slammed madly at the companion it had passed by. "Bang!" The two dragons slammed forward and fell forward. Ground, suddenly rolled into a ball.

"Huh, it succeeded." It was Guan Ye who was the night elven boy Dou Lie they met at the auction site. It didn't occur to him that his young age and the skill of long-range bows and arrows were so exquisite. Amazing.

However, although the juvenile made a success with his arrows, he also exposed his goal in the attic. A furious dragon swooped down from the air, "Hoo-ooh!" Longkou Longxi swept across the entire attic, and was eager to Turn this place into coke.

"Yeah!" The panicked night elf boy was too hesitant to rush out of the attic window with his hands clasped, and fell straight to the ground. "Boom!" The attic behind the boy was instantly heated by the fiery dragon. Breathing, a piece of burning wood wrapped in a strong wind flew out, "Oh!" The impartial nail hit the shoulder of the night elf boy.

"Uh-huh!" The boy screamed after being hit hard, tumbling obliquely from three or four meters away from the street, his head slamming into the opposite wall!

"Danger!" "Alas!" In a low snoring sound, a dark shadow emerged from the oblique stab, his toes were a little on the wall, and he hugged the night elf boy.

"Slam!" Imela found when she was holding multiple rows of landings. She had a deep wound on her shoulder, and Imela shouted back to Zuo Wei, who ran over: "Hurry up and treat this child."

"Healing!" Zuo Wei pointed at the injured shoulder with the priest's staff, and the bleeding position immediately began to close the scab.

"Uh ... are you?" The boy Dorie opened his eyes slightly, saw the other two, and suddenly touched his wound. He suddenly frowned and suddenly took a breath of air conditioning: "It hurts."

"Don't move anymore, or the wound healed will crack."

As soon as Zuo Wei had said this, he heard a scream of a dragon from the air. It turned out that Borui's fierce fire mantra burned the dragon's wings. At the same time, Guan Heng waved the blade of the dragon's teeth at the speed of electric light flint: "Hurricane Ice Slayer!"

—— [2016.5.25 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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