Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1221: Hit the west

"Huh, **** avatar fake, what are you screaming for?"

The giant soul demon swallowed the flesh in front of him, and sneered sneerly: "I can't catch that ancient beast and swallow your avatar that is condensed with life essence. I can also recover 30% of my strength. Don't worry, wait for me. After eating the flesh, it's your turn. "

Already and Abu quietly touched the nearby Guan Heng to hear this sentence, and quickly looked up to watch. It turned out that there was a mask surrounded by several spirits and monsters on the side of the World of Warcraft Corps Mountain. There was a mask that looked exactly like the rain beast. The avatar, but the whole body is close to transparent, looks abnormally weak.

"The water body that prays for the essence of the rain beast **** water is this."

Guan Heng looked at his palm at this time. When he left the fountain of miracles, he prayed for the rain beast to draw a simple magic spell matrix in Guan Heng ’s palm with his own blood, as long as Guan Heng could touch the water body. , It will change back into the spirit of the spirit of the spirit group and drill into Guan Heng's body, so that it is easy to bring back.

"Now set the target, Yabu, to attract the attention of the great soul demon." Guan Heng said to the soul-absorbing beast, "Go for some time for me, I will save the water body of the rain beast."

"But I, I'm afraid ..." Abu just said a discouraged word, Guan Heng glanced at it immediately: "Stupid, if you always do this, you are just a coward in your life, are you willing?"

"That's good." When Abu Guan heard this, Abu gritted his teeth. "I'll try it, but you have to hurry to save me, I'm afraid I can't support it."

"Rest assured, you remember to lead the big soul demon farther away." Guan Heng whispered in a low voice: "I saved Moisture Body and will go to you immediately."

The next moment, Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, braved his courage and rushed out. It landed not far behind the big soul demon and shouted, "Hey, I, I want to eat you!"

"Huh ?! Where is the mutant pig monster? How dare you mad in front of my soul demon king!" The big soul demon turned around and saw Yabu standing in front of himself with a little trembling, and roared immediately: "Do you want to eat me? I I still want to eat you !!! "

"Snoring--" Abu saw the horrible appearance of the other side, and immediately frightened his soul. He suddenly sprayed a mist of bones on the face of the big soul demon, then turned and ran: "Hey, fool, Come catch me. "

"Uh ah-what is this ?!" Although Bone Fog can only melt the flesh of ordinary creatures, it has no lethality to the big soul demon, but it still makes its eyes unable to see the thing, and the big soul demon is about to condense. The entity, so almost choked by this bone fog.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" The big soul demon screamed and waved his claws to disperse the bone fog, and then flew up into the air, chasing directly towards Abu rushing in the distance.

"Good opportunity." Guan Heng jumped into the huge mountain stream at this moment, took three steps and made two steps, and in a blink of an eye, ran to the light curtain of the soul and demon who was trapped in the water, and suddenly trapped a few with the demonic power of swallowing ghosts and monsters. The soul monster of the water body turned into a spar.

"Patter!" Four horror stones fell to the ground and were seized by Guan Hengshun. At this moment, the light curtain imprisoned with water disappeared instantly. The frightened guy Huo stood up and fled. Guan Heng used it without hesitation. The palm of his hand drew on top of his head.

"Oh!" The water body of Praying Rain Beast instantly changed back to a look of "Essence of Shenshui". Guan Heng, in accordance with the method taught to him before the rain beast, called for the essence of Shenshui. Body, but just then, something unexpected happened.

Guan Heng himself also fused a seven-star sea snake king beast soul. After the beast soul was fused, it shrank into the size of a walnut, staying quietly in Guan Heng's brain, waiting for dispatch at any time, but praying for the rain beast **** The moment the essence of water entered Guan Heng's body, the Seven Star Sea Snake King Beast Soul suddenly had a change of action, and it suddenly fluttered at the essence of Shenshui, and suddenly coiled on it.

At the same time, Guan Heng suddenly felt that his power of integrating the beast soul had disappeared. In a sudden surprise, he quickly crushed a seven-star sea serpent soul stone and merged the power of the beast soul, but at this time the essence of the **** water was Without any movement, it is still the same as before.

"It's strange that the beast soul of the Seven Stars Sea Snake King was taken away by the spirit of Shenshui ?!" Guan Heng was puzzled by this matter, but this is not the time for careful consideration, because Yabu is still waiting for himself. Rescue it.

At this moment, hundreds of meters away from the mountain stream, the big soul demon chased Yabu in an uproar and righteously, and shouted loudly: "Little pig monster, what are you running? Let this uncle swallow you up. "

"Well, your grandfather is a pig monster." Although Abu was fat and bulky, he escaped, and his four short legs were not slow at all. He ran back and scolded: "Dead soul demon, stink soul demon You have the ability to chase me. "

"Woo--whoohoo!" While fleeing, Yabu spouted a few mouthfuls of bone fog to block the sight of the big soul demon. The big soul demon yelled and scolded repeatedly, and waved his claws repeatedly to disperse the dense fog.

At this moment, Yabuya suddenly turned around, and suddenly opened his mouth and sucked in the face of the big soul demon not far away: "Drink!" A powerful suction suddenly occurred, and the big soul demon suddenly caught off guard and suddenly He was forced to pull forward for several meters, but it was powerful, and immediately struggling in the air, he immediately got rid of the suction of Yabu's big mouth.

"Oh, I missed it." Yabu didn't **** the big soul demon into his mouth, and his heart was suddenly frightened: "I didn't expect that the soul demon was so powerful that it could break away from my suction. It's awful."

"I think you are a monster. It turned out to be a soul-sucking beast."

The big soul enchanted lingered in the air for a while, and it chuckled: "I didn't expect to meet big prey in this place. If you are an adult soul sucker, I still feel a little tricky, just a weak cub, so I will I can easily swallow you, it must be a great meal. "

"Ah ?! It's not a big event, let's slip away." Yabu saw that Bone Mist and Soul Suck did not work. If he stayed in place, he would sooner or later become a delicious meal in the mouth of the big soul demon, so he dare not hesitate Turned around and plunged into the bushes, ran away.

"Soul-sucking beast, I see where you are going!" The big soul demon blew a gust of wind in the air, chasing after it, and laughed wildly in his mouth: "Be a good meal for the uncle."

"Miscellaneous things, you don't want to hurt it!" Not far away suddenly came the sound of wind and clothes, Guan Heng has rushed to the vicinity of the big soul demon several times, he shouted: "Yabu, come back Well, you don't have to run away, I'll take care of this guy. "

"Are you a human?" The big soul demon saw the menacing Guanheng, and suddenly felt a terrible shock. It screamed, "It is impossible, ordinary humans cannot see our soul demon."

—— [Fourth more of 2016.5.31, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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