Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12294: Consecutive wins (first update)

"Crack! Hiss!"

It was too late, but it was too soon. The skinny corpse dog opened its mouth and bit the back of the neck of the black-breasted hair demon beast, and then tore it with force. In an instant, the flesh on the opponent's neck was torn apart. It splashed out.


The sudden pain was unbearable, and the black-chested-haired evil beast uttered a series of miserable howls. This guy immediately ran towards the front without thinking, just to hit his own group of companions, scaring the other evil beasts into swarms. run away.


The seriously injured black-breasted evil beast suddenly slammed into the nearby rock wall, and his head shattered to death. At this moment, the skinny corpse dog had already jumped to the ground and sauntered back to the dog king. The corpse dog king also used his claws. He patted the other person on the shoulder to show his appreciation.

"Wang wang, **** woo!" At this time, when the group of dogs saw their own victory in the first battle, they all shouted proudly, and some of them turned their backs towards the evil beast and swayed to and fro, intending to mock and provoke.

"Ow!" Seeing this scene, the Evil Beasts were furious and furious, each and everyone roaring, wanting to rush over and desperately.

But at the next moment, the fox-eared evil beast as the leader raised its claws and signaled its companions to stop shouting. At this moment, it glanced at the king of corpse dogs and signaled that the other party should send a subordinate to fight this time.

"Wang woo!" Nodding, the corpse dog king immediately waved his paw, "Bang!" In the next instant, a corpse dog with a crisscross scar on its face fell aggressively in the middle, and then moved towards the evil beast team. He let out a snarling bark: "Wow!"

The fox-eared evil beast had a look of resentment when he saw his subordinates.

"Dong, dong, dong!" At this time, heavy footsteps sounded from far to near, and a huge figure squeezed past the group of beasts in front of him and came to the front of the fox-eared evil beast.

As soon as he saw the other party appear, the fox-eared evil beast's eyes suddenly showed a happy look, and then nodded towards the other party, signaling this guy to hurry up and kill the Scarface Corpse Dog.

The huge evil beast looks like a hornless rhinoceros. This guy has a sturdy body and exudes a heavy evil energy. It is obviously experienced in battles. dog.

The scar-faced corpse dog grinned, not caring about the difference in size with the other party, and suddenly swooped towards it.

"Boom!" It was too late, but it was too fast. The heads of the corpse dog and the hornless evil rhino suddenly collided.

In fact, the size of the hornless evil rhino was more than three times that of the Scarface Corpse Dog, but the confrontation with the opponent ended in a tie, which means that this guy's strength is much worse than that of the Scarface Corpse Dog!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

His head was dizzy after being hit by the corpse dog, almost staring at Venus. Only then did the hornless evil rhino realize that the other party was not easy to mess with, and then looked at the corpse dog with a hint of dread. The Horned Evil Rhino suddenly roared and charged towards the enemy again.

Anxious in its heart, it decided to do everything in its power to attack its opponent, so as not to capsize in the small river ditch.

However, the Scarface Corpse Dog is obviously experienced in combat. In the face of the attack of the fat and strong hornless evil rhino, it does not intend to confront the opponent repeatedly, because in that case, the smaller self will suffer quite a loss, and It also consumes a lot of physical strength, which is not worth it.

Therefore, Scarface Corpse Dog's tactics are now mainly roaming, "Swish swish—swish swish—" In the blink of an eye, Scarface Corpse Dog had already run away in circles around the Hornless Evil Rhino.

This guy looked left and right, couldn't help being dazzled and dizzying. At this moment, trying to capture the other party's trace was as difficult as going to the sky. The next moment, the anxious hornless evil rhino thought of a stupid way. The front paws hit the ground viciously.

"Bang bang bang! Boom!" In a blink of an eye, the hornless evil rhino's claws penetrated into the soil, forcibly shaking the surrounding earth and rocks, and immediately smashed into the galloping scar-faced corpse dog with the wind. .

"Wang Woo!"

"Ping ping pong pong!" Seeing the stones coming, the Scarface Corpse Dog was not afraid at all, and History roared, waving its sharp claws to repeatedly hit the soil and stones, shaking them into powder.

"Bang!" But at the next moment, the hornless evil rhino also seized this opportunity and swooped towards the Scarface Corpse Dog, waving its claws and scratching its face.

"Hey!" It was too late to say, but it was fast at that time, because the corpse dog, who was a little slower to dodge, was suddenly rubbed by the sharp claws on his cheek because he was busy dealing with the flying stones, leaving a scar.

Just when the evil rhino was complacent, the Scarface Corpse Dog's counterattack also arrived, "Crack!" In the flash of lightning, the Corpse Dog twisted its neck abruptly, opened its mouth to bite, and gnawed on the opponent's claws that didn't have time to retract. , immediately closed his fangs, and bit off half of the opponent's claws.

"Ow, ow—" In an instant, the hornless evil rhinoceros who felt extremely painful roared miserably, staggered back seven or eight steps, and immediately left a series of **** footprints on the ground.


The scar-faced corpse dog, which did not give the other party a chance to breathe, suddenly jumped up, and slammed the headbutt into the forehead of the hornless evil rhinoceros. The blood mist rushed out with a hissing sound, terrible to watch!

"Den, Deng, Deng..." The hornless evil rhino, which was hit hard one after another, was dazed and staggered back again.

This guy was blinded by blood from the forehead wound, and he could barely see anything. He lost half of his front paws, and now he can't stand still, and he basically lost most of his fighting ability.

At this moment, the grinning corpse dog is constantly approaching, and it is about to strike the opponent with a fatal blow, but at such a time, it suddenly changes!

Seeing that his side was about to lose again in the second round, the fox-eared evil beast's eyes were full of fierceness. This guy suddenly winked at a one-horned evil ape beside him. The dog swooped over, intending to make a sneak attack while the other party was invisible.

"Baoso!" At this moment, a swift shadow appeared in the corpse dog team. It was a corpse dog with half of its left ear missing.

Seeing the enemy sneak attack, this guy didn't have time to say hello to the dog king, he rushed out like an arrow from the string, just stopped the one-horned evil ape, "Crack!" Ape on the left knee.

The guy suddenly screamed in pain, and jumped up and down while clutching his leg.

"Crack!" At the same time, the scar-faced corpse dog took the opportunity to bite the neck and throat of the hornless evil rhinoceros, twisting its body like a spinning top, tearing the opponent's neck abruptly.

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