Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12299: The worm hatched (the first one)

"Is it about to break the shell?"

Ruo Tao had a curious look on her face at this time, and she came closer to observe carefully, "La La La..." It was too late to say, but it was too soon. There were several cracks on the surface of one of the cocoons, and Gusang Nv took a shot. Ruo Tao's shoulders, casually said: "Tao Tao, stand back, lest you scare the insects that are about to come out."

"What?" Hearing this, Ruo Tao's face was a little unsightly, and she immediately said, "Why do you say I would scare it?"

"Then why don't you ask? Because you look ugly!" Gu Sangnu said with a hint of joking.

"Bah, if you say I'm ugly, then we're on a par, and you're ugly too."

As she said that, Ruo Tao also stretched out her hand and squeezed Gusang Nu's face. The two immediately wanted to play, and Guan Heng put his index finger to his lips and whispered, "Shh, be quiet, look there." He raised his finger to the callus and continued, "It's coming out soon."


It was too late, but it was fast, the crack of the cocoon burst open, and a small head drilled out of it immediately. Continue to walk forward, suddenly stepped on the air, and fell directly towards the ground.

"Hey, be careful." Having said that, Guan Heng stretched out his hand, letting the other party fall into his palm, and the girls and other companions immediately came together to watch carefully.

This is a green, pointed worm with six segments, and its body is less than half a chi long. At this moment, it suddenly felt that it had fallen into Guan Heng's palm, and it seemed a little scared. snail shell.

"Hey hey, it's interesting."

When she said this, Ruo Tao carefully stretched out her index finger and gently touched the body of the emerald green pointed worm, the guy still curled up tightly, not daring to move, Guan Heng said: "Hey, little girl, you Scared it."

"How can there be?" Ruo Tao defended: "It was already like this when this little bug fell into your palm."

"啾啾..." At this moment, the golden wren chick lying on Ruotao's shoulder suddenly let out a low cry, and suddenly landed on Guan Heng's wrist, and even pecked at the emerald green bug with his small beak.

"Wren, Wrenbao, don't eat it." Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao was startled, and immediately gave a low voice.

Guan Heng didn't seem anxious at all, he just stretched out his other hand, lightly combed the feathers on the head of the golden wren chick, and said with a smile, "Wenbao, do you like this little bug? It's the same as the gluttonous little wren on your body. , are very interesting bugs."

"啾Oh?" Hearing Guan Heng's voice, the little golden wren blinked, then shook his body, "Boom!" It was too late to say, but then soon, the two gluttonous little wrens suddenly slid from its fluffy feathers. Inner rolled into Guan Heng's palm.

"Hey, Xiao Yun's appearance seems to be somewhat similar to the emerald green worm." Qian Xin whispered next to her.

"Really? I'll take a look."

As soon as they heard this, the girls immediately became interested, and they all gathered around, looking left and right, the gluttonous little cricket was used to being surrounded by people, so she shook her body as if nothing had happened, and actually crawled towards the emerald green worm, and then He also used his tentacles to gently touch the green bug.

The guy seemed to be appeased by Xiao Yun, so he gradually loosened his tightly curled body, and then touched Xiao Yun's tentacles with his pointed head, greeting each other, and seemed to be familiar with each other.

At this time, Guan Heng quietly stretched out his index finger, releasing a trace of spiritual energy, and suddenly circled around the emerald green bug a few times, the bug was stunned for a while, and then let out a cheerful low voice: "Zhizhizhi !"

It turned out that the little worm realized that Guan Heng's breath was familiar to him. This was the smell of the aura that penetrated into his cocoon-shaped worm shell, and it was the one that let him break out of the shell, so the emerald worm immediately began to absorb this breath.

"Shhhhh!" In the blink of an eye, a whole circle of pale yellow narrow objects suddenly erected around the pointed head of the emerald green worm, and Qianxin whispered: "Hey, it looks like a sunflower now, Are you right?"

"Uh, after hearing what my sister said, it's really similar." After watching carefully, Qing Huang whispered, "Ah Heng, what do you think?"

"The circle around its head seems to be a piece of nails. In order to facilitate the guidance and absorption of the surrounding spiritual energy, such a piece of nails exists, and the little insect that erects the piece of nails really looks like a sunflower head. of."

When Guan Heng said this, he suddenly saw the Shui Xuan spirit beast flying over quietly and silently. What is this worm called?"

"Oh... I know I know, but..." After a short pause, the Shui Xuan spirit beast scratched its head in embarrassment, and then continued: "When I saw this guy, I remembered some bad things from the past. Experience, hehehe..."

"Hey, what's the matter, you've had a lot of embarrassing things in the past, and we're all tired of hearing them. Of course, if you expose your own shortcomings, we don't mind listening to them again." Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "Now Just let everyone know."

"Uh, this..." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the Shui Xuan spirit beast felt a little embarrassed, and the next to Qian Xin and Ruo Tao urged them: "Xiao Shui Shui, let's talk, let's talk."

"Yes, yes, the big deal, we promise you, after listening to it, we will definitely not laugh at you."

"Well, I'll just say, it's all in the past anyway."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast said at this time: "I remember that it was before I became a Water Race Divine Beast. Back then, I traveled all over the place, made a lot of friends, and had a great reputation..."

"Stop, stop, you'd better keep this self-bragging **** and talk about it later." Guan Heng waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Let's go straight to the topic."

"Hey, can't you just ask me to say a few more words?" Obviously, the Water Profound Spirit Beast was a little unhappy about Guan Heng's interruption of his "Prestigious Water History".

But seeing the girls all looking at him attentively, this guy sighed and had to stop talking about those topics for the time being.

It continued: "One year, I happened to go to a different world full of plants, where I found a small nest suitable for naps and sleep, and I fell in love with it for a while, and began to live there temporarily. "

According to the Water Profound Spirit Beast, at that time, apart from sleeping, it occasionally went out for food when it was hungry. Such food is often lacking, making it feel inexplicable and think it is a robbery.

Because the food was often lost, the water mysterious spirit beast was very angry. It cheered up and vowed to catch those thieves who stole the food and punish them severely.

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