Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1230: Transformation of Yalong (third)

"Success, did you kill this guy?" Guan Heng smashed the enemy leader, but instinctively felt that the matter was not over. When he said that time was fast, Guan Heng inadvertently looked up and saw where the soul-absorbing beast Yabu stood. He suddenly shouted, "Yabu, run to my side."

"Uh ?!" Yabu heard Guan Heng's cry, and he moved forward subconsciously, but it was a little slower. At this moment, he heard a loud noise at Yabu's feet, and there was a huge monster head. Suddenly appeared, stunned, the object slammed into Yabu's body with a thunderbolt.

"Oops!" Abu screamed and flew out in pain, and when he hit a stone wall, Guan Heng couldn't look at Abu's injury at this time because the head of the behemoth suddenly turned towards himself. Fly over.

"Huh?" Guan Heng looked at him with blood dripping on his head and a shocking huge knife mark. He secretly cried, "This is the guy who was just killed by me. Are there two giant monsters?" ! "

Between the electric light and the flint, he couldn't think much about it. Guan Heng's figure suddenly rushed forward, and he moved to the side of the giant monster's head. He suddenly yelled, "After two points of the corpse, I see if you can be resurrected! "

The dragon tooth blade in the palm suddenly attached a layer of red color. This time it is not the ordinary inflammation magic sword power, but the power of the dragon's breath crystal in Guan Heng's body. The ten-meter-long invisible knife power draws a half-arc trajectory. The turbulent momentum, as if even the mountains can be cut off with a single blade, the blade is smashed, but it is weird and silent, and it passes the huge monster's neck lightly.

"Tongtong!" The huge head slammed into the ground, and the dark red blood of the rapids spewed out from the wound, and the river covered the ground in a short time.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooututuu saying ..." A terrible tragic sound suddenly sounded, and the shadow of the beast soul slowly appeared on the body of the monster.

In the blink of an eye, Guan Heng turned the beast soul into a soul stone. At this moment, he ran to the stone wall where Yabu fell, and reached out and patted the soul sucker's head: "Yabu, are you dead?"

"Uh, it hurts." Yabu lying on the ground screamed, "Would you just tap it? I would have been slapped by your slap even if I hadn't died."

"It's okay to call pain." Guan Henghuo stood up and threw a soul stone at his hand: "Eat it, add some physical strength, we can go out immediately."

"Click!" Abu opened his mouth to bite the soul stone, and immediately creaked, and asked, "Why, have you found a way out?"

"It's the message I got from the memory of this monster soul stone."

Guan Heng looked around and said: "It turned out that this behemoth is not two, but ... it has two heads. This thing is called a" two-headed earthworm dragon ". It has no limbs, only two heads and tails, and is used to being dark. Underground survival, which was deliberately arranged here to prepare to attack outsiders. "

"The two-headed earthworm's intelligence is not too low. It has a rough impression of the environment and access routes here." Guan Heng told Yabu. "According to this guy's memory, he can probably walk out of the Carlinlun Mountains. Hinterland, however, I must first find Maze and Dorie. "

"Huh ?!" Just when Guan Heng wanted to leave, Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, suddenly cried, "There seems to be something in the hole drilled by this two-headed earthworm dragon!"


On the other side, Ma Ze and Dole groped forward, and they dug out the magic explosion spar buried in the soil carefully, Dole's mouth cursed: "Fuck the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment, when I will All these magic spar fell on your heads. "

"唰-唰!" In the darkness, two cold stars flickered away, and Ma Ze had already struck the two black Yalongs who had volleyed into the air, and then flung their bodies behind him, he whispered softly. He said, "It looks like we are coming to an end."

"Well, but it seems that I haven't found a way out." Dorie began to talk more involuntarily at this time: "How about Brother Brother Heng? Maybe he will find us first."

"Oh, yeah." A smile passed gently across the corner of Maze's mouth, and he whispered, "Guanheng is a person who doesn't have to worry about others, because he can do it no matter what difficulties he encounters. Quickly think of a solution, maybe this is an extraordinary talent. "

"Uh-huh, although I have only just met for two days, I also think that Brother Heng Heng is very powerful." Dorie said with excitement: "The sharp means when he killed the evil dragon made me envious."

Suddenly, Ma Ze made a snoring gesture, Dorie immediately noticed, and quickly closed his mouth. The two groped forward for a few meters. They had clearly heard a heavy gasp, and there was another saying No suffocating rancid taste.

"It's just around the corner!" Ma Ze argued the direction of his voice, and suddenly swung the keel spear in his palm. The other party's response was also swift and incoherent. Hearing the bad wind in front of him, the monster at the corner was steep Suddenly waving her claws, she exclaimed and scratched.

"Animals, your doom is here!" The opponent's unusually sharp grasping approached, but Ma Ze's eyes flashed a bit of fierce color, and the keel spear came straight out without hesitation. "Oh!" Leaning through the giant palm of the monster, he twisted into it and drilled into its chest ribs!

I only heard the sound of the cleft bone cracking endlessly. The red mist sprayed wildly in this monster's mouth and suddenly fell backward.

"Oh!" Ma Ze shook off the blood on the tip of the gun, strode up and took a look, and suddenly a dignified color appeared in his eyes: "This is it ?!"

"Yeah, what kind of monster is this?" Douri, who came over to watch it, was startled, and saw what was lying in front of him. He was tall and stout, with small ears and long mouth, and his eyes were extremely horrible, with a pair of sharp claws. It's extremely sharp, even if it's easy to cut mountains.

"This is a physically modified Yalong ..." Ma Ze suddenly whispered, "I didn't expect these lunatic guys to do this kind of experiment!"

"Maze, what experiment are you talking about?" Upon hearing this, Dorie was somewhat inexplicable, but there was a faint feeling of trembling.

"I heard the news when I was the head of the Dragon Army."

Ma Ze slowly said: "The upper levels of the Dragon Legion have been working on a study called 'Dragon Transformation'. At that time, Tivilo of the Demon Dragon Legion and Kouhan of the Phantom Dragon Legion were ordered to lead the congregation on the mainland of Saint Lumprum. The creatures of every race, including humans, elves, dwarves, and some other Warcraft, are used as experiments for this kind of research. "

—— [The third update of 2016.6.2, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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