Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12308: Huge turbid spiritual body (the fifth eruption)

"Xuuuuuu!" In the blink of an eye, the aura of Mu Xuan in Guan Heng's palm turned into hundreds of grains of rice-sized Mu Lingzhi eyes, and he was violently thrown in that direction.

"Whoosh whoosh-huhuhuhu--" The next moment, Mu Lingzhi's eyes kept spinning sharply in the air, and then released countless mysterious auras, which spread out towards the bottom.


"Hahahaha!" Because the Wood Spirit Wisdom Eye has an extremely strong power to smash evil, after being enveloped by its light, the black-scaled monster and the invisible spirit body suddenly let out a shrill scream, which seemed very painful.

However, these are all incidental. As long as the light of Mu Lingzhi’s eyes shines on a separate area, the light of Mu Xuan’s spiritual energy instantly covers the place, and after a few breaths, a scream and wailing sounded: “Ow, woo- "


Immediately afterwards, a huge and incomparably turbid spiritual body emerged. This guy's body was grayish-white, like a huge beast head with a large mouth. It flew out of the big mouth of the body.

Seeing this thing, even the black-scale monsters were shocked, especially the leader of the monsters. How could this guy think that the enemy who had fought with him for a long time was like this.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the black-scale monster let out a shrill howl, signaling all his companions and himself to rush over, vowing to destroy the huge turbid spiritual body.

The biggest weakness of the turbid spiritual body is that the movement speed is too slow, otherwise it will not release countless spiritual body clones to fight the monsters. Once its main body is attacked by the enemy, it will be difficult to even dodge.

So seeing the black-scale monster attacking, the turbid spiritual body spit out hundreds of spiritual body clones again, flocking to the monster in front of him, trying to prevent the other party from continuing to approach him.

But this time, the leader of the monsters has learned to be smart. Seeing the invisible spiritual body clone attacking, this guy suddenly screamed, "Boom! Shasha!" Between the lights and flints, the group of monsters evaded, and the spiritual body cloned. The child fluttered.

Just as those clones were at a loss and planning to continue looking for their targets, the black-scale monsters gathered from the left and right sides again, and then burst out with a series of noises and roars: "Ouch—"

The weakness of these invisible spiritual body clones is still that they cannot suffer from noise collision. At this time, when they are affected, they immediately stagnate and tremble in the air, which greatly affects their own mobility. Taking this opportunity, the black-scaled monsters flew up and sucked forcefully. The avatar of the spirit body keeps the opponent sharply reduced until they all disappear.

With the little minions to deal with those spirit body clones, the leader of the black-scale monster is much more relaxed. This guy scurried, and in a flash, he reached the huge turbid spirit body, raised his claws and scratched.

"Hi!" In an instant, the turbid spiritual body was attacked suddenly, and several cracks appeared on the surface of the body, but this guy didn't care, and immediately released a large amount of breath to make up for the damage.


"Chak chah chah!" For the next few breaths, the leader of the black-scale monster kept swiping his claws and scratching at the turbid spiritual body, but it was like scratching his boots, unable to cause any effective damage to the opponent, instead it angered the huge turbid spiritual body.

"Shhhh!" It was too late, but it was fast, the turbid spiritual body suddenly spread out the range of the spiritual body, swelled several times, and immediately shrouded the leader of the attacking monster.

This guy kept struggling, trying to escape the control of this spiritual body, but unfortunately it seemed to be in a confined space, struggling repeatedly was useless, and because he couldn't breathe, he became weaker and weaker, and he was about to mourn.

Suddenly, the leader of the black-scale monster thought of something, and then it suddenly burst into a roar: "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

"Bang bang, bang bang!" The surface of the turbid spiritual body kept shaking, and several huge holes appeared in response!

The howl of the vicious monster leader is really effective. Similarly, the turbid spirit body is also afraid of this noise and lacks an effective way to resist it, so it is only because the roar of the vicious monster shatters its own spirit body.

"Swish! Hi!" Seeing the opportunity, the ferocious monster leader rushed out of the spirit body surrounded by lightning and flew outside.

"Batta!" The leader of the monster who fell to the ground frantically fled into the distance, until he and the turbid spirit body were several meters away, the guy stopped, and then looked at the rear with a horrified face. spirit body.

That thing is too dangerous. If it hadn't been for the roaring noise of his own, he could shock the other party a little, and then take the opportunity to escape. I'm afraid he's suffocated to death now. Thinking of this, the monster leader couldn't help but tremble. It is close to the turbid spiritual body, and it is estimated that it does not want to go past if it is killed.

But if you don't destroy the turbid spiritual body, you and your subordinates will definitely lose their lives. What should you do?

Thinking of this, the leader of the black-scale monster subconsciously turned his head to watch, and found that his subordinates had completely absorbed all the invisible spiritual body clones, and added a bit of spirit.

Suddenly, the leader of the monster shook his head. It seemed to have thought of a way to deal with the turbid spiritual body. It just had to sacrifice your little scumbag, but this is also an impossible thing. Losing one or two little scorpions is always there. Much better than being wiped out.

After making up his mind, the leader of the black-scaled monster suddenly issued a whistle, signaling that all the monsters had gathered and he was about to lecture.

Through the despicable sacrifice of the leader and his own escape just now, these same kind of monsters are not very willing to believe it, but the current monsters are like scattered sand, each with their own plans, but life-saving is their first choice.

Therefore, between the hesitations, the black-scale monsters have subconsciously walked up to the leader to see what it intends to say.

At this moment, the monster leader made a series of roars without hesitation, which meant to tell the little scumbags: "I know you **** don't want to believe me, but now, apart from what I think, no one can I'll take you to escape, so it's best for everyone to cooperate!"

Immediately afterwards, the monster leader said that he wanted to implement a plan to defeat the turbid spiritual body, but only by sacrificing two little minions, this plan could increase the chance of success.

The leader said that it does not force anyone to be the victim, but the weak guy had better get out on his own, because sacrificing one or two weak guys can save everyone, which is very worthwhile!

Hearing this, all the black-scaled monsters immediately turned their attention to the two bodies that were trembling like sieves. These two guys had been bruised and bruised after the battle just now, and their strengths belonged to the lowest level of their kind, and they usually handled the least. Also the most unpleasant.

"Ouuuu--" It was too late to say, but it was too fast. The two ferocious monsters who felt bad in their hearts suddenly pulled out of their bodies like electric shocks, and galloped away into the distance. These two guys were extremely afraid of death, so they wanted to let them To be a victim, that is impossible!

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