Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1232: First evil Fuxi (fifth more outbreak)

"Lu De, chasing north!" Guan Heng patted the head of the bird's beak dragon, this guy suddenly fluttered his wings and flew straight into the sky, flying hard.

Since Newin had fled for about ten minutes near the Carlin mountain range, Guan Heng really had a hard time catching up with that guy.

A few minutes later, riding on his own dragon, the fledgling Newin could not help cursing: "Abominable customs, you have caused me to lose the place of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. Today's enemies will be with you sooner or later. Figure it out! "

"The six dragon clan regiments have now been completely destroyed by the human race strong, there are already four, and now only the demon dragon clan and the phantom dragon clan."

At this point, Newin secretly murmured, "Who should I go to? Tivolo of the Devil Dragon Corps has nothing to do with me. Besides, that guy has a bad reputation and is a shameless villain known for betraying his companions."

"No, you must not go to Tivelo, it is tantamount to roasting yourself on fire." Newin made an instant decision: "I went to the home of the Phantom Dragon Army-Stone Devil City to Cohan. All right……"

Without waiting for Newin to figure out his own back road, he heard a roar screaming not far away behind him: "Mixed ball, do you think you can run away?"

"Eh ?! It's Guanheng!" Newin was frightened when he heard this voice. "My mother, how did this guy know my escape route?"

"Battle Dragon Fighting!"

"Hello!" The moment Guan Heng saw Newin, he didn't plan to let the other party live, so he shot it hard. The four sharp and slashing shots in the air, wrapped in fierce wind, brushed together. Split on the dragon that Newin rode.

"Woohoo!" The dragon screamed only half-time after the sword in the dragon. Suddenly, it broke its wings and folded its legs, and then exploded in the air.

It was said that time later, Newin tumbling in the air, and the hand-held dragon rifle jumped up to a cliff. It can be seen that the deputy commander of this iron dragon riding regiment still has two brushes, not just a toy trap. Rogue waste.

"Huh, still want to dying ?!" Guan Hengxi whistled suddenly, and the bird's beak dragonfly spread his wings downwards, saying that time and time later, Guan Heng also raised the cliff from Lude's back.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that after I had fights with you!" He knew that Guan Heng would never be a mess, but he had no choice but to fight hard. He waved the black lance riding a dragon and darted to The other's heart.

"The three-legged cat's gunmanship was also taken out and shameful ?!" Guan Heng's left-handed dragon's blade was up one block, "Bang!" The opponent's dragon riding a gun almost flew away, Guan Heng sneered: "You two downright, even No one can reach Mazar's feet. "

"Don't look down on people, the warriors of the Demons will not let you be slaughtered." In the roar of the sleepy beast, Newin danced the dragon riding a gun a little bit of cold stars like a storm, pouring down like wild rain.

"Compared to me? OK, try it." Guan Heng now acts like a cat and a mouse, playing with each other. His dragon's double-edged sword suddenly made a mistake, "Oh, oh!" , Sen Ran's sword spreads around the whole body, the opponent's dragon riding gun offensive even the hope of progressing half an inch is slim.

"Dangdang Dang! Hey!" Blocked dozens of stabbing lances in succession, Guan Heng suddenly smiled: "I'm tired of playing now."

The words didn't fall, and the double-edged blade in Guan Heng's palm suddenly turned to attack, and the sharp edge suddenly cut three swords on the rod of the dragon riding gun. "Dang!" The dragon riding gun that broke into three pieces suddenly fell to the ground, off The double-knife did not diminish, only listening to the two beeps, Newin felt a cold on his wrist, and his hands separated from his arm immediately!

Suddenly, the pain hurt all over the body, and the blood flow of the bare broken wrist was like a note. Newin suddenly screamed: "Uh-huh ah-" Guan Heng drew his sword sideways and stepped on Newin's lower abdomen. Put him to the ground.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Seeing Guan Heng stepping on his feet, Newin felt that the haze of death had covered his head, and he hurriedly screamed, "As long as you keep my life, I am willing to do anything ... "

It's a pity that Newin hadn't finished the sentence yet. Guan Heng had pulled out something and blocked his mouth tightly.

Seeing the endless fear in his eyes, a sneer flashed at the corner of Guan Heng's mouth: "Do you know what I put in your mouth? It is your favorite magic explosion spar. I want to use this kind of thing to blast us into the sky, and I will let you taste it now. "

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as young newman sneered?) Sneer sneer guan sneer to the bottomless abyss under the cliff!

"Bang--Boom!" It came from the bottom of the valley the next moment, and the mountains around it shook constantly. Newin, of course, was also blasted to death. He spent his life using magic spar to set traps to conceal others. That's why I ended up with such blame.


After a moment, Guan Heng rode the beak dragon back to the station of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. At this time, the battle here was over. The ground was filled with dead dragons and dragon knights. Dorie and Ma Ze were waiting for Guan Heng to return. Yet.

"It seems to have been solved," Guan Heng said with a smile. "I have cleaned up the boy from Newin. Let's go back to the Grand Canyon to find everyone."

"Brother Guan Heng, we found something in the room of the Legion Fortress." Dorie said, handing the contents to Guan Heng, a black cape and a metal mask.

"This seems to be a demigod thief suit ?!" Guan Heng moved in his heart: "Is it Ruta? Put it away before you say it."

The three gathered the magical spar that Ma Ze found just now at the entrance of the fortress, and Guan Heng directly blasted on it with the flame magic knife, turning the dragon army's resident into a sea of ​​ashes.

A few minutes later, in the Grand Canyon of the Karinlun Mountains, Guan Heng and the three of them met with Akin, Borui, and others. Borui said, "I will first take everyone to Madame Jiang Ge's island with the teleportation spell. Right. "

It didn't take long for everyone to return to the island. At this time, it was close to the evening. Guan Heng found Mrs. Jiang Ge and asked a few words. It turned out that the praying rain beast had closed the grotto on the cliff of the island, and was treating Ruta with his full attention there. , Has not yet come out.

"The treatment of Qiyu Beast is not over yet, that's fine." Guan Heng lowered his head and groaned, then said to Mrs. Jiang Ge, "I want to take Borui to a few places to collect some things, to be able to restrain the magic domain Darkness. "

"So amazing, what is it?" Upon hearing what Guan Heng said, Madam Jiang Ge curious, and she immediately said, "Come, tell me quickly."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.2, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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