Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12325: Ancient tree root birch

"What?!" Hearing Chichan's words, the Mad Poison Queen was slightly stunned, and then whispered, "So that's what happened, I understand."

"Hey, Queen Ant, what's going on, please explain to us quickly." The Shui Xuan Spirit Beast got a little impatient waiting beside him, so he said this.

"Hey, have you forgotten how to communicate with alien creatures? Just let them absorb a bit of their own spiritual energy." The Mad Poison Ant Queen said, "Don't try it now."

"Oh, that's right." After hearing this, everyone immediately output a trace of spiritual energy, which Chichan absorbed completely.

These guys seemed to be very hungry, and they ate so much spiritual energy in one breath, but they were not able to hold up. Then, Chi Chan seemed to be less afraid of everyone, so he made a series of calls. This time, the water mysterious spirit beasts finally managed to Hear the meaning.

It turned out that just now, the cicadas living in the green tree roots were still sleeping. After all, there was not much time to find food in the underground area, so they could only rely on dormancy to reduce physical consumption.

But at such a time, a menacing monster plant appeared out of nowhere. The appearance of this guy was the body of a huge dead tree, which suddenly covered the roots of the green trees and devoured them.

According to the meaning of the dead tree body demon plant, it is planned to forcibly refine these "ancient tree root biscuit", but unfortunately there is an accident in the middle, that is, the dead tree body demon plant kills himself, and even provokes a sneak attack on the white-browed old monkey, not only is it impossible to steal chickens Eclipse took the rice, and also took his own life.

"So, we burned the dead tree body demon plant to death, but instead saved the ancient tree root Bijiao who was swallowed by this guy, right?"

"That's right, that's it." The mad poisonous ant queen smiled and said to Bi Ji in her opponent's hand: "Then we are your saviors. You have to repay your gratitude, understand?"

"Squeak?!" Hearing this, Gu Shugen Biji tilted his head and hummed, looking a little confused, as if to say: "We don't have anything, what can we use to repay you?"

"Hehehe, I'm just kidding you. In fact, it's easy to save you, so you don't have to worry about it, as long as you go back with me."

The mad poisonous queen said: "I will ask Guan Ye to adopt you, and then everyone will not have to suffer and starve in the ground. What do you think? If you don't want to go, I won't force it."

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, Biji in the palm of the mad poisonous ant queen was overjoyed, because following the ant queen and them is much better than being unable to eat or sleep well here.

So it suddenly flew to the ground and made a series of low noises to its companions, which meant that it was discussing with everyone.

The result was easy to guess. As long as it wasn't a stupid bug whose head was crushed by a stone, he would choose to follow the water mysterious beast and the mad poisonous queen to leave together. After all, it was not easy to find a place to eat enough these days.

What's more, the mad poisonous ant queen looks very kind, and the water mysterious spirit beasts also look harmless.

It's just that the appearance of King Jia Yao and the old white-browed monkey is a little scary, but as long as you stay away from them, it's fine, all the ancient tree roots and birches think so.

Moreover, the birch in the palm of the mad poisonous ant asked them to bring the ancient tree root too, because it was the home where the birch lived for many years, and they were reluctant to leave it behind.

Strictly speaking, the ancient tree root has been absorbing the underground spiritual energy for many years, and it has gradually developed into a "jade" state, which can almost be called a treasure.

"Okay, then take this tree root and tie it to my back, and let the birches get in and stay there too." King Jia Yao said, shaking his body, the water mysterious beast He nodded and said, "Okay, that's it."

After saying that, it and the mad poisonous ant immediately tied the green tree roots to the back of the king of the yao, and then called the green ants to get in.

Soon, everyone returned to Guan Heng and other companions.

"Ancient tree root bibi? Oh, is that so..." Hearing the description of the water mysterious spirit beast, Guan Heng said casually: "Call out a few and let me take a look."

"Okay." Hearing this, the mad poisonous ant slapped the green tree roots beside her, "Boom!" Immediately, three or five green scorpions sprang out from the gaps in the tree roots. The old monkey and the water mysterious beast are familiar with each other, and now they are not afraid at all.

"Hey, come here." Guan Heng hooked his fingers at a few of them, and the other party immediately rushed into Guan Heng's palm.

Gusangnu smiled and said: "It seems that these guys like wood aura very much, probably because they have lived in the roots of trees for many years, right?"

"Well, that's it." Guan Heng said casually: "This green tree root is very good, because it has absorbed a lot of underground ore breath in the mine for many years, causing it to enter the jade state, which is very suitable for the cypresses to inhabit."

"Oh, by the way, I can remodel this tree root worm nest to make it more comfortable for them to live in." Guan Heng said, poked the birches with his fingers, and everyone immediately gathered and hugged them with their claws. Guan Heng's fingers absorbed the aura that was slowly radiating out.

"Hey, this..." Suddenly, Guan Heng thought of something, and asked again, "Hey, does anyone know what power the cicada-like zerg has?"

"Master, about this matter, I know about the same thing as the queen ant." The evil slug mother said at this moment: "Cicadas are not good at fighting, but they still have the ability to resist extreme heat and cold. of."

"By the way, I thought of one thing."

Guhuang Hulu suddenly added: "I heard from an acquaintance before that it seems that the cicadas like to eat certain foods, so it is difficult for them to find an area suitable for their own habitat, and they have been wandering and migrating for a period of time. "

"What do they like to eat?" Guan Heng asked casually.

"Hmm... I don't know much about this." Gu Huang Houjia thought for a while and replied.

The mad poisonous queen said: "I've heard of this, it should be a vine-like plant."

"Are vines? I have green vines on my body..." Said, Guan Heng took it out of his pocket, and then took out something with a smile: "Haha, I didn't find the green vines, but there was a piece of wine-pulp vines. ."

After saying that, he handed this thing to those who were in his palm, and asked with a smile, "Hey, do you want to try this?"

"Squeak?!" Hearing these words, a few biscuits approached and sniffed the vines, and then shook their heads, and Qianxin next to them said, "Why, these little bugs don't like gnawing on the vines? ?"

"Well... that's not necessarily true." After saying this, Guan Heng found a rock, put the birch and Jing Teng on the rock, and then said: "Hey, do whatever you want. ."

Hearing this, the Bijis nodded and acted immediately.

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