Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12327: weird shallow pit

After Guan Heng said this, he shook the gourd in his hand again, and said, "In the future, any Jingteng wine pulp purified by the breath of birch should never be consumed directly, it must be mixed with honey water or fruit juice and diluted before drinking. Just remember my words."

"Understood." Hearing this, the girls and the beasts such as the magic mandrill all agreed.

"Well, just remember."

Guan Heng smiled, and then said again: "Now I finally find a good 'job' for the Bijis, and let them help to separate and purify the vine liquor. In this way, the taste of the liquor will also be improved, and it will be blended when the time comes. Well, everyone can have a taste."

"Okay." Hearing this, the companions were very excited.

"Boom!" At this time, several cave scorpions hurriedly rushed over from the vicinity, and the one at the head whispered to Guan Heng, "Squeak!"

"Found a new ore rock formation? Okay, let's take a look at it right away." Guan Heng waved his hand, and the scorpions immediately rushed towards a passage in front of the left, and Guan Heng immediately followed everyone closely. .

After a few breaths, everyone followed the cave scorpion to a rock wall.

"Is it here?" Seeing that the area here is not small, Guan Heng nodded and patted it with a palm.

"Ore rock formations?" The magic mandrill stepped forward and looked at it, then whispered: "The rock formations here are a little thinner than leaves, no wonder it is so easy to be destroyed."

"They are, at best, the skin of a rock formation of ore that just needs to be torn off."

Guan Heng said casually: "Magic, you should immediately let the monster hedgehogs start digging the ore. By the way, dig deeper, I think the good things are behind the ore on the surface. As long as you dig deep, there is nothing you can't find ore."

"Yes, Master Guan, I've written it down." Hearing this, the demon nodded again and again, and then waved his hand and shouted: "Little ones, don't be dazed, hurry up and dig."

"Squeak, squeak!"

As soon as the order came out, a large group of gray-brown hedgehogs, round-eared monsters, and ice gluttonous beasts surrounded them. At the same time, there were brown-spotted bear monsters to help. Shi Jingwei, rock-piercing apes, and scorpions were not idle either. Find something you can do and get to work.

Sure enough, there are so many people to do things. After a while, the first layer of the rock formation was completely dug down, and many middle and high-grade ores were dug out and stacked nearby. Then, the magic mandrill followed Guan Heng's instructions , instruct everyone to continue digging deeper.

"Crack!" After seven or eight breaths, the sharp claws of the brown-spotted bear bear suddenly hit a hard object, splashing sparks, and it immediately waved its claws to signal the magic mandrill to come and watch.

"I found something good, so excited?" Mo Xie didn't take it seriously at first, but when he got closer and took a closer look, he was overjoyed, then turned his head and raised his head: "Master Guan, Master Guan, come and take a look, There are good things."

"Oh, is that right?" Hearing this, Guan Heng walked closer, squinted his eyes slightly, and then stretched out his hand to grab on the rock formation, "Crack!" A piece of earth-brown object was caught by Guan Heng. In his hand, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said with a smile, "Is it a mineral spar?"

"That's right, and there is still a large piece of high-grade loess ore here. If you add ore spar, this is a big gain."

"Well, what you said is quite right." Guan Heng nodded, and then said again: "In short, it's not too late to dig out everything first, and then count the harvest later."

"That's right, Master Guan, what you said is true." The devil said while agreeing, "Little ones, work harder and dig out the spar and loess in this area for me. Hurry up!"


"Haw!" In an instant, the monster hedgehog, the monster rat, the ice gluttonous beast, and the bear glutton all shouted and surrounded them, and started working hard again.

At this time, Guan Heng led the Jia Yao King, the old white-browed monkey, and the big-headed Yong Li to the edge of a nearby concave shallow pit.

"Hey, Fatty, are you sure it's here?" Guan Heng asked casually.

King Jia Yao nodded again and again and said, "Master Guan, it's absolutely impossible for me to see wrong with my eyesight, that thing is really haunting nearby."

"Well..." Guan Heng was noncommittal, not eager to deny or affirm what the other party said, but said to the two monkeys: "Go, check the surroundings first and then talk about it."

"Jijiji!" After hearing this, the white-browed old monkey and the big-headed Yongxiao immediately jumped into the shallow pit, looking left and right, hoping to see any clues, Guan Heng slapped King Jia Yao on the forehead and said: "Don't be idle, let's go find it together."

"Yes yes yes." King Jia Yao agreed and joined the search camp. However, the three beasts turned around in the shallow pit for several times, but did not find any strange traces, not even a single footprint.

Gradually, the old white-browed monkey became impatient, it grabbed the neck of King Jia Yao, and groaned strangely, which meant to ask: "Did you read it wrong, you still have to talk to the monkey here. I searched around and found nothing!"

"Don't, don't be impulsive, Lord Guan, look at the monkey." King Jia Yao kept quibbling at this time: "I really saw it, you didn't find it, it only means that your eyes are not good, and it doesn't prove that I saw it. wrong?"

"Jiji!" After the monkey heard this, he became even more angry, and immediately raised his fists.

The grumpy monkey thought very simply, it meant to say: "Didn't you justify that you read it right? Then I'll swell your eye and see what else you can brag about!"

"Okay, monkey, stop for now." Guan Heng glanced at the white-browed old monkey at this time. The monkey was only trying to scare the king of Jia Yao. How could he really kill him, so he laughed strangely and closed his fist. went back.

Guan Heng said at the moment: "Actually, Chubby is right. There are indeed strange things here, and it's not unusual for you to not find them, because that guy is hidden deep in the ground and doesn't show up easily, so..."

"Then Master Guan, what do you think we should do?" Hearing Guan Heng prove that he was not mistaken, King Jia Yao suddenly asked with a bit of excitement.

"It's very simple, just drive that guy out of the ground." After Guan Heng said this, King Jia Yao and the two monkeys looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, King Jialu said: "Oh, what a mistake, we knew we were going to conduct an underground search, we should have brought the sand catfish or the pure land dry catfish, and now it's better, neither of them is brought, what should I do? it is good?"

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha..." At this moment, Guan Heng's sack slung across his waist made a childish cry, he said with a smile, "Haha, the two big ones didn't come out, but there was a small one. Here comes, you see."

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