Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12329: Sharp fire attack (first more)

"Hoohoo!" The spotted-fronted catfish neighed happily, then turned over and drew a parabola, plunged into the shallow pit, and disappeared.

King Jia Yao and the two monkeys had already burned the corpses of those sharp-clawed rat-head monsters to ashes, and it asked, "Master Guan, what did you ask the little thing to do?"

"Hehehe, you'll know soon." Guan Heng smiled slightly, then turned his ears to listen to the movement deep in the ground, after a few breaths, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the ground, Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Attention, 'them' It's time to come out, get ready."

"Yes, Master Guan."

"Woo Jiji!" Hearing this, King Jia Yao, the old white-browed monkey, and the big-headed Yongxiao burst into excitement, all of them eager to try.


"Boom bang bang—"

It was too late, it was fast, the dust was flying, the gravel was flying, and the spotted-fronted catfish was the first to break out of the ground. When this little guy saw Guan Heng beside him, he suddenly jumped and fell into his arms. , Guan Heng said with a smile: "You can see that you have succeeded by looking at the situation. It's amazing, I will give you a reward later."

"Hoohoo!" After hearing this, the little dry catfish shouted happily, and then shrank into Guan Heng's pocket.


At this moment, King Jia Yao and the two monkeys rushed straight towards the rat head monster that emerged from the shallow hole. The backbone, at least the strength of the small boss or above.

These strong rat-headed monsters originally came to hunt down the little dry catfish that were making troubles everywhere, but they never expected to meet such powerful opponents as King Jia Yao and two mad monkeys, and they were suddenly devastated.

"Bang bang bang!"


In an instant, King Jia Yao smashed and flew three strong rat-headed monsters, but the opponent's strength was stronger than that of the little minions after all. He knew that he couldn't fight against strong enemies, so he jumped and jumped in an instant, speeding up and dodging, but he didn't expect it. What came to him was that there were two monkeys staring at him next to him.

"Boom!" In the flash of light and stone, the big-headed Yongxiao had already rushed forward, and a pair of scorpion claw sticks swept and beaten with the wind, smashing the bones of several strong rat-headed monsters around them, breaking their tendons, spraying blood and falling down. go out.

The white-browed old monkey is even more ferocious with its hands. It doesn't even bother to use a metal short stick and a shield. It punches one directly. The rat-headed monster that was hit either shattered its skull or collapsed in its thoracic spine. !

"Bangdang!" The next moment, the last rat-headed monster was also thrown to the ground by the old monkey's fist, and then it was spit out flames and burned to ashes.

"Ha, hoo, hoo!" At this moment, the little dry catfish leaned in front of Guan Heng and let out a low voice, which meant to say, "I saw a guy in the ground who commands all the rat-headed monsters. It is the most powerful, but It hasn't appeared until now."

"Hmph, that's hiding, okay, then I'll blast it out!"

"Huh!" In the next instant, a flame of flame suddenly appeared in Guan Heng's palm, and he threw it into the hole in the shallow pit ahead, "Boom!" In an instant, the spirit fire raged and spread continuously in the tunnel. .

This time, the leader of the rat-headed monster and the rest of his subordinates who were hiding in it and did not come out were unlucky. These guys thought that hiding in the hole would be foolproof. Who would have thought that the enemy's fire attack would come here.


In an instant, countless rat-headed monsters were burned to death, not only because of the raging flames, but also because these guys were unable to dodge in the narrow tunnel. These unlucky **** could only watch themselves and their companions turn into fireballs and fall one by one. , and then became fly ash powder.

What's more, they barely avoided the burning flames, but were smoked to death by the billowing smoke, and almost no one was spared.


"Chacha!" Just after a few breaths, the frantic leader of the rat-headed monster dug the tunnel frantically and rushed out of the soil layer. There were more than ten strong rat-headed monsters behind this guy, all of whom followed. It jumped to the ground.

"Haha, it's finally here!"

Seeing the other party jumping out of the cave, King Jia Yao and the two monkeys were overjoyed, and immediately surrounded them with laughter.

The reason why the rat-headed monster leader never showed up was because he realized that many of his little minions had been slaughtered by powerful enemies. Even if he went out to fight, it would be a dead end, so this guy kept hiding in the dark.

But who knows that the other party will not let him go at all, and a fire basically burns his entire clan to annihilation. The current rat-head monster leader is angry and hateful, his body trembles like a sieve, and the family roars wildly: " Ouch!"

"You bastard, the chance for you to cry and howl is now."

King Jia Yao laughed, and suddenly spit out a large amount of original flames. Lightning rubbed against the forehead of the rat-head monster leader, and immediately scorched a piece of shattered fur, so frightened that the rat-head monster leader kept slapping the top of his head to put out the fire, but those flames did not fall on the leader. body, and then crossed these rat-headed monsters and fell to the ground.

"Boom!" In the flash of lightning, the flames crashed to the ground and made a steep turn, just to surround all these rat-headed monsters, and I saw that the temperature around them suddenly soared several times, burning these guys. The fur curled up and zoomed in pain.

"Squeak chirp!"

It was too late, but it was fast. Three rat-headed monsters who couldn't bear the scorching hot breath jumped up and tried to rush out of the fire ring. Who knew that there was a big-headed scorpion next to him. The download was smashed, and one of the rat-headed monsters was instantly beaten to death.

Immediately afterwards, the big head swept the scorpion claw double stick out, hitting the waist and ribs of the two rat-headed monsters respectively, hitting half of the opponent's body collapsed and shattering the ribs, spit out a large column of blood and fell directly back into the fire ring.


Because the big-headed Yongxiao deliberately kept his hand, he did not directly kill the two rat-headed monsters, but the two guys were seriously injured, and the broken bones had been broken into several pieces, and they were inserted into the surface of the internal organs, causing them to die in pain but could not die happily for a while , it is extremely distressing.

Witnessing this scene, the most fearful thing is the other rat-headed monsters, including the rat-headed monster leader. This guy is looking around and looking for a chance to escape, but unfortunately, the chance of slipping away like this is one in 100,000. nothing.

"Woo Jiji!" At this moment, the old white-browed monkey staring at the head of the rat-head monster screamed, and hooked his fingers at the guy, signaling him to come over and die.

By now, the head of the rat head monster already knew that he couldn't run away. Looking at his subordinates who were screaming and rolling around, and thinking about the guy who was burnt to ashes in the tunnel just now, he couldn't help shaking slightly.

But if you don't resist, you will be killed directly, so the leader of the rat head monster can only bite the bullet and fight to the end.

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