Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1234: Yabu's mutation

In this way, the three men in black in front of the Phantom Dragon Army, behind Guan Heng and Borui, these five people have been walking forward for several kilometers in the moonlight, and the man in black who walked forward suddenly called: "Find It's here. "

When the three men in black excavated the stele carefully on the spot, Guan Heng and Borui had touched the back of a rock ten meters away from them.

Guan Heng whispered to Borui: "You come behind me and let me do it."

Borui acted according to his words, Guan Heng suddenly jumped out, and saw the knife light flicker, and the three men in black were immediately toppled to the ground, and the half-digged stone tablet suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Guan Heng suddenly summoned Yabu, a soul-absorbing beast, with a tube of magic pets. He waved the dragon's teeth and chopped it on the stone tablet, only to hear the sound of cracking and cracking, and there was a whimper on the stone tablet. Only big and small souls came out.

"Yabu, do it!" Guan Heng roared, sucking the soul beast's huge head, opened his mouth and sucked hard. In a split second, these soul demon had been sucked by Yabu for seven hundred seventy-eight.

At that moment, a weird breath was dug out from the broken stone tablet. A huge spirit demon suddenly appeared in the air, and it roared loudly: "Who is it? How dare you attack our spirit demon family?"

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you." Guan Heng sank his face, and immediately called out the ghost of swallowing ghosts and beasts, and rushed directly to the big soul demon in the air.

"Oh!" The huge ghost swallowing ghost was so powerful that he opened his mouth and tore off the other half of his body, and Guan Heng shouted, "Yab, the rest is yours."

"Okay." The soul-sucking animal promised, opened its mouth suddenly, and produced a strong sucking force. After three drags and two drags, it swallowed the remains of the Great Soul Demon into the stomach. After a full meal, he sighed with satisfaction: "It's delicious, it tastes really good."

But just then, something unexpected happened!

Guan Henggang turned the big soul demon into a soul stone. Turning his head, Yabu's guy suddenly shook his body, trembling in place, like a drunk man who was overly drunk. Shim hummed and said, "Guan Heng, my head is dizzy and my body is hot ..."

"Tongtong!" The voice didn't fall, and Yabu suddenly collapsed in place. Guan Heng was startled and hurried to pat it: "Hey, Yabu, wake up, wake up soon."

At this moment, Borui came quickly, he asked, "Boss, what's wrong?"

"I don't know too well." Guan Heng looked at the faint Yabu at this time, reached out and touched, this guy is hot all around now, like a burning stove, but there is no smoke.

At this time, Borui was also very curious. He looked around. Except for the broken stone stele, there was nothing here. Borui asked: "What kind of soul demon you said? Why am I not? see?"

"Fool, it's been cleared up by me and the soul-sucking beast." Guan Heng said angrily: "Moreover, the eyes of ordinary people cannot see invisible souls such as ghosts and beast souls."

Only then did Borui understand: "Oh, this is the case."

"Uh ... uh ah!"

At this moment, the hot soul-absorbing beast Yabu suddenly screamed. A strange incandescent light appeared around him, and Guan Heng and Borui suddenly felt unusually dazzling. The two took a step back subconsciously, then When he opened his eyes, Abu's original plump body suddenly began to shrink at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"What's going on?" Guan Heng and Borui looked very fresh, and, surprisingly, although Yabu's body was shrinking, those huge ears hadn't become half smaller, which made them look startled.

At this moment, the light of Yabu's body gradually faded and disappeared, and his body actually shrank to only one tenth of the original.

Looking at Yabu, which has the size of an ordinary kitten and a puppy, and its pair of large ears with almost half a body area, Guan Heng suddenly reached out and slapped Borui slap: "Slap!"

"Oops!" Borui shouted, covering her face, "Boss, what did you do to me? It hurts!"

"It hurts?" Guan Heng nodded bluntly. "Since we know the pain, then we are not dreaming."

"Is there any reason why you hit me because of this?" Borui said resentfully: "Want to know if it hurts, shouldn't you hit yourself?"

Guan Heng had no time to pay attention to Borui's complaint, he quickly waved to Yabu: "Come, come, what happened just now?"

"Huh!" Abu didn't seem to be adapting to his smaller body at this time. When he heard Guan Heng's call to run forward, the horse actually lost his forefoot and fell on his heel. The pain caused him to lose his head and turn his head. Non-stop, but the wind generated by the ear seemed to be too great, and he flew up with Yabu and flew to Guan Heng.

"Haha, congratulations, Abu." Guan Hengxi chuckled and laughed: "You are flying, but what is going on?"

"I don't know, every time I eat these soul demon before, I feel hot."

Yabu said vaguely: "But it's just a short while ago. Who knows that this time, the body suddenly wanted to explode, and then it became like this when it came to understand."

"Well, I don't know if you have evolved this way or mutated." Guan Heng reached out and held Yabu at this moment, then squeezed his face and laughed, "But I feel fatter than I was before. Looks like you are so much cute now. "

"Uh, I think so." Borui looked at Yabu carefully, he said, "Boss, how can you say that its ears haven't changed at all? Isn't it strange?"

"Well, what's weird about this?" Guan Hengman said indifferently. "The benefits of big ears are much better, for example, as before, you can use them as wings, flying in the air, Yabu, how do you feel? ? "

"Me?" Yabu shook his head, and then a smile appeared on his face: "I don't feel any different from before, just one word-hungry! I want to eat Dragon Soul Stone."

"Oh, how did you do that?" Guan Heng complained with a bit of his mouth, took out a dragon soul stone and handed it to Abu: "The size has become smaller, but the amount of food has not changed. Are you kidding me?"

Abu chewed the soul stone and mumbled, "I don't know what happened? After the body becomes smaller, I want to eat more."

Guan Heng then said to Borui: "I think this is bad. With this guy's meal, I can't afford it."

—— [Second more in 2016.6.3, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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