Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12340: track black gas

"The golden scale baby python has also been placed, and the ore spar here is almost collected." Qin Xin asked: "Guan Heng, should we leave here?"

"It's really time to go." Guan Heng paused for a while when he said this, and suddenly said again: "But before leaving, there is something that needs to be investigated."

"whats the matter?"

"It's the source of the evil energy in this python cave."

Guan Heng said: "I have heard before that the stone man pythons here are completely evil except for the python king, and the rest of the little minions are in a 'half evil' state, which proves that they have not been infected with evil energy for a long time. , and the source of the evil energy is most likely in the cave."

"Before we leave, it is necessary to eliminate the source of evil energy." Guan Heng's face showed murderous intent at the moment, and then he said word by word, "Save that thing to harm other creatures."


"That's right, then let's hurry up and look for it." Hearing this, the girls and the demon beasts nodded.

Guan Heng said: "Don't worry, everyone, I have just sent out mutant mussels, iron armored mussels and ancient foggy mosquitoes. They are now scattered in every corner of the cave, and it is estimated that there will be clues about the source of evil energy soon."

After a few breaths, more than ten iron-armored ancient clams suddenly flew back with a low cry, and stopped in front of Guan Heng and everyone, and the big ancient clams headed to report the situation.

"Oh, there is a crack in the rock wall in the northeast, and a weak reaction of evil energy seeps out from it, right? It's good." Guan Heng immediately said to his companions when he heard this, "Come, follow me and see."


After a few breaths, everyone had already run wildly, and ran to the area Gu Teng said at the fastest speed. At this moment, the iron armored clams were all waiting here, and when they saw Guan Heng and others arrived, the group of insects immediately made a low voice: "Squeak, chirp!"

"Okay, you have worked hard, and you will be rewarded for a while."

Guan Heng said with a grin, and had already walked to the crack in the rock wall. At this time, a mutant cockroach lying near the crack saw him, and immediately shouted happily, planning to fly in front of Guan Heng.

"Hey—" But in the next instant, a large black gas burst out from the gap, wrapping the body of the cockroach like lightning. Seeing this scene, the evil cockroach mother roared: "Be careful!"

"It doesn't matter, it's just evil." Guan Heng shook his head when he saw that the mother insect was still trying to rush to rescue, and said in a leisurely manner: "The fierce cockroach is not afraid of them, just wait and see."

"Yes, master." After hearing this, the mother insect stopped and whispered: "I was too reckless."

"Squeaky!" At this moment, the five-colored fierce claws wrapped in black qi suddenly burst into a scream, and the black qi shuddered and fell into the brink of collapse.

"Boom!" Immediately after, Zibi's body released a swirling flame, which surrounded the black gas, causing the opponent to sizzle and collapse.

"Hey yo—" The next moment, the rush of black energy hurriedly indented into the crevice of the rock wall, and then escaped.

"Chase, don't let this guy escape."


"Whoo oh oh oh!"

Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey and King Jia Yao suddenly roared and rushed towards the crevice of the rock wall. The two fists followed closely behind, bombarding the same position with the wind.


"Clap la la—" Countless earth and rocks flew and collapsed, Tugong Toad flew forward, spit out a mouthful of mysterious spiritual energy, turned all the dust and flying rocks into powder, and then shouted: "Go and chase the black air."

"Whoosh whoosh—shhhhhhhh—" As soon as those words came out, hundreds of small toads jumped into the hole, and Guan Heng and everyone rushed in after him.

"Huhuhu..." The wind in the winding tunnel was very strong, and the black air had a premonition that fatal crises were coming one after another, so it naturally fled wildly, but unfortunately, it was caught by the little toad, no matter how fast it escaped. will also be blocked.

"Swish!" Suddenly, a few small toads jumped out from the ground in front. They sneaked from the ground and circled here, just blocking the black air.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong, dong, dong!" The loud noises kept coming and going, and the mud bomb spit out by the little toad abruptly stopped the black air from escaping and blocked it in the middle of the tunnel.

"Woo woo!" The evil condensed thing suddenly wailed, and then swirled in the air, taking advantage of the situation to block the attack of the mud bomb, but it couldn't escape now.

"Hmph, let's see where you're escaping!" At this moment, the girls, Guan Heng and other companions hurried to this place, and Qianxin roared: "Don't hurry up and reveal your true body!"

"Swish!" As soon as the voice fell, the Star Spirit Spear in Qianxin's palm suddenly released more than a hundred ice thorns, big and small, rushing towards the location of the black qi.



In an instant, this series of ice thorn attacks all nailed the black gas, and the guy hiding in the aura suddenly rolled and fell to the ground. After rolling around, the guy was forced to retreat to the corner of the rock wall. Everyone looked closely, and it turned out to be a huge evil spirit. .

"It's not an ordinary evil spirit, nor is it the Great Evil Spirit King." Guan Heng muttered to himself after seeing the thing, "But it seems to be a little stronger than the Great Evil Spirit King."

"Yeah." After hearing this, Qinghuang nodded and continued: "It's probably a new breed of evil spirits that we haven't encountered before."

"All in all, don't rush to kill it, you can study it after you catch it." As he spoke, Guan Heng waved to King Jia Yao and the old white-browed monkey who were trying to rush over, signaling everyone to step back, while he himself was moving towards The strange evil spirit walked away.

"Ow!" Seeing Guan Heng walking towards him, the strange evil spirit suddenly felt the pressure soar tenfold. This guy let out a terrifying roar, and suddenly turned into a monster with four sharp claws, moving towards Guan Heng. dash over.

"You can't do it yourself, you dare to do it with me, you don't have the qualifications."

"Huhuhu!" When speaking, Guan Heng spread out his palms, Huo Di made a few circles of fire, and then threw them at the strange evil spirit, then said: "If you can break free of them, then I can do it myself. value."

"Giggle..." It was too late to say, but it was fast, but the fire rings, big and small, suddenly caught the evil spirits in every position, and tightened them abruptly.

"Boom!" In the next instant, the flames raged and burned, and the evil spirits couldn't stop screaming in pain. Then, they kept shrinking their spiritual bodies. At the end, there was only a small group of fist-sized evil spirits left. body.

"This thing seems to have absorbed a lot of strange energy aura, and it has made itself mutated many times, so it is different from the evil spirit king."

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