Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12342: beat and release

"Crackling, crackling!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast. The King Armor, who moved quickly, dashed around and hit the long-eared monsters that were caught off guard. Although the attack power was not heavy, the pain also caused the monster to grin and become more anxious. Get on fire.


"Huh!" In the blink of an eye, the guy looked at the location of King Jia Yao, and then slammed into it, "Boom!" Who knew that it was only the afterimage of King Jia Yao, which slammed into the rock wall, Immediately, it slammed into the place, and the earth and rocks flew into all directions.

To say that the head of the long-eared monster is really hard enough, even if it repeatedly bumped into the rock wall and stone, and was beaten many times by the hoof of the King Jia Yao, this guy only hurts and does not hurt, and it does have two blows.

"Hey, Chubby, it's enough to play." Guan Heng shouted at the moment: "We still have to enter the mine, hurry up and catch that guy."

"Yes, Lord Guan, please wait a moment."

At this time, King Jia Yao also felt that he seemed to have gone too far, and suddenly stopped, the long-eared monster was about to open his eyes to find the trace of King Jia Yao who was running. Dazzled, he almost fell to the ground with his eyes rolled.

"Give me—be honest!"

"Bang!" In the next instant, King Jia Yao slammed his front hoof on the monster's head. This time, it used 70% of his strength, as if a huge hammer slammed directly on the long-eared monster's head.

"Hoooooo... umm..."

"Bang dang!" Even if the monster was a stone head, it couldn't resist the heavy blow at the moment, and at the same time as the wailing in his mouth, the guy finally fell to the ground.

At this time, King Jia Yao raised his hoof majestically and stepped on this guy's body, then roared, "Tie me up!"



Hearing this, more than a dozen green vines who had been waiting impatiently by the side rushed over. These "waste wood" vines are weak, and they must be hard enough to do heavy physical work, but there is absolutely no way to tie a prisoner. The problem, this is also the most interesting thing for the green vines who like to beat the Reservoir Dogs.

"Whoosh whoosh!" In the blink of an eye, the green vine man used the rattan he transformed to bind the monster tightly. Some guys had bad intentions and slapped the monster with a smirk.

Seeing this scene, King Jia Yao laughed and scolded: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, after tying it up, you can leave immediately."

After hearing this, the green vines were still a little unhappy, shaking their hands one by one, which meant: "You are crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, it's too much!"

"Enough, if you don't roll, I'll crush you all." With that, King Jia Yao swung his hoofs to chase after him, scaring the green vines away, fleeing away like lightning.

"Roar, roar..." At this moment, the bound long-eared monster was still roaring and struggling, but the rattan tied its limbs and hoofs firmly, and it couldn't stand up at all.

Ruo Tao said, "Young Master, what kind of species is this guy?"

"Hey, anyway, if it's not an evil beast, it's an ordinary alien beast."

Guan Heng said casually: "It's just that we have rarely been actively provoked by alien beasts recently, so this guy seems a little special. I thought this guy could have some skills, but after Chubby tried it, this guy's strength is just average. "

Having said that, Guan Heng stepped forward, patted the long-eared monster's cheek with his hand, and then said, "Now it seems that it rushed over to fight us, at best, it's just an idiot who likes to fight."

"Hahaha—" Hearing this, the Demon Mandrill, King Jia Yao and Bing Jiao suddenly laughed, and Guan Heng said again: "Forget it, I don't have time to spend with this guy now, it's not some kind of vicious beast, that's all. Let go."

"Master Guan, are you really going to let it go?" Hearing this, King Jia Yao pouted and said, "It took me a lot of effort to catch it."

"Bah, just now I saw that you were just teasing this guy, why did you put any effort into it?" Guan Heng scolded with a grumpy smile: "If you don't let it go, don't you want to keep it?"

"No no, I don't mean that." Upon hearing this, King Jia Yao was a little embarrassed and muttered, "Then let it go."

"However, in order to avoid this guy's entanglement in the future, we have to scare him and tell him not to harass us again." After saying this, Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's hurry in. Mine."

After a few breaths, everyone has entered the mine. At this time, there is only one green vine man left beside the bound long-eared monster. This guy is responsible for letting go of the other party. The rattan slapped the monster a few more times, there was no way, who made this guy owe it.

But at this moment, an ancient donkey with frost eyebrows came beside it, it arched the green vine man with its head, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooed, it means: "This guy is already very pitiful, don't bully you. It, let's go."

The green vines did not dare to provoke the ancient donkey Shuangmei, so they had to leave angrily.

At this time, the ancient donkey approached the monster with long ears, used its hooves to push aside the cane that bound the other side, and also took a spiritual fruit and placed it in front of the monster, whimpering in its mouth, as if saying: "This I'll give you something to eat, and hurry up after eating."

"Roar!" Once the monster got out of trouble, it immediately raised its hooves to threaten the ancient donkey Shuangmei, and signaled it to get out of the way quickly.

Seeing its kindness and revenge, the ancient donkey still felt a little wronged in treating him like this, so he had to walk to the far hole with his head drooping.

Looking at the slightly lonely back of the ancient donkey Shuangmei, the long-eared monster stood up. This guy looked at the other side with complicated eyes, and suddenly bit the spiritual fruit placed on the stone and chewed it a few times. Swallowed in pieces.

"The taste of the fruit is not bad..." The long-eared monster thought so, and disappeared in the same place.

On the other side, everyone entered the mine.

"Ha, there are quite a few bones of ancient aquatic beasts here." As he walked forward, Qin Xin said: "Xiao Shuishui, look at these remains, are there any more powerful and vicious aquatic beasts?"

"Hehe, it's just a little scoundrel." Hearing this question, the Shui Xuan spirit beast said without hesitation: "These unrefined characters are far worse than the young master."

"Okay, Xiao Shui Shui, you are the most powerful." Qian Xin said with a smile.

"However, Xiao Shui Shui, have you noticed?" Suddenly, Guan Heng said, "Among these remains of water beasts, there are things that we are familiar with."

"Hehe, it turns out that you also noticed Guan Heng." The Water Profound Spirit Beast said, "I have a hunch that we can harvest a lot of good things in this mine."

Guan Heng nodded: "Well, I think so too."

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