Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12351: Deter evil volute xun (third more)

Having said that, Guan Heng brought the remodeled volute to his mouth, pressed a few holes with his hands, and blew: "Woo woo woo-du-du-du-" "This sound is good, very nice Yes." Hearing this, Qin Xin said with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, it's also because eldest brother plays well." Soothing Yan Fuzhang said. "Hey, do you feel that the surroundings are a little strange?" Suddenly, Qinghuang said so. "Indeed, there seems to be some noise nearby." Having said this, the girls and other partners looked around and noticed a dark shadow in a nearby tunnel. Ruo Tao tugged Guan Heng's arm and whispered. "Young master, look, what is that?" "It looks like a turtle headed worm, right? How could they have gathered here?" Guan Heng had already put down the volute in his hand when he said this, but he made a sound. After disappearing, those evil insects also disappeared near the tunnel entrance. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng and the girls almost said in unison, "It's weird." "Ah Heng, can you blow this volute again?" At this moment, Qing Huang Fuzhi thought of a very important point. , Guan Heng nodded: "Okay." Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng blew the volute again, and the sound of "woo woo woo" suddenly sounded, and the shadow of the black worm at the entrance of the tunnel really appeared again. Even Qianxin could see the doorway, so she also whispered: "That's right, that's it, Guan Heng, don't stop, keep blowing."

In this way, when Guan Heng blew the volute, a large group of turtle-headed worms wriggled out of the tunnel. Everyone saw that the state of these worms seemed a little weird. They were all fascinated and dumbfounded, just crawling silently. to the crowd. "Go!" At this moment, Qinghuang let out a low cry, and all her companions flew forward immediately, killing all the evil worms while they were still awake, and annihilated them all. "Hehe, it turns out that the sound of the volute really attracts evil insects, which is very convenient." Qianxin said with a smile at the moment. "Brother, this thing is very good, but if it's called a volute, it sounds a bit ordinary." An Yan suggested at this time, "Why don't you give it a new name?" "The shape of this volute is very similar to mine. An ancient musical instrument I’ve seen before—xun.” Guan Heng looked at the things in his hand, and then continued: “Its function is similar to that of the golden whistle for controlling insects, but I don’t know if it can affect evil beasts and evil spirits. That kind of guy, in that case, it will have a greater effect on us, how about calling it 'Deter Xie volute xun'?" "Okay, by the way, Guan Heng, how to play this volute xun? You have to teach it. Teach us?" Gusang girl said. "Yes, it's actually not difficult to blow."

Guan Heng continued: "When blowing, just move your fingers away and press the holes on the top, first imitate the sounds of birds and beasts, and then learn some complex rhythms..." Guan Heng explained it briefly and comprehensively. The girls are all very smart, they learned it without much effort, and Guan Heng added: "Zhenwen, the rest of the volutes will be handed over to you, and remodel them according to the style we negotiated before, and strive to give everyone a volute. Xun." "In addition to the previously imitated golden whistle for controlling insects, the sound of the two cooperates with each other, which should be of great help in attracting insects and beasts and souls." "Well, what Brother Guan said is, Let's do it then." Hearing this, Zhenwen hurriedly took the volutes. "Okay, the matter of the volutes has been resolved, and we should continue to look for the ore and the remaining tortoise-headed worms." Guan Heng smiled and weighed the volutes in his hand, then said: "With this thing, It is estimated that they have no chance even if they want to hide."... Sure enough, just like what Guan Heng said, while walking, he blew the volute from time to time, those turtles hiding in hidden areas nearby and trying to attack everyone. The first evil worms all crawled out one by one, and then they were all wiped out by the magic mandrill, no matter if they were killed, this thing really helped a lot.

At the same time, the magic mandrill and the earth palace toad also found the trace of the mine, searched all the way, and came to the edge of the mine after a while. "Squeak, squeak..." In an instant, the screaming turtle-headed worms fled one by one, but they still couldn't escape the fate of being slaughtered. In a blink of an eye, they fell into a pool of blood, and then let the old white-browed monkey and Jiaoyao again. The flames released by the king and the evil slug mother burned to ashes. "Boom!" Seeing that his companions were defeated like a mountain, and they all ended in tragic death, a few small evil worm leaders and a huge turtle-headed evil worm turned around and fled. They planned to plunge into the mine. Use the labyrinth-like paths to escape. It's a pity that although the idea is good, it is difficult to actually do it, because as soon as they set off, the front and the back are blocked at the same time! "Huhuhu!" "Ping ping pong pong!" It was too late, but it was too late. The earth spirits not far away threw huge rocks and forcibly blocked the entrance of the mine. The two evil worms were in a hurry. He ran too close to escape for his life, he didn't stop for a while, his head hit the rock, and he died tragically. "Crackling!" The blood mist and flesh that splashed out smashed the face of the turtle-headed evil insect king, and this guy was already frightened. "I want to leave, but Grandpa didn't agree. Come back to me!" Said, the magic mandrill, who flew forward, grabbed the evil worm king's hind legs and yanked it hard, "Crack!" Suddenly, the opponent's hind leg was fractured immediately, and was torn off by the magic mandrill.

"Bah, it's really not strong." Throwing away the severed limb in his hand, the demon slapped the head of the evil worm king who hissed and screamed: "It's annoying to tell you to cry and howl!" After the other party was slapped several times in a row , was already dizzy, and was dragged by the magic mandrill to Guan Heng and the other companions. It smiled and said: "Master Guan, the prisoner has been captured." "Just kill it, it's useless to keep this guy anyway..." King Jia Yao said in a loud voice, and was about to lift his foot and smash the opponent's head, but Guan Heng said: "Wait, the turtle-headed evil worm king may have some clues about the nearby mines, let the big ghost search for his soul and read it. It’s okay to die.” “Yes, Master Guan, what you said makes sense.” Hearing this, King Jia Yao immediately retreated to the side with a smile on his face, Guan Heng immediately called out the big ghost, and then the evil worm Wang searched the other party's memory in his mind. "Huh, I didn't expect to get some useful information, not bad." After Guan Heng nodded, he turned his head and said to everyone: "The mine that the king of evil insects occupied is unusual, it is a huge tomb of ancient zerg. , this was only discovered after the other party got here." "The tomb and the mine are only separated by a rock wall, and we can go there to see while we are mining."

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