Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12356: Giant Insect Soul (Third)

The Evil Insect Mother said: "That's why those pure-bred zerg species will always hunt down mutant species of worms, and even use the corpse of the other party as their own 'burial'."

"Oh, I understand when you say that." Hearing this, Guan Heng nodded and said, "That's why we see a lot of skeletons of insects and beasts here. The things around the worm grave are used as burial objects."

"That's right, that's it." Mother Insect nodded and said so.

"But speaking of it, this is really an unpleasant custom." Qianxin next to him muttered, "Should it be said to be cruel and ignorant, or bloodthirsty and vicious?"

"Princess, these ancient zerg customs were actually abolished thousands of years ago."

The Evil Insect Mother explained: "And I remember a long time ago that the relationship between the pure-bred zerg and the mutant worm began to improve, although it was only after countless battles and battles that the two sides realized that peace was not easy to come by. result in exchange."

"I see, I understand." After hearing these words, Qianxin, Qinghuang and other sisters nodded.

Guan Heng said at this time: "When the roars, the queen ants, and the giant bees have all collected the bone toxins, let's go to the inside of the tomb and take a look."

"Okay." The companions nodded in unison in agreement.


After more than ten breaths, the ancient wild roar, the queen ant, and the Qinyuan giant bee returned, and it said: "Master Guan, we have collected all the poisonous bones of the insects and beasts."

"Very well, everyone, let's go."

Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "I just got the notification from the mutant scorpion, saying that it has captured a huge worm soul in the tomb, and the other party is quite strong. We have to hurry over to receive it."

"Okay, let's go."

"Hehehe, I also want to see what kind of insect souls it is, and even the scorpion, the ancient scorpion and the ancient mosquito are almost unfinished." While discussing, the girls followed Guan Heng behind him and moved towards the front. Run away.

After a few breaths, everyone has entered the zerg tomb. In this space area, you can hear the mournful screams of many worm souls everywhere. They are the colorful fierce mussels, the iron-clad ancient mussels, the ancient mosquitoes in the fog sea, and the inverse. The screams made by swarms of insects such as the fire blue bug hunted them.

"It looks like the scorpions and the other swarms are doing a good job." Ruo Tao looked left and right, and then said with a smile: "It seems that I have gained a lot."

"It's true." Guan Heng said casually: "There are already quite a few scorpions who have caught the worm soul and brought the other party back and threw them into the soul recovery urn."

"How powerful are the giant insect souls that Zixuan, Guxian, and Ancient Mosquito captured together?" An Yan asked curiously.

"Well, it's not clear at the moment." Guan Heng said casually, "But we'll see it with our own eyes soon. After a few more steps, we will reach that area, girl, look, it's the front area." He raised his finger and pointed in that direction.

"Oh, that's where it is?" An Yan covered her forehead with her hand and looked into the distance, and suddenly said, "Hey, there seems to be something wrong. There seems to be something gathering in the sky over there."

Immediately afterwards, An Yan tugged at Puxing beside him, and continued, "You have better eyesight than me, so come and see."

"Okay...Huh?!" Puxing just glanced at it, and immediately let out a low voice, and Guan Heng asked casually not far away, "What's wrong?"

"Big brother, it seems that the scorpions are hovering in the air, and they don't know what happened." Pu Xing turned his head abruptly and said, "I suggest that we hurry over and take a look."

"Well, let's go." At this moment, Guan Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and saw the situation in an instant, he immediately waved to his companions, and rushed towards the front with An Yan and Pu Xing.


It was too late, but it was fast. Just as Guan Heng and the others approached their target, the air group screamed loudly, and Guan Heng's figure suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and then suddenly appeared beside the air group.

"Everyone, calm down, don't be impatient." In an instant, Guan Heng, who spread his ghostly wings behind his back, opened his mouth to many colorful fierce cockroaches. When the group cockroaches saw Guan Heng's arrival, they were relieved from their anxiety.

Guan Heng waved his hand at this moment: "Lead all the ancient iron armored mussels and the ancient mosquitoes from the sea of ​​fog to retreat to the back, and leave the rest to me."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng saw a few backfire blue bugs staying on the ground. They kept releasing fiery and fiery fire aura, covering the giant insect soul that was trying to struggle, even though the opponent was brute force invincible. , but under the suppression of the raging flames, Squeaky screamed but could not get rid of the shackles smoothly.

"Go!" It was too late, but it was fast, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and patted the agile Heavenly Fire Ritual on his waist.

"Chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi--" Dozens of fire auras flew out like lightning, pouring into the bodies of several backfire blue bugs in the blink of an eye, so that the amount of aura they were about to bottom soared to overflowing. full edge.

Guan Heng said at this time: "All the blue bugs come back, I will deal with this huge insect soul."


"Boom!" Hearing this, the screaming blue bugs immediately fluttered their wings and got into the jade pot of the resident insects around Guan Heng's waist to rest.

"Hey, A Heng." At this moment, Qinghuang flew to the vicinity and asked Guan Heng, who had landed on the ground, "Do you need our help?"

"no need."

Guan Heng waved to her and other companions at this time, and said casually: "This worm soul is not too strong, but its ability will affect everyone, so you'd better not interfere casually."

"What? What special abilities does this guy have?" Hearing this, Ruo Tao seemed a little puzzled.

"This is the soul body of a poison control ancient insect!" At this moment, the evil slug mother saw the clue and immediately asked: "Master, right?"

"Well, you're right, the poison carried by this guy's soul body is even several times more powerful than the poison on the surface of those worms and beasts' bones." Guan Heng glanced at the huge man who was temporarily unable to move because of the fire aura. Insect soul.

He continued: "That's why I told you not to approach here at will, so as not to be contaminated by the toxins released by this worm soul dog jumping over the wall, Sangsang, you should use the protective cover formed by Mu Xuan's spiritual energy to protect everyone, it should be fine, right?"

"It's a small matter." Gusang girl said and poked the ground with the wooden divine staff in her hand, "Swish swish!" In an instant, a huge protective shield had already protected all the companions inside, and she raised her voice: "Hey, hurry up. Let's start, we're all waiting to see you perform."

"Okay, it should only be a momentary thing, you have to keep your eyes wide open." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then walked towards the location of the giant insect soul.

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