Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12360: poor sparring

"Hehehe, it's really a tricky trick." Guan Heng was trapped in the mist, and he only felt that the scene in front of him was unpredictable and constantly changing.

But he was lazy and didn't care, and said to himself casually: "You can only do so much with a mere worm soul? It's really useless, if that's the case, I can do it. I'm going to catch you."


In an instant, the sharp insect chirping sounded abruptly. The sound was full of resentment and anger. It seemed that Guan Heng's words had angered it. In an instant, a huge insect shadow appeared in the mist. bite over.

"Even if you are a living ancient giant insect, this young master will not have any fear, not to mention that you are only a trivial insect soul, but you can't fool me."

"Shhh!" Guan Heng shook his finger lightly, and a smear of fire aura suddenly emerged, and he was immediately pointed out by his fingers, "Hey! Boom!" The little flame suddenly hit the giant insect phantom, and then spread frantically. burn up.

"Hahahaha!" The worm's soul screamed loudly, and this was also the end of its aggressive attack on Guan Heng, and it suffered a big loss all of a sudden.

"Hmph, stop playing."

"Hu--" It was too late to say, but it was fast, Guan Heng swept forward with his palm, and the pale white mist all around disappeared without a trace. In front of him and his companions watching from behind.

"What a big worm soul, I saw so many worm souls just now, but none of them are as big as it is." Ruotao said at this time: "Could this be the worm soul king?"

"It's possible." Qinghuang said at this time, "Ah Heng, what do you think?"

"Since all of you have guessed it, then I can only say yes."

Guan Heng smiled and said: "This is an insect soul king who can use illusions to confuse the enemy, but at best it is an existence at the bottom of the insect soul king. It's more than enough to beat it!"

"Really?" Hearing this, Gu Sangnu said, "Then the scorpions were controlled by this guy's psychedelic fog just now, and they haven't caught it?"

"You have to pay attention to what I say, I mean, in terms of real ability, Ziyu certainly doesn't fear this 'phantom mist worm soul king', but those Ziyu's resistance to this guy's magic mist is too low."

Guan Heng said with a smile: "So, I accidentally got caught."

"Uh, that's right, poor Zifen, it's really unfortunate." Ruo Tao shook her head and said so.

"In the future, we should let the scorpions exercise their ability to resist the fog tricks, otherwise, sooner or later, they will suffer." Qianxin said.

"Actually, there's no need for it later." Guan Heng said casually, "Now, you can try to let the scorpions accept the practice of resisting the phantom fog attack. Isn't there a good sparring partner here?" After speaking, he raised his finger and pointed. Opposite the Phantom Mist Insect Soul King.

"It?" Hearing this, the girls all felt that this method was good, so they said in unison, "Then let's try it now."

"Insect mother, first send out a hundred mutant sons and toss this insect soul king."

A smirk appeared on Guan Heng's face, and then continued: "As long as this guy continues to release the phantom fog ability to cover all the cockroaches, they will get used to this attack mode sooner or later, and then they will kill similar enemies. It's easy."

"Sure enough, it's a good idea that the master can think of, I admire it." After hearing this, the mother of evil slugs nodded and did as she said.

"Buzzing-shushushu--" In the blink of an eye, hundreds of mutant cockroaches rushed out one after another, and surrounded the unfortunate Illusionary Mist Insect Soul King, who saw the fierce cockroach suddenly approach, It was so frightened that it kept releasing a pale white phantom mist, covering the cockroaches.

But this time, the five-colored scorpion has also learned to be smart. No matter how many illusions your fog repeatedly produces, I will definitely not move with it. I will just gather together, stay motionless, and wait for the gap between the fog to dissipate, and then wait for an opportunity to fight back!


Just after a few breaths, four or five scorpions became accustomed to the feeling of being wrapped in the phantom mist. They suddenly released the fire aura in their bodies, shattering the mist trapping themselves around them, and then slowly flew back to the worm mother.

At the same time, the mother of evil worms screamed: "Okay, the brothers lined up next to them will enter the fog again, and everyone can go according to the feelings of their companions."

Hearing this, there were indeed many more scorpions pouring into the mist. This cycle continued for a while, and the Phantom Mist Insect Soul King was already exhausted like a dead dog, and no longer had the strength to release the Phantom Mist.

"Squeaky..." The guy whimpered and fell in front of Guan Heng all of a sudden, which meant to say, "You should just kill me, I really can't stand it."

"Hmph, it's okay to kill you directly, but well, it's very useful to see you now, I won't kill you for the time being, but it's better to let you rest for a while to recover, after all, it will be later. You also have to play with the cockroaches and them."

When he said this, Guan Heng took out a small soul power bead, crushed it and released the soul power, which suddenly poured into the soul of the Insect Soul King to replenish its vitality.

Even the Insect Soul King, who wanted to die, felt refreshed after receiving this soul power, and then quickly began to absorb and fuse this soul power.

"Hehehe, it seems that you haven't eaten enough for a long time. After all, capturing those ordinary insect souls and ingesting the weak soul power of the other party is not enough to make you feel full."

Looking at the Illusory Mist Insect Soul King who bowed his head and said nothing, Guan Heng said: "Well, let's have a negotiation, if you submit to me, I will guarantee that you will always have enough soul power to absorb, and will not force you to do anything too much. As for things, you just need to accompany them to practice properly."

Hearing this, the Illusory Mist Insect Soul King trembled for a moment. There is no doubt that this guy is indeed a little tempted.

At this moment, the evil worm mother beside Guan Heng said: "Hey, what a great opportunity, you can take this opportunity to get rid of your own predicament, and follow us, it is better than suffering in this broken graveyard. Is there more?"

"That's right, the boss is right, there's absolutely no harm in going with us." At the same time, King Jinzhang and Guhuang Houzhe said in unison.

"There is one more thing, I need your help, and if I can do it, I will never treat you badly."

Guan Heng said to the Illusory Mist Insect Soul King at this time: "You can't be the only Insect Soul King in this tomb, right? I plan to catch all those guys, and I will let you be their boss in the future, and let the other party suffer from you. control."

"Squeak?!" After hearing this, the Illusory Mist Insect Soul King became extremely excited.

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