Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1246: Frog king

"Now, you die too!" Guan Heng strode forward, holding the dragon's tooth blade in his hand and chopping, but at this moment, the dwarf Weng Li who had already rushed out shouted, "Guan Heng, Wait first. "

"Hoo, ho, **** ...", sweaty Weng Li gasped and said, "Isn't your pet still awake? Hurry up and let the frog king take a breath on his face, or else the little guy I'll be drowsy all the time. "

"Hey, hurry up and wake up the soul-sucking beast." Guan Heng heard here, and kicked the six-toed golden frog king. "If you dare to play tricks, I will chop you with a stab."

"Well." The giant frog king screamed in pain, and immediately spit out a sorrow of green gas towards Yabu, the soul-absorbing beast, and within a few seconds, Yabu finally woke up.

"Uh ... all sour and numb." Yabu shook his head and said stupidly, "What the **** is wrong with me?"

"I can't think of the shock of the six-toed golden frog." Weng Li beside him also said with emotion: "I have been careful in the maze for so many years, and I have never encountered the trace of the six-toed golden frog. It is my first experience today. Here. "

"Just now, it seems that Yabu was stunned by the current released by the six-toed golden frog." Guan Heng thought in a low voice and then whispered, "Why does the six-toed golden frog release such a large current?"

"I also heard other senior explorers say a few years ago."

At this time, Weng Li beckoned to Borui, who was late in the distance, and then said to Guan Heng: "These six-toed golden frogs have a pair of 'storage bags' in the left and right parotid glands, which can be accumulated slowly in normal times. Electricity. When attacking the enemy, use a long tongue to turn around the opponent and release the power in one breath. That's it. "

Guan Heng nodded: "That's the case, these six-toed golden frogs are more powerful than the Lightning Lion in their current attacks."

"The boss said it makes sense. We've all seen Lightning Lion's disease attack before." Borui said at this time: "Compared to the current released by the golden frog just now, it's too weak."

At this moment, the six-toed golden frog king, who was crouching beside him, flashed a hint of slyness in his eyes.

Suddenly, the giant frog king roared suddenly, his cheeks swelled like a drum in an instant, and Guan Heng saw the situation was not good. He shouted immediately: "Everyone back away!"

"Slap!" Borui took a shoulder of Dwarf Weng Li, and the two and Yabu flew up a dozen meters in a short time. At the same time, Guan Hengyan took out the dragon's teeth and double-edged the six-toed golden frog. The king's body.

"Boom!" The giant frog king was caught off guard, without even having the time to explode the strongest current attack of his life, he was hit by the power of Bingyan's double-bladed fighting in an instant.

First, he was completely cooked by the fiery scorching sword, and then completely frozen by the ice magic sword. The six-toed golden frog king stared at the horrified eyes and bulged his cheeks on the ice cube. Zhong Zheqi died.

"Drapping--" However, even if Guan Heng shot swiftly and incoherently, there was still a rushing current that swept through the two dragon teeth, and Guan Heng only felt that his whole body was suffering from thunder.

At this time, the voice of the Dragon Soul Kufa suddenly came out of the Dragon's Toothblade: "Well? A strong amount of lightning power can catch up to one tenth of the power of the Dragon patriarch."

At this moment, Guan Heng was almost injured by the electric shock of five to seven, and he asked in his head: "Kufa, what are you talking about?

"Hey, I didn't seem to tell you before." Kufa said at the moment: "Our patriarch of the Bright Dragon clan is a dragon born to be good at using lightning and flames. It has the title of" Thunder Dragon God "."

"Thunder Dragon God ?!" Guan Heng murmured to himself: "This name sounds very powerful."

"Of course, I tell you that the thunder and flame powers of the clan masters are not talented magical powers of the dragon clan. They are the two powers that have been honed through the countless hard work of the day after tomorrow."

Dragon Soul Kufa said proudly: "All young and bright dragon clan see the patriarch as our goal and role model ..."

When Kufa just said here, he suddenly called out, "Guan Heng, pay attention, this golden frog in front of you seems to have gathered the beast soul."

Guan Hengwen listened to this statement, and he lifted his eyes and looked up. Inside the frozen six-toed golden frog king's corpse, he saw a shadow of a beast soul. Guan Heng was so pleased that he immediately turned it into a lodge. Soul Stone.

"This is a good thing. I even feel the strange shape of this soul stone, which can automatically absorb the thunder elements gathered around it."

Dragon Soul Kufa slightly said with a little excitement: "I can add a groove to the dragon's tooth blade, and inlay this soul stone that can absorb the amount of lightning power. In that case, hehe ..."

"I can use the power of thunder, right?" Guan Heng's mouth flickered with a smile, and he was about to continue the matter with Kufa, and Borui, Weng Li, and Yabu who had escaped in the distance just came over. Then, Borui shouted, "Boss, are you okay? Have you settled the giant frog king?"

"Kuffa, the matter of setting the stone of the giant frog king will be discussed later."

Guan Heng first ordered Kufa to let the other party retract the dragon's teeth first, and then said to Borui and Weng Li: "Fortunately, the hand is stunned, let's kill the giant frog king first, or let it launch a current attack. Hundreds of meters will become scorched earth. "

"Good danger, good danger," said the dwarf Weng Li, patting his chest with a guilty consternation, "It is also timely for you to lose, otherwise it will be bad."

"Haha, I knew that you were there, and everyone would be fine."

Borui flattered Guan Heng at this time, and when he was about to talk about it, Yabu, the soul-absorbing beast in the air, suddenly said, "Guan Heng, the smell of the soul demon stele seems to be getting stronger. Let's go here. Look northwest of the first floor, I think it should be over there. "

At this moment, Guan Heng and Borui looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes. After searching for so long, there was only a clue to the stele at this time. How can we not be surprised?

The next moment, Guan Heng and Borui's feet were windy, and Fei followed Yabu to the northwestern area of ​​this underground maze. However, when they saw the scene in front of them, their faces became quite ugly.

At this time, Yabu hovered around a corner of a wall covered with broken bricks and shattered tiles in the northwest corner, where there is now a large bottomless pit.

"My sense of smell can't be wrong." Yabu whispered, "This is indeed the place where the stele was originally buried." "Well, but now there is nothing but a hole in it." Borui Fuer Sighing bitterly: "Can we still be preempted by others?"

Guan Heng slowly shook his head and said, "I can't see it, it seems that the masonry is decaying, and it naturally collapses after years of disrepair ..."

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.5, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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