Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1254: Win strong

"Pop!" The voice didn't fall, and the skeleton king Aso suddenly grabbed the backbone of the bone-boned tiger and pulled it hard! "Wow, it's crackling!"

The entire spine of the White-Bone Tiger was pulled out by his own master. It suddenly made a terrible sound, and collapsed to the ground, without any sound.

"Alas! Pap!"

"You go to death!" Skull King single-handedly pulled the tiger's spine whip into the air, the bone whip looked like a cave snake, and turned to the horizontal neck.

"It's just dying and struggling." Guan Heng smiled coldly, reached out and grabbed the bone whip that he suddenly threw, and said loudly, "I'm tired of it now, so I can clean you up."

The voice did not fall, the tiger's spine whip suddenly heard a pale golden evil awn, and banged in front of Guan Heng's eyes.

"Taste this, the Shadowless Fighting Needle!" The Skeleton King laughed evilly, and the one hundred ten rapid needle fights transformed by the light of golden light burst into the eyes of Guan Heng. Change, change to another person, will definitely be caught off guard.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me." Guan Heng suddenly slammed a powerful breath on the cheeks, and immediately wiped the Jin Mang Qi needle without a trace. Suddenly, Guan Heng held the opponent's bone whip by hand, only listening The sound of crunching and crunching was endless, and the tiger's spine was broken every time when it was whiplashed, and it was pulled to the ground.

The next moment, Guan Heng didn't stop, the fist wrapped with red breath suddenly burst out!

"Boom! Bang!" Tekken is indestructible, and instantly hit the skull of the Skeleton King, suddenly hitting its jaw to one side suddenly, "Woohoo, bang, bang!" Once you start, this offensive is like a torrent of rainstorms. .

"Ka-cha!" The skeleton king who burst all over this time finally realized Guan Heng's terror power, but it was too late, and the bones of his body had been smashed into 90%. At this time, Guan Hengyang sneered: "The last blow , I will take you back to the earth! "

"锵 ——" The dragon's blade sharply came out of the sheath, as if splitting the sky's fierce momentum. The time covered the surrounding 100 meters. Borui and the bearded dwarf watching in the distance couldn't help but go back again and again, at this moment, Guan Heng growled and said, "Let's disappear, the undead skeleton king !!!"

"Hurt my master!"

"Oh!" Among the light and flint, several remaining Guardian bone-bone fighters stretched the skull and horse to strike Guan Heng.

But in Guan Heng's eyes, at this time, only the skeleton king who was about to be killed in front of me saw the incisive air of several meters as long as the twin blades of the dragon's teeth gathered in an instant. Shouting: "Dead-"

"Boom!" Jingtian slashed in anger, and fell right on the Skeleton King in front of him. "Uh ..." Poor Aso, who had just been promoted to Skeleton King, had no time to scream, and had already been killed by dragons. The sword force completely crushed the spot, and this fierce force was released at this moment, and it was out of control.

In a short time, the sword blasted into the ground, and the sound of cracking was endless. He rushed over to rescue Aso's Guardian bone-bone soldiers. He was swept by the resilience of Dragon's Breath, and they did not mourn. Smashed together.

"No, the power of the crystal red dragon's breath is too strong, so that the entire ground floor will collapse."

After Guan Heng was out of the knife, he was suddenly full of cold sweat. Fortunately, he took a deep breath, and Qing Huang, who was next to his heart, bounced abruptly, and immediately pulled back the power of Dragon Breath that was about to collapse.

"Huh, it's dangerous, thanks to the help of Qinghuang Residual Soul." Guan Heng was almost sitting on the ground without a buttock at the moment: "Otherwise, my trick really buried me alive."

"Huh!" The wind rose sharply behind him, and he heard the soul-absorbing beast Abu flying over and shouting, "Kuan Heng, look, there is a ghost in the smashed skull, grab it."

"I don't need you to say that I saw it." Guan Hengyiliang swallowed the ghost on the back of his hand, and immediately caught the ghost of the skeleton king, turning it into a soul stone.

"Slap!" Guan Heng just caught the Soul King's soul stone. Borui and the bearded dwarf Weng Li ran over. Borui cried: "Boss, you are getting more and more powerful. The trick just now is almost safe. The underground palace was demolished, but you reminded me not to use advanced magic tricks, did you forget it? "

"Oh, I'm sorry." Guan Hengyun smiled and scratched his head, he said: "Fortunately, the follow-up explosive power of this move was stopped in time, otherwise, we may really be buried alive."

"Brother, you have such a powerful skill at a young age, I am really an eye-opener." Said the dwarf Weng Li, who was almost frightened, "Now that the skeletons have ruled them, should I find the huge one? The monster is finally decisive. "

"Brother Weng Li said yes." Guan Heng slightly with his head, then said to the soul-absorbing beast Abu: "Is there a breath of the soul demon stele in the palace in front?"

"Yes, I feel very clear." Yabu nodded with certainty: "Let's hurry up."

At this time, Guan Heng had already hurriedly read the memory of the skull king Aso's soul stone, and he found that the original skeleton leader was very jealous of the dragon-like monsters in the dormitory, and he never dared to provoke this guy who was far above him. Over the years, Aso has been trying to advance from command to skeleton king, so that he can find a dragon-like monster challenge.

Who knows, the short-lived skeleton king was defeated by Guan Heng as soon as he was successfully promoted, and his luck was really at home.

In addition, Guan Heng also collected some clues about the pseudo-dragon monster. This pseudo-dragon monster has never seriously engaged with anyone, but only dozed off in the dormitory all year round, so its strength is unknown, but from the skeleton leader and the guard team Judging by the degree of fear of dragon monsters, this guy is definitely not simple.

"Aso's last memory is the 'light gold king's vindictiveness' of the undead that he just realized." Guan Heng turned his eyes, and he secretly exclaimed: "Yes, it is also an undead creature. Ma Ze may be able to Learn to fight this way, tell him about it and let him try. "

"Boss, look." The three walked to the gate of the palace at the end of the underground palace, and Borui suddenly said, "All the rocks are blocked here. It seems that the monster inside is doing a good thing. What should we do? Don't blast these doors away? "

Guan Henggang was about to express his opinions, and suddenly thought of something, he said sharply: "Since you have come here, you don't have to worry too much, everyone rests for two minutes, and then blasts the gate of the palace open."

Borui and Weng Li glanced at each other. The two felt that they had been fighting all the way just now. After dealing with many skeleton soldiers, they were really tired. They would fight against the dragon-like monsters later. They also wanted to rest.

—— [Second more in 2016.6.7, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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