Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1267: Entry method (fifth more outbreak)

"Of course it is me." Guan Heng said without hesitation: "Most of the equipment on my body is related to the Dragons."

"In addition, there are countless dark dragon soul stones, and Kuffa lodged in the blade of the dragon tooth." Guan Heng thought to himself: "It's just not necessary to tell you."

"That's the case, I understand." Erkexia said: "This is why Mr. Guan Heng can take your companion into the Crystal Dragon Palace, so I can only send you into the area of ​​the gate of the dragon tomb, As for Mr. Sanqiu, I can only say sorry. "

"It's okay, it's okay." After hearing this, Sanqiu waved and said, "I just happened to come in with the kid Guan Guan. It's such a dangerous place to the dragon tomb. I don't want to approach it at all, don't go."

"No, Mr. Sanqiu," Guan Heng said jokingly at this time: "You just abandoned me so easily, aren't you afraid I'm out of danger?"

"What a fool!" The fat old man made a swear, and then said angrily: "Your boy is ten times more powerful than me, and I have more than one, what am I going to do with you? When to drag the oil bottle?"

"Haha, are you praising me or hurting me?" Guan Heng muttered, and then asked Erka Xia: "Hey, guardian, you said, before I repair the dragon tomb seal, can I enter the dragon tomb? ? "

"What ?!" Erka Xia said in an unbelievable tone: "Mr. Guan Heng, please quickly dispel this thought, I dare to assert that at this time all the dragon's tomb is in the tomb of the dragon, if you now If you enter, there will be no death, believe me. "

"Ha ha ha, before you understand my ability, you are right to have this kind of worry." Guan Heng said in a leisurely manner: "Tell you, Erka Xia, I have the ability to deal with invisible souls, any evil The soul is like a lamb to be slaughtered before me, without any resistance. "

"I can prove this." The fat old man Sanqiu said slowly: "Although normal people can't see the invisible body of the ghost, Guan Heng's pupils can easily detect the existence of the other party, and he still has The ability of the soul to become a spar. "

"That's it, Guardian Kelka, listen to my advice."

Guan Heng went on to say, "If you want to be once and for all, and not let any evil spirit of the dragon race rush out of the dragon tomb and wreak havoc on the land of St. Lompland, then you should let me enter the dragon tomb and destroy them completely, not just repair them. The seal of the gate, because in that case there will only be an emergency, and the evil spirit will come out sooner or later. "

"This ... seems to make some sense, too." Erkaxia considered for a while and said hesitantly, "Mr. Guan Heng, your suggestion is not bad, but there is a very important problem in it, if not solved, You cannot enter the Dragon Tomb. "

"Oh?" Guan Heng asked, "What's the problem?"

"Usually, only dragons that are extremely powerful and recognized by all their kins can enter the tomb of the dragon when they are dying, because it is the glory of all dragons to sleep in the tomb."

Erka Xia said, "But you are not a dragon, and you don't have the characteristic breath of the dragon soul, so the gate of the dragon tomb will not allow you to enter."

"The breath of the Dragon Soul?" Guan Heng smiled slightly, and he took out a Dragon Soul Stone of the Dark Dragon tribe and said, "Is this kind of thing?"

"This ... is indeed the breath of the Dragon Soul, but this spar may not work."

Erkaxia carefully identified it, and then said: "The breath of the local dragons of Saint Lomprum is completely opposite to the scent of your hands. The breath of the local dragons is full of positive sunlight, but your spar ... hh ... how do you say it seems that the evil spirit is very heavy. "

After a pause, Erkaxia continued: "The seal and the ban on the gate of the dragon tomb are legendarily laid by the **** of the dragon tribe. It is very repulsive to this evil power, so if you hold this spar, you must not be able to Enter the tomb of the dragon. "

"It turned out that the dark dragon's breath is indeed full of evil because of the black gas of the demon domain." Guan Heng put away the dark dragon soul stone, and suddenly his heart moved, hurriedly summoning Kufa who lived in the blade of the dragon's teeth: "Brother Hey, Couff, you come out. "

"Guan Heng? What do you call me for?" The ghost of the dragon fist suddenly appeared on the scabbard of Dragon Fang, and Kufa was confused, and said in Guan Heng's mind: "I just fell asleep ... ... "

"Delka Xia, do you think this Dragon Soul can take me into the Dragon Tomb?" Guan Heng said, "Is its breath closer to the native Dragons?"

"Uh ?! This is ... the breath of the native dragons, full of bright power ... but it seems a little different."

After feeling the breath of Kufa ’s dragon soul, Erkexia was initially a little excited. At first she thought that Kufa was the soul of the native dragon family, but after careful identification, she said with some disappointment: "No, It's not a native dragon, alas, everyone has perished. Where else will the dragon souls wander out? "

"Hey, Guan Heng, who is this blue crystal ball?" Kufa asked curiously. "How can I still talk?"

"This question will wait to answer you." Guan Heng then said to Erkexia: "How about? Although it is not the soul of the native dragon race, it should be close enough to be a substitute?"

"I don't know whether I can successfully enter the Dragon Tomb, because this situation has never been encountered before," said Erkaxia seriously. "But I suggest you try it, there should be a chance of success."

"Mr. Guan Heng, there is another thing to ask you, Mr. Hailiedus sacrificed himself and sealed the gate of the Dragon Tomb with the" Frozen Soul Charm ". After these centuries, his body and spirit must be abnormal. weak."

At this point, Erka Xia thought for a while and said, "If you can enter the dragon tomb, please collect some ambergris and dracaena that can restore physical and trauma. After unsealing and freezing him, feed him This will help Mr. Herods recover his vitality. "

After speaking these words, Erka Xia described to Guan Heng the appearance of ambergris and dracaena, both of which are magical plants that grow in the tomb of the dragon and are rare remedies for healing and healing.

"Okay, I remember this." Guan Heng nodded. At this moment, the blue crystal ball suddenly bloomed with a strange strong light, and a beam of light several meters in diameter appeared in front of Guan Heng.

Er Ka Xia said: "Mr. Guan Heng, after you enter the beam of light, you will be teleported directly to the gate of the Dragon Tomb, but I want to remind you that after thousands of years, my strength is quite weak , There is little left, please go in and out of the dragon tomb as soon as possible, and rescue Mr. Hailiedu Shi, please. "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.9, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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