Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1274: The source of misfortune

"Do you need my help?" One Dragon prince rubbed his hands, Guan Heng shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, but I managed to get you out of the control of dark matter. You better stay away from them now, Otherwise, they will be easily infected again. "

"The benefactor makes sense." Prince Yilong nodded and said to Kathy, "Let's step back."

The next moment, Guan Heng secretly said, "Don't delay any more time, save all the remaining eight dragon princes in one go."

Speaking of time and time, Guan Hengyan suddenly pulled out the dragon's tooth blade on his back, and waved it down, and suddenly two sharp swords with red crests appeared, quickly passing the shadows around the seal array. How tall was one person? The gap suddenly opened. The next second, Guan Heng had swung into the seal array.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" When a stranger enters, the horrifying black mist suddenly boils in the seal array, and eight powerful dragon souls are divided into front, back, left, and right directions, madly attacking the intruding barrier. horizontal.

"Hey, I'm here to save you, don't be ignorant of people's hearts." Guan Heng's mouth suddenly flickered a smile, and the two-handed dragon tooth blade turned with him: "Hurricane King of the Snake!"

All of a sudden, Guan Heng's whole body suddenly blasted a powerful hurricane, and the eight dragon spirits that rushed over were suddenly blown out by the strong wind that swept through.

Guan Heng saw that the hurricane was working, and immediately took a step forward. He just used the dragon's breath crystal to absorb the dark material contained in the dragon prince. He found that his control of the dragon's breath crystal had deepened, but his mind moved a little. , The whole body was suddenly covered with a layer of outward red dragon breath.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" The air of red breath covered by Guan Heng's body continued to expand outwards. The time was filled with the entire seal array, as if stretching out numerous large hands, forcibly pulling the dark matter on the body of eight dragon spirits, constantly absorbing ...

One hundred meters away from the Seal Formation, Prince Yilong and Kaixiu were watching nervously. At this time, Kaixiu muttered to himself: "I don't know if Lord Guan Heng can withdraw from his body under the siege of His Highness Eight. "

"With the strength of benefactors, there should be no problem ..." Before Yilong's words fell, he heard the location of the seal formation in the distance, and suddenly a strong shock occurred.

"Boom--Boom!" After a strong bang, a huge scorching black pit appeared in the seal array. The smoke plume rose and the black mist filled.

"Prince Yilong, Kaixiu, come here." Guan Heng's voice suddenly passed over: "Eight princes are fine!"

At the next moment, Prince Yilong greeted several brothers who had recovered the same dark material and recovered their sobriety. They were Prince Erlong to Prince Jiulong. At this time, Guan Heng said, "I just picked it up in the seal array. To someone, who do you know? "

Speaking, Guan Hengzhan opened his palm. He was holding a piece of black crystal that was more than two feet long. When he saw it, the nine dragon princes fell into silence and began to think hard. Suddenly, the three dragon princes shouted: "I want Arise, I seem to have seen this and this thing. "

Immediately afterwards, the emperor Sanlong told the story again. Because the age is too far away, the memory of the emperor Sanlong can only be vaguely recalled, not very clear.

It was during the late period of the "Antiquity Three Tribal War" in St. Lompland. There was a fierce clash between the Dragon and the Demons. The two sides fought for years and countless ethnicities died. At that time, nine dragon princes died. , Entered the tomb of the dragon.

However, when the three dragon princes died, there was something special. At that time, a demon curse led someone to attack the three dragon princes. However, he was defeated by the three dragon princes alone, and the whole army of the devil was overwhelmed. Pride, but did not expect that a careless calculation by the other party suddenly occurred.

The demon curse flew half of his skull with one claw of the three dragon princes, but did not immediately die, but struggled to summon an inky spar that was several tens of meters high. The spar appeared while absorbing all The flesh and soul of the dead demons burst into a big explosion in an instant.

When the inky spar smashed and exploded, the three dragon princes desperately resisted, but was hit by a sharp shard of spar, which penetrated the left eye and belly. After it was seriously injured, it was fell to the ground by the remaining dragon brothers. After being rescued, he could suffer from the wound of the inky spar, which caused numerous ulcers and bruises.

The poor Prince Sanlong was tortured in extreme pain for three days and three nights. He died like this and was sent to the tomb of the dragon.

"Because I died because of something like" black crystal ", I remember it very clearly." Prince Sanlong said it again, and then said to everyone present: "This kind of crystal, and hurt me, led to The inky black spar of my death is exactly the same, definitely. "

"Well ... I think it should be like this."

Prince Yilong groaned for a long while, and suddenly analyzed: "The second brother, the sixth brother, and the seventh brother were the ones who sent the third brother to the gate of the tomb of the dragon. At that time, I felt that the third brother's remains were weird. The dark shards were not removed, but I rushed to the battlefield to play against the Devil, and I didn't care about it. "

"It turned out that the inky spar was inadvertently brought to the tomb of the dragon." Guan Heng looked at the things in his hand: "Then, the dark matter emitted by this thing raged everywhere, and infected a large group of dragon souls in the tomb Now. "

"Master Guan Heng, will the spar in your hand infect us again?" Kaixiu suddenly shouted beside him, "Should such a dangerous thing be destroyed?"

Kaixiu's words were not loud, but they scared the nine dragon princes and brushed back a few meters. Guan Heng smiled and said, "It's okay. Although the dark matter in the inky spar is very strong, I have used it. It's completely sealed by special invisible forces, so you can rest assured. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng put away this rectangular black spar. The special physical strength he said refers to the red dragon's breath. Guan Heng has wrapped the thing with dragon's breath, completely blocking the possibility of the overflow of dark matter.

"I vaguely remember that Her Majesty the Dragon Emperor, when we were infected, shot and waited for me to seal." At this moment, the Emperor Dragon said with some worries: "I am very worried about His Majesty, when it falls, the power is extremely weak, I do not know how is it now?"

"Let ’s do this. I just want to go to the Dragon God Monument." Guan Heng said, "This is also to prevent any accidents from His Majesty Dragon God. Who would you like to go with me?"

"Well ..." Upon hearing this, the nine dragon princes were a little hesitant. Seeing them all looked like this, Guan Heng suddenly wondered: "What's wrong with you?"

—— [2016.6.11 Second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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