"Uh ah!" Guan Heng only felt that his body could not rotate in a strange space, and he was completely out of control. He exclaimed and planted it in the bottomless abyss.

I do not know how long, Guan Heng suddenly plunged and fell to the ground.

"Oops!" Guan Heng grinned at this fall, and complained in his mouth: "Damn, the ground is uneven, and it's stabbed me!"

At this moment, a dull and rough voice suddenly sounded: "Smelly boy, you are falling on me, please roll down for Lao Tzu !!"

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng was startled by the voice, and his feet suddenly stood unstable, his bones rolled and rolled down, and he fell down again, "Bang!" This time, Guan Heng was holding himself firmly in the cold It's on the ground.

When Guan Heng shook his head again and looked up, he saw a mountain ... ah no, it should be a huge dragon-like body like a mountain.

This dragon looks very ordinary. Perhaps it is Guan Heng who has been used to many strange dragons, yalongs and transformed dragons, so the dragon in front of it is really inconspicuous in terms of appearance, but only One thing, it's ... it's too big.

From the beginning to the end, this dragon does not know how many kilometers it may be. There may be tens of thousands of meters. It may be impossible to see at a glance. However, at this moment, this dragon seems to have no vitality. Lie on the ground, because there is no light all year round, the dragon's body is piled with thick soil, and weeds and moss, as if assimilated with the ground.

Because this dragon was too big, Guan Heng looked dumbfounded, but after a few seconds he noticed something wrong: "This dragon ... will not be dead? Why is there no movement at all? "

"Momboy, you're farting again, who said that your grandfather Dragon is dead? I didn't die if you were dead!" The dull and rough voice just started to swear: "Younger, no polite words Is there no adult discipline at home? "

"What did you say ?!" After hearing the words from the other side, the blue tendons on Guan Heng's head came out, and he shouted angrily: "No matter who you are, no one has ever talked to Master Ben like this, you come out, Lao Tzu I want you to know you even your mother! "

"I don't know if I have lived for tens of thousands of years. Maybe my mother hasn't known me for a long time. Of course, if she is still alive."

As soon as the voice fell, a white light flashed through the air, and Kankan stopped in front of Guan Heng. It turned out to be a white body, pure and immaculate, almost transparent.

The body suddenly said, "You are the kid who has been tossing in the tomb of the dragon? I have been observing you since you entered the tomb of the dragon."

"Observe me?" Guan Hengji tilted the soul group, and he asked with a less certain tone: "Are you ... the dragon **** of Saint Lomplon ?!"

"Dragon ?! Hahaha--"

The soul group burst into a hearty laughter, and then changed, it turned into a virtual statue of a pure white Xiaolong the size of a slap. At this time, the pure white Xiaolong laughed: "No one has called me like this for many years. It ’s just a common title for people and the world. Since you can come here with great courage, you are eligible to know my real name. "

"My name is-Ganesha, in the Dragon language, it means 'the emperor of the white'." Pure white Xiaolong said slowly: "I know you're called Guan Heng, and I saw you through magical powers. Everything I did in the tomb of the dragon, here I would like to say thank you. "

"You're welcome, Mr. Ganesha ..." Guan Henggang said here, and was suddenly interrupted by the pure white dragon: "Cough, I don't like to be called 'Mr.', remember this, and call straight My name will do. "

"Well, Gan-Ni-Suo!" Guan Heng deliberately spoke out the name of the other party, and then asked, "Where is my Dragon Soul friend Kufa? What happened to you?"

"You mean the little dragon from the other world? Hehehe ..." Ganiso chuckled: "I didn't do anything to it, but, in terms of its strength of the dragon soul, I couldn't stand it and I stayed The coercion on the stele is also normal, rest assured, it's fine. "

"So ... where is Kufa now?" Guan Heng looked around and said casually, "why didn't you see it?"

"Before you fell, I threw it to the center of my dragon's brain."

The pure white dragon Ganesha said, pointing to the huge dragon body behind Guan Heng: "I see it as a far away customer, let it remain in my physical thinking, and understand the Holy The history of the dragon family in Lomprum, by the way, teaches it some dragon knowledge and magic, and it should be a gift to a small family in a different world. "

"It turned out that this kind of thing is very good for Kufa." After Guan Heng slightly heard his head, he suddenly asked, "But why do you want to cheap it?"

"Oh, I did this, but it also included some selfishness." The pure white dragon lingered in the air for a while, then landed on a huge raised dragon scale, and said, "Before coming to the Dragon Tomb, you Have you heard the allusions of the ancient tribal wars in St. Lomplon? "

"Of course I heard that," Guan Heng said, "did not your dragons all die because of this?"

"Speaking of it, it is also the negative effects of greed and killing that led to the continuation of the war." Pure White Dragon Ganesha said: "The war has lasted for nearly a thousand years and the history spans too much. I can't even remember the reason for the original battle. . "

"I didn't intend to intervene directly with the gods and demons of the human race, but the ethnic groups of the three races were too horrible and finally caught our attention and attention."

Gannisso said here, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Maybe I was anxious to end the protracted war, so I made a very wrong decision, which is the mistake that directly led to the demise of the dragons in St. Lomplon."

Seeing that Guan Heng was so enthusiastic, Pure White Xiaolong continued: "At that time, I decided to choose an ally between the human race and the demons, and then completely suppress the third party forces and end the war as soon as possible."

"In the long run, this may not be a good idea," Guan Heng said suddenly. "At the very least, as long as it is not stupid, I will think so."

"You are right, but when I chose my allies, I made a subjective mistake. The Dragons always worshiped the most direct force and strong, and I was no exception at the time."

Ganezo said: "At that time, I think that when choosing an ally, you should choose a stronger one. Obviously, the demons meet this standard better than the human race, so I ... chose to join forces with the demons to suppress the gods of the human race."

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.11, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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