Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1279: Strongest soul fusion

Gannisol was very popular. Just do what he said. Immediately, he found an open space near the dragon's body and laid a simple formation on it. It floated in the air, and spoke a few deep and difficult dragons in his mouth. In a word, the formation on the ground immediately glowed with gray light.

"It's done, Guan Heng. You sit inside with your knees crossed, and start to absorb the dark matter with the red dragon crystal." After listening to Ganesha's orders, Guan Heng stepped forward immediately and sat gently in the circle.

"Plam ... oh!"

The crimson atmosphere that originally wrapped the spar was retrieved by Guan Heng in an instant. The material in this dark spar sprang out at once. They wanted to disperse quickly, but the closed array under the dragon's soul, Ganisuobu, was suddenly surprised. As soon as the move, countless mysterious lines have appeared in the air, forming an inseparable network of golden light, and it is worthy to stop all the black gas.

"Oh!" Guan Heng, who sat cross-legged in the middle, constantly drove the red dragon crystal in his body, allowing it to absorb dark matter quickly, and the time elapsed. The blink of an eye was more than ten seconds. The inky crystal stone in Guan Heng's hand instantly burst into a sky-high powder, and all the dark matter had been absorbed.

"Huh, it's done."

Guan Hengchang breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and walked out of the circle. At this moment, the pure white dragon Ganniso was a little excited, and said with a fist of palms: "Then let's rush the soul now, and I will drop you by the way The original sea snake king and beast soul devoured it, which can be regarded as a little energy supplement. "

"Wait, there's one more thing I want to ask." What a savvy person Guan Guan was, at this moment he thought of a crucial question, so Guan Heng asked: "I want to know, in Helong Are there any sequelae of using your power after the soul of God is fused? "

"Uh, well ... let me think about it."

After a little groaning, Ganesha immediately said, "Listen, with your reminder, I really thought of a problem. Although there is no time limit for the integration of you and me, when you use the power of the dragon god, you have to Pay attention to your body's ability to bear, because in the human body, the load of 'Dragon God Power' is quite large. "

"Let ’s do this. I ’ll give you a time limit. After fifteen minutes of continuous use of the power of the Dragon God, you must stop to rest and recover your strength." Ganiso said seriously: "Otherwise, you will fall into extremes A state of weakness is very dangerous. This is the relative price to pay after gaining great power. "

"Well ... fifteen minutes, if it is used to end the usual battle, it should be enough." Guan Heng groaned with his chin and said, "It seems that I need to pay more attention to this time."

"By the way, that little kid in Kufa is still in the center of my dragon's brain at this moment." Ganesha suddenly cried out, "Really, patronizing, I almost forgot the kid completely."

After hearing this sentence, Guan Heng almost chuckled and said, "Speaking, I also seem to have forgotten Kufa. This guy sometimes doesn't have any sense of existence." The next moment, pure white dragon Ganniso slowly Speaking of the Dragon Spell, summoned Kufa.

"Huh? Where is this again?" Dragon Soul Kufa floated slowly in the air and opened his eyes slowly. Suddenly, he saw Guan Heng standing there, and he screamed in surprise: "Guan Heng, great, your boy It's okay, so I worry about it. "

"To be honest, I am worried about you too, but just now, Your Majesty Dragon God said it was good to take care of you, and I was relieved." Guan Heng said, pointing at the pure white dragon: "Come here and see Your Majesty. "

"This must be Her Majesty's Dragon God?" Kufa flew slowly to Ganeso, a few meters before him, and immediately respectfully stagnated, saying, "The junior is the Ashton continent. The descendants of the Dragon, Kufa, have seen His Majesty. "

Seeing the other person polite, Ganisole nodded with satisfaction: "Well, when you entered this space just now, I sent you to the center of the dragon brain. It is for you to learn knowledge and some lost dragon magic. You Did you realize it? "

Kufa hurriedly whispered, "Yes, Her Majesty's deep gift, the younger grateful."

"The inheritance of the dragons here has been cut off because of the fall of the entire dragons. I hope you will bring the knowledge you have written down and one day return to the dragons in the Ashton continent to continue our civilization."

Ganesha slowly said, "Don't forget that you have in your hearts the alert for the tragic past, and take the demise of our Saint Lompron dragons as a warning."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will pass on these extremely valuable knowledge of the Dragons." Dragon Soul Kufa said solemnly: "This is my commitment to you, and also my commitment to the Saint Lomplon Dragons. . "

"Thank you, boy, you are such a good person." Hearing Kufa's sincere words, Ganisole nodded with satisfaction: "Go, you can go back to sleep in Dragon's Blade."

"Yes, the junior has retired." Ku Fawen heard this, and he disappeared into the air, and returned to the scabbard of the Dragonfang next moment.

"Okay, then our soul melts." Guan Heng took a deep breath and said easily, "Ganiso, Your Majesty, Are you ready?"

"Ha ha ha, it's ready for a long time, I'm here." Pure white dragon Ganesha suddenly turned into a huge giant dragon virtual image in a short time, and then, its powerful dragon soul force could not stop ripples. Spreading rapidly, echoing constantly in this space.

At the beginning, the energy of the dragon spirit's soul was surging, full of pride, arrogance, and unruly, but these difficult-to-control factors were gradually flattened and become sharpened by the repeated refinement and sacrifice of Ganiso's dragon soul. Sleek and gentle, without a half fierce and wild breath.

At this time, Ganesha shouted: "Guan Heng, now it is, the best time for soul fusion has arrived!"

"Melting soul, start—" In the low roar, Guan Hengji fisted his two fists, and then pointed away to the Dragon Spirit soul in the air. The Dragon Spirit light group suddenly turned into an aurora, and went straight into it. Off Heng's body.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when he first integrated into the god-level soul, Guan Heng suddenly felt that his body was constantly vibrating, like piercing his body with tens of steel needles, as if his body had been torn into countless numbers. The fragments, the kind of unbearable severe pain, made Guan Heng's heartbreaking roar.

It stands to reason that Guan Heng's body has been more than a hundred times stronger than ordinary people, but he can hardly endure this kind of pain. Fortunately, the remnant soul of Qing Huang near the heart is beating slowly, constantly spreading a patch to repair the blood vein damage of Guan Heng muscles. Only after dozens of seconds did Guan Heng gradually get used to this pain.

—— [2016.6.12 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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