Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1281: Free Sage

"I've made you wait a long time, Mr. Hailiedu Shi." Guan Heng looked at the thick ice wall in front of him several dozen meters high and the frozen old man inside, and he murmured to himself, "Now I will save you out. "

"Slap." The palm of the hand pressed in front of the ice, and Guan Heng mouth slowly read a string of jerky Dragon Mantras, which is a unique message sent by the Dragons when they gathered fire elements. Fire elements from all directions suddenly rushed in, and they rushed to the ice layer in front of them. Under the constant attack of fire elements, the thick and solid ice turned into instant water.

However, this ice layer is really too thick. Guan Heng estimated that if he replaced it with the flame of the magic sword before entering the dragon tomb, it would be impossible to complete it without a few hours.

"Now, with the function of the Dragon Spell in gathering the element of fire, you should be able to melt the ice and rescue Mr. Hailiedu Shi within a few minutes."

Guan Heng saw the sea martyrs closed in the ice, but still full of vitality, and sighed involuntarily: "The sage is indeed a sage, who can sacrifice for hundreds of years, and the ice is about to collapse. The gate of the Dragon Tomb is amazing. "

Sighing two words, Guan Heng then took out countless ambergris and dracaena from the dragon emperor's belt, and he secretly murmured: "These are all elixirs that can repair the physical and mental damage of the Martyrs, but they are refined. After that, it is more effective than swallowing. "

"唰 唰 唰 ——" gathered the fire elements in one hand to continue to melt the ice layer, and the other hand to melt the bergamot and dracaena with high temperature, and continued to roast the juice of these herbs, which turned into a scent with a strong aroma. The liquid of the elixir, Guan Heng took out an empty bottle, and let the liquid floating in the air slowly flow into the bottle. At this time, the ice layer finally melted and ran out.

"Pop ..." At the last moment, the old man who suddenly fell out of the ice layer softly fell in Guan Heng's arms, his cold body, but his heart was still warm.

At the same time, Guan Heng suddenly missed a word, and a mysterious seal rune suddenly flew out, "clicking-popping." It was affixed to the stone gate of the dragon tomb, which escaped from the crack of the stone gate and was The dragon soul infected with the dark breath was smashed, and the golden light of the seal was fleeting.

"Okay, the seal of the dragon's tomb has been repaired. Let's go."

"Whew!" After a while, Guan Heng and Hailiedushi's bodies disappeared.

"Oh!" The next moment, the two had returned to the palace at the bottom of the lake, and the crystal ball Erka Xia's room.

"Haha, we are back."

Grinning softly, Guan Heng has placed the body of Hailiedushi on the ground, and then immediately fed the bottle of medicine to the old man's mouth. At this time, the fat old man in the room, Sanqiu and Erkaxia, said in unison: "You're back. It's been a few hours. We thought you had an accident?"

"Hehehe, it's not only okay, I still have a rich harvest in the tomb of the dragon." At this moment, Guan Heng said to the crystal ball Erka Xia: "I've lived up to my trust, I have saved Mr. Sage . "

"Thank you, Mr. Guan Heng," Gulkaxia said gratefully, "you did not let me down."

"Dang 啷 —— 当 啷 ——" At this moment, Xiang Xuan in Guan Heng's pocket suddenly made a crisp sound. He and Sanqiu glanced at each other, suddenly felt a little weird, so Guan Heng took out the Xiang Xuan, and saw A faint light began to bloom on it.

At the same time, the Martyrs lying on the ground suddenly gave a weak moan: "Uh ..."

"He's about to wake up." Guan Heng hurriedly walked over and raised the upper half of Hailiedushi's body. He called softly, "Mr. Hailiedushi, sage ... Can you hear me?"

"Huh ... huh ... I seem to have had a long dream." At this moment, Hailedushi gasped and said, "Young man, who are you? And here is ..."

"Mr. Hailiedushi, do you remember me?" The anxious voice of the blue crystal ball suddenly sounded: "It's me, Erka Xia."

"Kaxia, it's you ?!" At this time, the old sage struggled to stand up. He rubbed his turbid old eyes, and finally saw the crystal ball standing in front of him. Hailiedu choked with choke: "Kaxia, Friends, I finally saw you again. "

"Mr. Hailiedushi, you can wake up safely, I'm really glad, and I also want to thank Mr. Guan Heng for all his hard work and help." Immediately afterwards, Erka Xia received Guan Heng and Sanqiu the guardian elves. The message, rushed to the Crystal Dragon Palace, said it in 1510.

"Two of us, we have never known each other in life, but you have been able to save each other, and you are really grateful for your old age." Hailiedushi said to Guan Heng and Sangqiu with sincerity and excitement, "I will never forget my life. "

"Master Hailiedushi doesn't have to be so polite." Sanqiu, the fat old man, said quickly: "If you sacrifice the gate of the frozen tomb of the dragon, you have saved the lives of all the people in the land of St. Lompland. You are truly a sage.

"Yeah, and you, the guardian elf, it's quite remarkable. If it didn't send a message, tell us to come to the Crystal Dragon Palace, Mr. Sanqiu and I may not be able to save you."

Guan Heng said, and handed the stone necklace stamped by the guardian spirit to the Martyr: "Well, the necklace is here, the original is returned."

"My Guardian Elf ... It's really hard for you, Dovre."

A teardrop slowly rolled down in the eyes of Hailiedu Shi, and he murmured to himself: "I saw the situation at the gate of the dragon tomb was critical, so I teleported you, but I forgot to cancel the guardianship contract with you, You have been trapped in the branded stone for so many years, but you have been thinking of informing someone to save me, thank you, Dovre. "

"By the way, Mr. Heralds, why don't you release your guardian elf Dovre?" At this time, the crystal ball Erkaxia suggested: "I haven't seen it for many years, it is really good I miss the years when we met. "

Hearing this, Hailieduoshi clutched the necklace in the palm of his hand, and he suddenly sighed: "Oh, no, although I have been saved by Guan Heng, but my magical power has been counted The centuries have passed, exhaustion is exhausted, and without magic, I cannot summon Dovre from the branded stone. "

"I can draw a circular array that can quickly recover magical power," said the old man Sanqiu at this time. "Mr. Hailiedushi, wait for two minutes, and I will arrange the formation immediately."

Sanqiu always wanted to see what the legendary guardian elves looked like, so the fat old man who was always lazy had abnormal hands and feet at this moment, but in just a few tens of seconds, he had arranged the formation.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.12, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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