Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1284: Short-term contract

But at this moment, Dove suddenly laughed and said, "Haha, I've decided!" The elf suddenly uttered such a sentence, everyone present, including the blue crystal ball Erka Xia, was shocked, Erka Xia asked curiously, "Doffer, what have you decided?"

"I, I, I—I'm going to follow him!" Dove fluttered and fluttered around the cross in front of him for a few laps, almost dazzling each other's eyes, and then, Dove gently Landing on Guan Heng's head, she reached out her hand and tapped Guan Heng's forehead and said, "I will follow you and be your guardian elf."

"Hey, don't knock on my head, it's so itchy." Guan Heng said with tears and smiles: "Little ancestor, did you not hear what I said just now? I am not a native, after I signed a contract with you, if I Once you leave, what do you do? It's impossible to walk with me. "

"Huh, stupid egg, I didn't say I would follow you for ten thousand years." Dovre turned a somersault on Guan Heng's forehead, and fell lightly on his shoulder, and she slowly laughed slowly. "I want to sign with you, it's just a short-term guardianship contract."

"Short-term guard contract ?! What is Dongdong?" Guan Heng glanced at Dovre, feeling that the other person's face was full of teasing, he said angrily, "Don't you want to play with me?"

"Hahaha, guess?" Dovre smiled very proudly, at this time Hailie Du Shi explained: "Guan Heng, the so-called short-term guardianship contract, is a guardian elves and humans assist each other in a short period of time. An alternative contract. "

"Yes, the time is up to me. I think about it ... then fifteen days will be fine." Doffer said, "Guan Heng, you promise, just travel with me for a few days, to you Is there nothing to lose? "

"Okay, since you insist, I'm just kidding the child." Guan Heng sighed helplessly: "After fifteen days, you remember to find a really good host."

"You know, you are so mean, sign a short-term contract, come and spread your palms."

Guan Heng acted according to the words, and Dovre then used the **** of Guan Heng ’s arm as a slide and slipped down into Guan Heng ’s palm. At this moment, the guardian spirit was missing a word, and her petite grain-like body suddenly burst into colorful light. In the blink of an eye, a dazzling star-shaped imprint was left in the palm of Guan Heng.

"Yeah, the short-term contract has been reached. Oh, I found an interesting big toy now." Dovre swept away the frustration just now, and laughed happily: "In these fifteen days, I will have a good time . "

"Huh, you don't think it's too easy to follow me." Guan Heng said, "Tell you, I will continue to fight with the dragon clan and the abyss of the Demon Realm for half a month. Maybe you will be injured and killed, are you afraid? "

"Don't be afraid. When it ’s dangerous, I will leave you alone and run away." Dove flew to Guan Heng's shoulder and sat down, and she laughed: "Anyway, we are temporary short-term contracts, and the fetters are not so secure. "

"That's good, remember what you say, your safety is the most important." Guan Heng said softly, "I don't want to affect you."

"Boy Guan Heng, we have had enough time," said the old man Sanqiu, "it's time to leave."

"Mr. Martyrs ... I'm gone." Doffer blinked and said to the old sage, "Maybe I will find a good host in the future, and will ask him to take me to see you, goodbye."

"Well, Doffer, thank you for being with me for so many years. After breaking up, I hope you are happier." The eyes of the Martyr also became wet, and he lifted the string of pendants to Guan Heng: "Please, Take good care of her during this time. "

"Rest assured, Mr. Hailiedu Shi." Guan Heng immediately spread out the item in Doffer's heart and said, "Come in, it's time to leave here."

"Mr. Hailiedu Shi, Erka Xia ... hmm ..." Dovre glanced at the old sage and the blue crystal ball, and finally turned into a ray of light, sinking into the pendant.

"Take care, Dovre." At this moment, the crystal ball Erka Xia muttered, and then asked: "Hey Martyr, do you really want to stay with me?"

"This was decided hundreds of years ago." Hailiedu laughed. "Not to mention that I am an lonely old man and I have nowhere to go. I heard that St. Lomplund is now fighting outside, or not Go out for fun. "

"Hahaha, Mr. Hailiedushi is right. Compared to the outside world at this time, this palace at the bottom of the lake is safe and peaceful." Guan Heng smiled at this time: "It seems that the crystal energy of Erkaxia is weak, so Well, I got some secret methods from the Dragon Tomb to strengthen the crystal energy for you ... "

After a while, Guan Heng and Sanqiu returned to the shore of Lake Yodali with the teleportation spell. I was seeing Fengyu Long Baru reclining beside a rock near the water and snoring.

"Hey, Baru, wake up." Guan Heng stepped forward and patted his opponent's head with a slap: "It's time to get up."

"Uh ?! Lord Guan Heng, you can come back." Baru stretched and yawned, he said, "You and Mr. Sanqiu had been at the bottom of the lake for hours. I thought something had happened, almost Jump down to find you. "

With a slight smile, Guan horizontally said with ease: "Now everything has been solved, right, what about your elder brother Bath and Luther?"

"Big brother and third brother went to the north to find allies." Baru said: "When we come back to meet us, don't worry about them."

"Mr. Sanqiu, you go back to the island with the blue-bearded flatworm first." Guan Heng said to the fat old man at this time: "I want to hone my flying skills with my new partner, and then rush back."

"I see, see you later." After Sang Qiu waved his hands, the magic light of the whole body surged, and time disappeared with the teleportation spell.

After sending away the fat old man, Guan Heng said to Baru, "This time I sneaked into the palace at the bottom of the lake and learned a lot. I also learned the Dragon Mantra, which also includes the magic of the wind system. Come and pick a few simple teachings. Here you are, it will work. "

"Haha, I knew that there must be a lot of benefits to follow Lord Guan Heng, and this was fulfilled." Hearing the words of the other party, Baru was so happy that the snot bubble popped up: "Dragon Mantra, my life Never heard of ... "

"唰-buzz-jingle !!!" But at this moment, the item falling off Guan Neng's neck flickered suddenly, and Doffer suddenly flew out.

—— [2016.6.13 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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