Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1291: Soul into the brain

Guan Heng glanced at the whispering praying beast and asked, "Except what?"

"That was a long time ago, a myth that spread among the ancient three tribes that allowed the caster to be separated from the flesh and only entered the other person's brain in the state of the soul, thereby activating some amnesia caused by trauma. Symptoms, "Qi Yushou said," but this secret technique has been lost for too long, and I don't know the specific method. "

After a short pause, Praying Rain Beast continued, "If I can catalyze those remedial grass seeds, if someone can use the state of the soul to sneak into Ruta's brain and collect memory fragments for him, then, for him, Physical damage will be minimized and there will be no fatal danger. "

"Wait a minute first, I seem to have some impression of this mystery of the soul."

Guan Heng thought that the dragon **** Ganesha was one of the three ancient gods of St. Lomplon, and his memory might have records of soul art into the brain, so Guan Heng seized his time and searched in those memories of Ganesha Fan finally found some information.

"The mystery of soul body into the brain ... It was really invented by the dragons. The imagination of these guys is really rich." Guan Heng laughed in his heart, and then frowned, "But this mystery, for Shi The surgeon is also very dangerous. In addition to consuming a lot of physical strength, because of the time limit, the soul may be trapped in the memory of the other person forever.

"Anyway, in order to save Rutta, I have to try it even if it is dangerous. This is my promise to Dalavier."

At this moment, Guan Heng thought of the dark goddess on the Ashton continent waiting for his lover, and slowly sighed, saying, "I pray for the rain beast, and I know how the soul art enters the brain secret art. "

A few minutes later, Guan Heng had drawn a circular magic circle on the ground. He said to the rain-seeking beast: "This mystery is a unique technique of the ancient dragons, but I also used it for the first time, so be extra careful. Within thirty minutes, whether you succeed or not, I have to return from Ruta's mind, otherwise I will be trapped forever. "

"Ha, I don't expect you to have a lot of strange mysteries." Qi Yu Beast sneered and said, "Do you remember what I ordered just now?"

"Well, I understand everything." Guan Heng asked at this moment. "Within the time limit, I entered Ruta's brain and tried to help him collect memory fragments. Then I searched for the locations of the medicated grass seeds and placed the memory fragments. Go in, so Rutta should be able to retain some original memories, right? "

"Yes, but you must remember that Ruta's brain contains not only the original memory fragments, but also the dark power instilled in him by the abyss demon Pawn, if it is encountered, if it cannot be destroyed , Run away immediately, otherwise your soul is in danger of being blackened. "

After solemnly reminding Guan Heng, Qi Yushou went on to say, "Okay, now that everything is ready, let's start."

Guan Heng nodded slightly at this moment. He walked to the middle of the circle of souls, took a deep breath, and sat slowly on his knees.

In a short time, the constellation stones that were placed in the four corners of the circle array beforehand began to flash and shine. If this mystery was to be performed normally, four energetic magic stones were needed, but Guan Heng thought of any magic elements. The spar is not as pure as the soul stone, because it is the true source of the soul.

So Guan Heng made his own claim and replaced the ordinary magic stone with the four best dragon soul stones.

Sure enough, Guan Heng expected that the effect of the Soul Stone was better. At the moment he used the power of the Dragon God to leave his soul, the pure power of the four Soul Stones immediately kept Guan Heng's physical body optimal. State, because only in this way, when Guan Heng's soul returns, he can accurately regain control of his physical body.

On the other side, the rain beast lay in front of Luta, who was asleep, and said something in her mouth. It also evoked the power of its own water system and began to let the five remedial grass seeds take root in Luta's brain to absorb Guan Heng. Fragment of memory.

However, at this time, no one noticed that when Guan Heng's soul broke away from the body, the crimson dragon's breath crystallized in his body, and suddenly began to slowly increase the beating speed. I don't know if this happened. .


The next moment, Guan Heng found himself suddenly appearing on a road near a small town.

"Does this mean that Ruta's memory is in the depths?" Guan Heng looked around, and murmured in his mouth: "But I haven't seen Ruta."

Just then, the small town in front of it suddenly sounded an alarm bell: "咚 —— 咚 —— 咚 ——"

The farmers working in the nearby farmland suddenly raised their heads, and each of them had an extremely disgusted expression on their faces. One of them shouted, "That **** thief is doing evil again. What a reason!"

Another person shouted with a **** in his hand and shouted, "Be sure to kill him today, lest this little mess with no father and no mother harm our town again." These farmers rushed out of the field and ran into the town. Rushed away.

"Thief? Did they mean ... Ruta?" Guan Heng moved, and subconsciously followed these farmers and followed the town.

At the same time, on the streets of the town, a ragged and unkempt teenager laughed and ran while a group of angry adults were chasing after him.

"Stop, you little boy!" "I must strangle you today!"

One middle-aged man with an angry face was the most angry. He shouted, "You must grab this little boy for me today. He even threw horse dung into my grocery store, **** it, my whole room. The goods in the house cannot be sold! "

"Ha ha ha, boss Aike, most of the things in your store are fakes, even if you can't sell them, you're welcome."

The adolescent boy was extremely agile. He laughed and turned over a low ridge, and then made a face at the adults who were chasing him: "Hehehe-come after me, you guys sell Scammers of fakes. "

"Little thief, I, I'm going to kill you!" The middle-aged man named Aike is the only grocery store owner in this town. He made a lot of money by monopolizing grocery sales, but the boy was right. Most of the goods are fakes.

When the boy pierced his indecent behavior in person, Aike became so angry that he took a hard crossbow made of beef tendon from behind, and aimed at the elated boy, he just smashed an arrow, "Oh!"

"Ehhhhhhhh!" Although the boy was agile, he was still a child after all. Where could he escape the crossbow's arrowhead, screaming, I saw that his shoulders turned red, and an onion fell to the ground.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.14, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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