Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1296: Suspense cloud

"Brother, you're right ... hey, you're here, look." At this moment Sahei used his iron fingers to look forward, Ruta looked up, and a kilometer away, the entrance to a solitary masonry palace, just Standing in the desert is extraordinarily weird.

At this moment, Guan Heng, who was silently behind the two, also found the underground palace, but to his surprise, the totem logo on the brick wall of the entrance to the palace was the unique mark of the dark goddess who believed in the dark goddess. .

"It's interesting. After so long in Ruta's memory, I finally saw something related to Dalavier." Guan Heng secretly said: "Maybe, this is a rare opportunity, great."

Following Ruta and Sahe in front, they entered the tomb in the desert. The two people in front didn't seem to feel Guan Heng's existence at all. Guan Heng realized that in this third scene, he might just be a spectator. Those who do not need to be involved in the incident.

In the wet and cold tombs, poisonous insects and strange beasts were not a few. Ruta and Sahei were all on the way, defeating many sudden dangers, overcoming numerous obstacles, and finally came to a stone wall.

"The sign that the employer said is here!" Sahey wiped the moss on the wall with his hand, and there suddenly appeared a huge full moon sign. This was the emblem of the Dark Holy See heresy arbiter. Sahe asked: "Ruta You should remember the content of the mission we accepted? "

"Of course, the task list sent by the employer is very clear." Ruta said in a deep voice. "This is the underground palace warehouse abandoned by the Dark Holy See. There are some things the employer wants."

Sahei nodded slowly, saying: "Find those things and take them back to the employer, and our 200,000 gold coins will be paid. Compared with some extremely dangerous chores in the past, this task seems easier. "

"Brother Sahei, don't be careless, I said, this time the mission always reveals some weirdness." Ruta said, he began to look for the institutions behind the stone wall. Generally speaking, this kind of work is It was done by this outstanding thief.

A few seconds later, Ruta had found a stone brick that could be pulled out, and there was a rusty iron ring inside it. "Pah-Kala-" Ruta pulled it hard, the mechanism opened, only Listening to a loud noise, and the dust was flying, the stone wall in front of the two suddenly split into two, and a distant path suddenly appeared.

Seeing this situation, the two were overjoyed, and hurriedly walked inside. Guan Heng at the back saw the two monkeys look anxious, and couldn't help but smile: "It seems that the treasure inside is really attractive, these two guys I can't wait to make a smile. "

A few minutes later, Ruta and Sahe came to a stone room with a width of about tens of square meters, and found a lot of miscellaneous things, what are the torture tools of the heresy arbitration institution, and those rusty flagpoles littered everywhere. And weapons, and a weird law circle that occupies most of the room.

"It's weird. I didn't see the box that the employer said ..." Sahe looked around and found nothing to take, but at this time Ruta produced a mural on a white wall in the stone room. With great interest.

This mural is actually quite simple: a dark background with bright stars on top corners, and a young woman in a white gauze dress sits side by side with a cypress tree and plays it gently in the moonlight. harp.

"This, uh ... ah ..." When seeing the woman on the mural, Ruta suddenly stopped for a moment. For a moment, only her face and that woman's face were left around, and the four eyes felt like thunder. In general, endless love and admiration, like a raging storm, swept towards the memory fragments remaining at the end of the young mind.

"Although I don't know who you are ... but you are really beautiful ..." Ruta stared at the woman on the mural slowly and said to herself: "But why do you look so lonely and so sad in your eyes? You You know? If I could, I would trade my life for a minute ... No, even a happy smile for a second ... "

Speaking of which, Ruta ’s eyes seemed to be wet, and Guan Heng, who was behind them, leaning against the door frame and chuckling with a chuckle, also whispered, "I believe in your promise, because the man on the mural is The love of your life. "

"Hey, Ruta, come here." At this time, Sahei could not care about looking at any murals. He was thinking only how to find what the employer wanted. Sahe said, "Hurry up and find if there is a hidden place nearby. We have to get things before we can leave. "

"I see, Brother Sahei." At this time, Ruta shook her head lightly, and he stared affectionately at the **** the mural, then walked to the center of the huge law formation in the stone room.

At this moment, Ruta said: "Every institution of the graveyard or underground palace will leave some special marks, such as ... this!"

Ruta walked in front of a huge brown rock about half a man tall, and he turned to Sahee and said, "There is only such a brown rock in the whole stone room. This is what sets it apart from other furnishings."

"Oh, oh, oh!" Ruta knocked three times on the rock with his forefinger, and a smile flickered at the corner of his mouth: "It's really empty inside, brother, look at you."

"Okay." Hearing this, Sahei promised, took off the sledgehammer on his waist, and rushed up. After the slamming of the hammer, the brown rock turned into countless fragments, and the long-handle wrench was exposed. .

Immediately after, Rutta held his wrench arms hard, and only heard a strange sound in the stone room, "click, boom--", the huge circular array suddenly broke off the ground in the middle, and arched a stone table several meters square.

Sahe stepped over and suddenly cried in surprise: "There is a groove in Shitai, haha, the box is really here."

At this moment, Ruta was also overjoyed, but when they were happy, "噌 噌 噌 ——" suddenly entered several dark shadows outside the stone room.

"Who ?!" Sahei was indeed a seasoned mercenary, and the moment the opponent appeared, he had crossed his weapon mallet in front of him, and Ruta had pulled out a pair of short blades.

"Ha ha ha, head of Sahei, you are really hard." In the grinning laughter, a person suddenly entered the gate of Shishi.

This man was gorgeously dressed and dressed as a business man. He was dwarfed and unpretentious, but from time to time a pair of little eyes flashed a sly light. The first few people rushed in, including a magician, a swordsman, and even an orc with a giant axe. Warrior, it looks like the bodyguards of the fat merchants.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.15, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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