Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1302: Ruta wakes up (fifth more outbreak)

"Wow, ah ah-" With Ruta's scream screaming loudly, all the memory scenes, together with Ruta's body smashing time, shattered, this powerful explosive force, even Guan Heng also flew out, In the endless darkness, Guan Heng suddenly noticed a flash of light, a piece of pure white was quickly passing by his eyes.

"Don't run!" Guan Heng's left hand stretched out in an instant, "Pop!" He grabbed the fragments without bias, at this moment, Guan Heng's body was spinning uncontrollably.

"What's going on?" Guan Heng turned to electricity, but didn't understand where he went wrong.

"Hey, smelly boy, you can really do it, even if you rashly use the soul into the brain secrets, in the end you still want the dragon **** to do it for you."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, Guan Heng looked up, and a pure white dragon Ganesha's face appeared on his head. The other person said with a smile: "Forget it, let me come out first and talk about it, outside There are a lot of things waiting for you to resolve. "

"Yeah!" Ganesha suddenly flew to Guan Heng, muttering something in his mouth, and a green bead with a big fist suddenly appeared in front of Guan Heng. "Hey, don't be faint anymore, isn't there a piece of memory still? Tuck it in quickly." Ganezo reminded aloud, Guan Heng quickly put the fragment in the patch of seed grass.

The pure white dragon immediately stretched out his front paws and patted his shoulders, "Well, let's go!"

The next moment, Guan Heng's soul suddenly appeared in the cave. Ganesha said, "Go back to the flesh, you have been away for too long."

Guan Heng acted according to the words, and dug into his own body. The moment he entered the soul, he suddenly felt something wrong: "My body is hot! What is going on?"

Taking a closer look at the situation inside his body, Guan Heng was frightened. The original red dragon's breath was jumping wildly at this time, and it looked fierce and abnormal. The Qinghuang remnant soul who originally encircled the crystal of dragon's breath appeared much bleak.

"I said Guan Heng, you are really a brainless pig."

At this moment, the pure white dragon Ganesha whispered in Guan Heng's mind: "It is not a big deal if you use the soul body to enter the brain without authorization, but why don't you wake me up in advance? Have you ever thought about it, once you When the soul of the body leaves the body, the crystal of the red dragon breath may run out of control, and the remnant of your fiancee will become exhausted and weak? "

"Oops, I didn't think of that at the time." Guan Heng calmed the restlessness of the dragon's breath, and said embarrassedly, "Ganeisso, thanks to your help this time."

"Well, forget it, don't be so polite." Ganniso said lazily: "Don't forget, the crystal of dragon's breath is related to your life and death. In the future, don't be reckless. I will rest first. . "

After Ganezo lost his voice, Guan Hengyi opened his eyes. At this time, Qi Yushou noticed his change, and shook his head and came over to ask: "Guan Heng, you successfully collected Luta Are your memories fragmented? "

"Huh, although it is only a small amount of original memory, but five remedy grass seeds and five memory fragments have all been successfully placed."

Guan Heng breathed a sigh of relief, then said softly, "Don't let us be busy, if the boy Ruta wakes up, he won't become an idiot."

"Hey, who are you talking about becoming an idiot? I didn't hear it clearly ..." At this time, a faint voice suddenly sounded, Guan Heng and Yuyu beast hurriedly turned back to watch, the original pale Ruta covering her head. , Has sat up with a look blank.

"Luta? You are awake!" Guan Heng greeted him with a look of joy, he said loudly: "Brother, do you remember who you are? Where is your hometown? What kind of occupation do you have? What have you done? "

Guan Heng asked like a cannonball. Ruta's head was so buzzing that he was so noisy. He shook his hands and whispered in a hurry: "Please wait, can you let me breathe, I It hurts so much. "

"Guan Heng, don't urge him to be too anxious." Qi Yushou said at this time: "Ruta's body is really too weak. Do you have any panacea that can restore physical strength and spirit, quickly take it out and let him take it Otherwise, physical damage will continue to expand. "

Guan Heng hurriedly took out a few dracaenas and ambergris, he said, "You're very hard, too, eat two."

After a while, Ruta, who barely took the ambergris, finally recovered a bit of energy. He scratched his head and said to Guan Heng, "I do remember my name is Ruta, and I remember things from time to time, But these memories don't seem to be complete, and you say about that dark goddess ... uh ... it hurts !! ''

Speaking of the words "Dark Goddess" just now, Luta's eye sockets suddenly lost blood on the side where he lost his eyes, and he felt a sorrow as he covered his face.

Seeing this situation, Guan Heng said quickly: "Don't reluctantly recall it first, this will cause great damage to your spirit and body. Listen to me, slow down your breathing, and slowly calm down."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, Ruta gasped slowly, his face full of pain, and this time gradually eased off. Guan Heng then took out a dark eye mask and passed it: "Come, put this on first. "

After Ruta put the goggles on his face, Guan Heng then said, "If you want to retrieve your full memory, you have to take your eyeballs back from the abyss Lord Pawn, who is currently in the Devil's Palace , You must find him quickly. "

"Thank you, Guan Heng."

Ruta is now trying not to think about his loss of memory. He said with a smile, "It's weird. Although I don't remember when I saw you, I always feel that there is your shadow deep in my memory. Our relationship ... how do you say it? It's like being your best friend. "

"Hehe, because I used my soul to enter my brain and dive into your mind to collect memory fragments for you."

Guan Heng smiled and stretched out a hand, he said, "Brother, in order to regain your most precious memory and my most precious‘ thing ’, let us die with that **** named Pawn!”

"Well said, although I don't remember what Pawn did to me, he dare to take away my memory, this **** thing is dead!"

Ruta stretched out his hand and Guan Heng clenched tightly, and he also smiled and said, "Just as you said, after using the remaining half of the month to pack up Penn fiercely, take back everything that belongs to us."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng and Ruta looked at each other and smiled. At this time, Qi Yushou said, "Well, talk to me first. I'm a bit tired, and I'll rest here for a while."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.16, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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