Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1308: Interrogation room (first)

"Stupid, we can't manage so much now." The deputy yelled in a desperate mood: "The chief of the Kouhan army will soon return to the station. If he sees that our interrogation is fruitless, you, my life It ’s hard to guarantee, just think of how miserable our few predecessors died !!! "

"Yes, sir, I will let the old thing talk." The interrogator heard the rising anger in the sergeant's mouth, and he was frightened. He said in a hurry: "Give me some more time, I It can definitely be done. "

"Remember, after two hours, the commander of Cohan's army is about to return. Does our life have such a little time left? It all depends on your interrogation skills." The lieutenant said fiercely, "No, even if it is "To create" some information, you must first deal with the legion leader, understand? "

"I understand." The interrogator saw the other person staring at him angrily and anxiously, scared not to say much, just nodded.

"Hum, you take care of it yourself."

After the lieutenant finished speaking, he walked away with a calm face, and the interrogator watched him disappearing away. He sighed sternly: "Well, Lao Tzu has already seen that there is something wrong, you will definitely treat me Push out to be a scapegoat, shameless things, so many people are dead, why don't you hurry to die? "

"But the old Sha people are dead and still so hard-mouthed, hum, I don't believe in the torture of so many abyss of magic domain, and I can't pry out the information of the" map "." At this moment, in the eyes of the interrogator A vicious look of cruel bloodthirsty appeared: "Old thing, how long can you carry it!"

Thinking of this, the interrogator went straight up the stairs at the end of the corridor.

The interrogation room of the Stone Demon Castle is located at the bottom of the ground. It is dark and gloomy. It is full of messy torture. The walls are covered with unstained blood and littered stumps and skulls. Most of the tortured people The prisoners were captives from the Phantom Dragon Army from the land of St. Lomplon, Terrans, Elves, Orcs, and even Dwarves and Warcraft.

Inside, there was a small separate room holding one of the most important prisoners in the stone monster castle, and the interrogator suddenly spoke and ordered all the people around him who were flogging and tortured the prisoners: "Get out of me , I need to be quiet. "

After listening to the words, the demon cool officials in the interrogation room immediately threw down the whip and torture in their hands, and all of them ran out of the room, leaving the interrogator alone in the room.

He stepped to the end of the room, kicked the broken chair with a kick, and the interrogator grabbed a metal handle on the wall and yanked it down.

The blood-stained stone wall was split into two, and a secret space appeared inside. The interrogator stepped in, and murmured in his mouth, "It's about to start ..."

In this small secret interrogation room, there was only a crystal cylindrical cover, and the contents inside seemed extremely weak.

"Bang, bang!"

"Hey, the old thing of the Sha people!" The interrogator yelled at the crystal cover with his hand, and roared impatiently: "Are you still awake? Quickly answer Lao Tzu's words."

"Uh ... it's you again, the evil dog of the Demons, you don't want to ask anything from your husband's mouth ..."

The old man of the Sha ethnic group is obviously translucent. His flesh has been destroyed, and now he is just a ghost. But even so, the old man of the Sha ethnic group has a stubborn face and did not succumb to the opponent at all. He struggled against the interrogator. Angrily shouted: "You killed the Sha people. This **** sea is deeply hated. The surviving Sha people will report!"

"You can't see the old thing that killed Qiandao even one day."

At this moment, the inquisitive interrogator flickered a cruel smile of laughter: "All you can see is how Lao Tzu tortures you."

"Go to hell."

"Bang!" In the low roar, the interrogator punched a button on the button in front of him, and above the completely closed crystal cover, four fiery red spar appeared.

The next second, the fiery red spar was fierce and fierce, and in a short time, four fiery black fires were sprayed out, hitting the old body of the Sha tribe fiercely.

"Ehhhhhhhh-hhhhh" The screams of the elders of the Sha ethnic group screamed loudly at once, and the interrogator heard this voice, but his expression was intoxicated.

At this time, the interrogator proudly said, "For many years, our abyss demons have also done a lot of research on the ghosts and spirits of life. We know that the thing that ghosts like you are most afraid of is the extremely hot flames. The power of the black fire of Xu Moyu is not enough to dispel your ghost and disappear, but it can keep you surrounded by extreme pain, hahaha. "

"Uh-uh-you demon, you ca n’t die!" Being tortured to death, the spirit of the old Sha man suddenly became a little thinner. He was roasted by the black fire, and he kept banging on the crystal cover: "Stop it--"

"Want Lao Tzu to stop ?! Extremely simple." At this time, sitting leisurely on a chair and admiring the tragic situation of the Sha old man, the interrogator slowly said, "You know what Lao Tzu wants, hurry up and say things, I How about stopping your torture immediately? "

"No! You don't want to know the secrets of the Sha people!" The old man's soul trembled endlessly. Although he was already devastated, his will was still unyielding. The old man of the Sha people shouted, "I will never become a Sha people." Sinner, won't say half a word! "

"You old Shazu waste, if you don't confess, just die!" Seeing the other party suffered such a big loss, he still refused to say, and the furious interrogator reached out to the button, he shouted. "First let you taste the double pain ..."

"Oh!" Before the interrogator's hand fell, the cold light suddenly appeared in the oblique stab. The next moment, the interrogator suddenly realized that he had only a bare broken wrist, and the blood-sprayed hand snapped at the same time. Landing.

"Wow-my hand ..."

Waiting for the boy's scream to yell out, Guan Heng who had given the sword had already punched a fist, and the wind of heavy wind fell heavily on his cheek. The interrogator clearly heard the smashing sound of his face and bones. Flutter fell to the front, Guan Heng was too lazy to save his life, stepped forward and dropped, "Pop!" The chief of the interrogator burst into a smash.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhe because he ’s no longer a head of the interrogator), Guan Heng grinned:“ You ’ve got a ghost too! Then it ’s me ! "

"Oh!" As soon as he swallowed the ghost and beast, the newly born ghost was immediately turned into the soul stone, and it fell into Guan Heng's hand.

—— [2016.6.18 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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