Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1320: Divine Help (Third)

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Although I have fight with you!” Ke Song was not very proficient in fighting skills, but still desperately wielding a sword and dealing with each other, at this moment he shouted in his heart, "comrades, everyone, run away!"

However, how could the dozen or so Sha people drop Ke Song, they all picked up the branches and stones on the ground and shouted in unison: "It is just the minions of three dragon clan, fight with them, and rescue Ke Brother Song! "

The three black armored warriors saw the Sha people coming around without any fear on their faces. One of them whistled a whistle at the back. The four snake-necked dragon mounts heard the call of the master and immediately made a fierce attack. The roaring monster screamed at a dozen Sha people. These snake-necked dragons waved their front paws and long tails, and immediately beat the Sha people to the west.

"Abominable." Kesong saw his companions refuse to abandon himself, and immediately became red-eyed, desperately desperately, but at this moment, a sudden eerie laughter came in the air: "Well, you sand The clan's dead species are hiding here, it's great, it really deserves to lead the merits. "

"The three of you flashed away for me. I'm going to capture the remains of the Sha clan and dedicate it to the head of the Kouhan army!"

"Oh!" The voice didn't fall, and a dark flying shadow glanced down in the air. It was a stronger bi-winged dragon. At this moment, the dragon was standing on his saddle, and his black helmet and black armor were burly and his arms were in his arms. A two-meter-long dragon riding rifle was followed by seven or eight snake-necked dragons carrying their chase after another.

"It is the leader of the black armor. It's great. Sha dogs, you're going to get bad mold." The three black armor warriors saw their boss approach and immediately stepped back.

At this time, the leader of the black armor stepped forward to Ke Song, and he laughed strangely: "The dead of the Sha people, Lao Tzu is the most like to torture and kill guys like you. Today I will give you a taste Miserable death. "

"You vicious executioner, I want to take revenge on my dead kin!" Seeing the Black Armor's unbridled preaching of the "records" of killing his own people, Kesong suddenly turned his eyes and anger, he held a sword in his hand and aimed at the Black Armor. Dominate distraction and sting.

"Hum, you can't help it! Get me out of here--"

"Bang--when!" In the face of Ke Song's attack, the black armor commander simply waved his arm, and the long sword in Ke Song's palm suddenly flew into the air.

"Boom!" Under the strong impact of the opponent's power, Ke Songang sprayed a thick red mist from the sky, and fell down all the way.

"Brother Kesong !!" A dozen Sha people who were knocked down by the snake-necked dragon lay on the ground at this time, all in dismay and nothing.

"Disobedient captives like you, you have to kill a hundred hundred, die!" The dragon riding gun in the head of the black armor suddenly flipped a circle, the sharp gun forward, throwing his hand at the fallen Kesong: " call--"

Between the electric light and the flint, I just heard a loud bang, and a large mountain wall was suddenly opened by a hole. I saw the blade of light flashing in the dusty smoke screen, "唰-嚓!" Seeing the dragon that was going to run through the ground. The riding rifle was chopped into several moments and rolled over when falling.

"Uh ?!" The leader of the Black Armor was startled by the situation in front of him. He exclaimed, "Who are you? It's bad for me!"

At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice said: "Guan Heng, do you think I'm right? It is faster to cut a hole directly on the mountain wall."

Another voice replied: "This method is good, it's just that the movement is too much."

Coming out of the hole in the mountain wall was Guan Heng and the guardian spirit Dovre. At this time, the sharp-eyed Sha cried out, "It is a benefactor, and the benefactor came to save us again."

"Haha, everyone." Guan Heng greeted everyone at this time, without paying any attention to the leader of the Dark Armor and his more than ten men.

"Abominable, dare to look down on me?" The black armor commander knew that the other party was too strong, but as an intermediate officer of the Phantom Dragon Legion, he had always been arrogant and pretentious. , Shaking his arm, his opponent shouted, "Let's go up together and divide this jerk!"

"Hum, give me your own power-get out!" Guan Heng's words at this time were exactly what the arrogant and invincible black armor leader once said, only to see that Guan Heng didn't even scabbard the dragon's blade. Swing backwards with one hand: "Bingyan scattered explosive bombs !!"

The power of the dragon **** is slightly displayed. The extremely cold and cold Dragon Mantra is cast, and the surface is covered with a bright dragon flame. In a blink of an eye, it penetrates the body of all the men around the black armor leader. First, they are burned into coke from the inside, and then changed. For one moraine.

"With the power of the dragon god, it is convenient. The fire dragon spell and ice dragon spell can be easily used. This is the benefit of blending with the dragon spirit of Ganeso."

Guan Heng looked at his palm, and then sneered and said to the leader of the Black Armor, "Hey, is it interesting to bully the Sha people who have no resistance? I really like to kill and kill demons like you."

"Uh?" The leader of the Black Armor wanted to come forward desperately, but when he saw his coke burned and frozen into ice, his neck was suddenly scared and he became an egg. He cried secretly in his heart: "Well, obviously The Chief of the Cohan Army has been notified to hurry up. Why hasn't he arrived yet? "

"Hey, you quickly help Ke Song to come over." Guan Heng winked at a few Sha people who had risen at this time, which meant that he had to move fast.

Hearing Guan Heng's instructions, several Sha people hurriedly picked up Ke Song, who was still in a coma, and hurried back to Guan Heng, when Guan Heng stretched out his hand for the blade of the dragon's tooth to kill the black armor leader , Not long away, a long burst of laughter came from the mouth of the valley: "Hahaha, my old friend Guan Hengjia arrived, I really missed it."

"Kou Han ?!" Guan Heng's mouth flickered with a sneer, and he exclaimed: "You are finally here, thinking that when Mr. Kou Han heard that I was coming, he became a scared turtle."

I saw the dark shadows flashing in the direction of the canyon. Cohan had already blinked to the place not far in front of Guan Heng. Although this guy was ridiculed by Guan Heng's words, he still didn't have the slightest anger.

"Hey, your strength is really strong, and I should not even dare to appear." The whole body is still filled with dark mist, making people invisible to their features. At this time, Kou Han chuckled and said: "It is more than I expected Arrived here early, it seems that your intelligence collection is well done, and you know the location of the Phantom Dragon Army. "

"Kouhan, you do n’t need to say anything." Guan Heng flicked the handle of the dragon tooth blade on his back at this moment, and he said with a calm face: "You know why I came here and handed over to you Token of the legionnaire, otherwise, after I settle down the phantom dragon legion, I will search for your body as well. "

—— [The third change of 2016.6.20, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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