Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1328: Leading the enemy to chase (first)

"Alas." The bushes on the edge of the nearby woods whispered, and immediately caught the attention of a patrol black armor warrior.

"Look, there's movement on the ground over there." The black armored warrior shouted to greet his companions, while holding the reins of the snake-necked dragon, rushed towards the bush.

"You guys, here's the Dragon Army Corps." Ke Song, who had made a sound in the bush just now, shouted, "Everyone, you are ready to fight."

The patrol team consisting of five snake-necked dragons and black armor warriors landed in front of the forest in a short time. This group of guys received the death order of the chief of the army, Kou Han, and they must catch the single Sha people at all costs and capture them. Back to Stone Demon Bastion.

But Kou Han also instructed all his men: The strong human race Guan Heng and his party are really too powerful. If they meet their invincible enemy, so as not to cause unnecessary harm, they will be released once they encounter Guan Heng and others. The signal bomb informed the head of the Kouhan army to come in person.

The five-man Panzer Samurai patrol seemed to be anxious to make a success, plus no trace of Guan Heng and others were found, so the captain, who was the first to discover Kesong's Panzer Samurai, jumped out of the mount, Pulled out his sword and groped for the woods.

"Hoo--" Just as the first black armored warrior cat touched the waist toward the woods, a stone rune warrior sprang out from the oblique stab, and the opposite door was a punch.

"Bang-click!" Before even having a scream, a large head of the black armored warrior and his helmet were blown up by the punch.

"Ah?" The four remaining people had been completely surrounded by three or four stone run fighters before they could react in time.

"Bang bang-huh!" Driven by the Shifu warrior holding a sword and holding a shield, Ke Song did not hesitate, and three more black armored warriors were slammed and screamed and screamed.

"My mother, the great Shishi people are much stronger than the stone armor fighters we encountered when we first attacked the Sha people." At this moment, only the patrol team leader was not injured, this boy Seeing that the situation was not good, he quickly took out a signal bomb and threw it into the air.

"Bang! Pop!" This bullet quickly exploded in the red and yellow smoke screens in the sky. While the Sha people were attracted by the sound of the bullet, the black captain turned around and ran away. A few times he ran to a snake-necked dragon and leap over it.

"Fast, fast—" In a scream of scream, Captain Heijia, the snake-necked dragon flies up to the sky, just as the guy was glad to escape his life, he didn't know he was deliberately being Sha people. Let it go.

At the same time, the patrols in the other two areas of the Grand Canyon of the Stone Devil City were attacked at the same time, and they were also driven by the Shi Run soldiers, but the Sha people were moving in one direction when they retreated.

"What did you say ?!" At this moment, Cohan received a subordinate in his room in the Stone Demon Bastion, claiming that after the Sha people drove the strange stone armored soldiers to attack the black armored patrol, they all turned towards the Grand Canyon. Going tens of kilometers east.

Cohan, who was completely wrapped in the black mist, said, "Let me ask you, is there a strong human race, Guan Heng, among the sandy remnants who attacked the patrol?"

"According to the fleeing patrol members, there is no trace of a strong human race."

The black armor leader who came to the news said carefully: "Because you have already sent the portraits of the human race strong guys in advance, all members of the phantom dragon legion can recognize them, and attack the sand of the patrol. There are indeed no strong human races. "

"Huh, that gangster is so scheming, maybe he's hiding somewhere secretly, ready to meet with the Sha people."

Cohen whispered to himself at this time: "Or, what trap is he trying to introduce me to, and join forces with others to defeat me? It is a dream, if I can use my full strength, let alone your offense, even if It is Utro, the extremely powerful dragon clan master, and not my opponent. "

When speaking this sentence, Kou Han's tone was extremely confident, it seems that he really has any killer, but Kou Han turned to think: "Anyway, the people of the Sha people must catch it back and control the whereabouts of the **** stone. It must be forced to ask, and the stone armored warriors currently used by the sand people can defeat our army's elite patrols in a row ... maybe the dead remnants are now used by the Titan relics I have always wanted! "

"Yes, it must be driven by the god-controlling stone, a stone rune figure invented by the Titans himself." Kou Han groaned at this time and said to himself: "Damn Sha people, they really have a lot of god-controlling stones in my hand and I want In this case, I must go out and catch these guys myself, and grab all the Titan Runes !!!!!

At this moment, Kou Han was anxious. For him, the life and death of the Sha people were not worth mentioning. The most important thing is that the stone of the god-controlling stone and the Titan runes must never fall into the hands of others. That is Kou Han The things that must be in his hands, especially the god-controlling stones, as long as he can obtain a large number of black stones, Cohan can have the power to destroy the world.

"Don't say that Guan Heng they are not with the Sha people at this moment, even if they are, Lao Tzu must have received the God Control Stone and the Stone Rune Statue."

After making up his mind, Cohan immediately hissed and yelled at the black leader in front of him: "Notify all members of the Phantom Dragon Legion in the Stone Demon Fortress immediately, and let those soldiers, commanders, and combat staffs all take weapons. I will lead the entire Legion, go after those infestations of the Sha people! "

"Yes, the subordinates immediately notify everyone." Although it felt like killing more than a dozen Sha people, and the power of the entire Dragon Army was a little overwhelming, but no one dared to refute the orders of the commander of the army, the black armor leader turned and ran out The room went to execute the order in a hurry.

"The report leader, all members of the Phantom Dragon Army, are ready to go."

In the solemn, high-pitched roar of the Black Armor, the gate of the Stone Demon Fortress was filled with a black armored warrior, and even the hundreds of demonic sculptures on the stone platform outside the fortress. Under the inspiration of the black gas in the demon domain, it has also spread its wings. Soaring around the black armored warrior, added a little strange and killing atmosphere.

At this moment, Kou Han, who was hiding behind the black mist, roared loudly: "The whole army was dispatched and began to chase away the remaining infestations of the Sha people. Remember, apart from the lives of the Sha people and the Shifu warriors they drove, they should be kept intact. , When you meet other resisters, kill them all! "

"Kill, kill, kill, kill—" The roar of all the black armored warriors of the Phantom Dragon Legion, and the screams of those stone-carved demons flying across the sky, weaved into a picture of extreme horror.

—— [2016.6.22 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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