Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1344: Beautiful woman

"That would be awful." Zuo Wei heard this and suddenly asked nervously: "What should we do now?"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Borui accidentally blurted out this sentence.

However, Zuo Wei joked and said, "Don't make a joke, it's up to you? The person who can protect me must be at least as powerful as Brother Guan Heng ..."

"Oh!" Zuo Wei's voice didn't fall, and the grass around him made a whispering sound, suddenly shocking her: "What's the matter?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh being so since the time when Zuo Wei stunned, the beast in the grass suddenly roared and slammed out, but he just slammed his head to the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zou Wei just saw the true face of the monster in front of her. She was so frightened that her limbs were weak. She and Guan Heng met for the first time that day, and she almost lost her life under the iron hoof of the dragon. This was the horrible memory she was most reluctant to remember.

"Danger!" Seeing and seeing the tusks and giant teeth of Tulong Beast about to fall on Zuo Wei, Borui immediately rushed on, blocking her under her body.

"Yeah!" Blood splattered in the sky, and Borui's back had been bitten by Yalong Beast, but he smiled hard at Zuo Wei: "Girl, do you see it? This time I saved you. I won't allow it in the future. Besides I'm ... coward! "

"Borui, how are you?" Zuo Wei watched the deep wounds on Borui's back and was bleeding. She suddenly screamed in shock: "You are injured, I'll do it for you ..."

Seeing that Yalong beast roared and rushed over, Borui immediately pointed forward: "Furious fire curse ... eh? Why can't magic make it out ?!"

Realizing that his tricks had failed, Borui's face changed suddenly. He saw the Yalong beast roaring and rushing over, so he held his hand in Zuo Wei: "Fool, stop being quivered, run away. Ah, escape matters! "

"Arrow of Holy Light?"

"Uh ?!" Zuowei ran, using her priest's staff to perform magic, but nothing happened. She panicked, "Oh, my magic is out of order!"

At this time, the Yalong beasts chasing the two raised their heads and roared, and saw countless horrible heads gushing beside the trees and streams in the surrounding mountains and trees, all of which were dying and heavy. The steps surrounded him.


"Where is it?" Guan Hong was sent to a scene in a dense forest. Guan Heng looked at Akin who was still in a coma. He would remember the scene just now: while Guan Heng suddenly covered Guan Heng, Willing to sit still, suddenly the knife slashed out. At the moment of the flash of light, the sharp knife seemed to cut something.

After being teleported to the woods scene, Guan Heng found A Jin who was not far away, but the other party seemed to be frightened or for some other reason and had passed out.

In addition, Guan Heng also found a few stalls of fresh blood on the ground. He thought to himself: "There must be a magic array here. When the enemy brought me and A Jin, he must have been my dragon toothblade. It hurts, hum, I don't believe I can't find him! "

"Uh ... what happened to my head? It hurts." At this time, Akin woke up slowly. After seeing Guan Heng, she immediately asked: "Where is this?"

"You're awake." Guan Heng walked to A Jin and said, "I don't know where this is, but we should be able to go out soon, because I can't trap me here."

"Hehehe, fortunately, I am following you." Akin laughed. "Among the companions in our industry, the most secure person is to take care of you."

Having said that, A Jin frowned suddenly: "Uh ..."

"What's the matter with you?" Guan Heng saw that the other party was a bit out of order and hurriedly compacted. He found that A Jin's cheeks were red, Guan Heng reached out and touched her forehead.

"It's bad, some fever." Guan Heng shook his head slightly at this time, he said to himself: "I'm sorry, you shouldn't let you, the queen of the Kingdom of Gejila, take risks with us everywhere."

"Huh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at at the moment, I am sorry, it ’s me who should say sorry, chasing your steps, but always It's really useless to drag my companions, huh. "

"Ajin, don't say that." When Guan Heng suddenly interrupted her, he looked up and looked around: "If there is any water nearby, you can wash your face and cool down."

Suddenly, Guan Heng's ears moved slightly. Sure enough, he heard the sound of gurgling water not far away, he said cheerfully, "Maybe it is a stream, I will take you there immediately."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng put A Jin on his shoulder and strode across. At this moment, A Jin gently pressed his face against Guan Heng ’s broad shoulders, and the corners of his mouth seemed to appear as if With no smile, Akin said in a weak tone of thin mosquito voice: "Slower, slower, please slow down, I don't want to ... let me down so fast."

However, Guan Heng was anxious to find the water source, but did not hear A Jin's muttering to himself. At this time, she had carried her to the side of the flowing stream.

"Come, Akin, wash and wash your face with this cool water, and then drink this ambergris rejuvenator. I'm right next to it. What can you call me?" Guan Heng gently placed the vial on the rock. , Then turned and walked to the side, sitting slowly with his back to A Jin beside the stream.

The next moment, the sound of a rushing water sounded, apparently A Jin washes his hands with his hands to wash his face. Guan Heng closed his eyes and raised his mind at this time, wondering what was in his mind.

Suddenly, "She" by the water yelled cheerfully: "Hey, Ah Heng, this water is so cool. Would you like to wash it together?"

Hearing this voice, Guan Heng seemed to be stabbed by the Thunder in a short time. He slowly turned back and whispered, "I haven't heard this voice for a long time," Qing Huang "..."

By the waterside, it is no longer the Queen of the Kingdom of Gajira, but a beautiful woman with a blue veil and a smile of laughter. She grinned and sat beside the water with a pair of white crystals. His feet are beating the stream playfully. This scene of beautiful scenery lingers in Guan Hengxin almost every day.

"Qing Huang ... I miss you so much ..." Can't help but Guan Heng has unknowingly come to her, sitting slowly, just like watching the moon in the water, he was careful not to break this short warm and tranquility, for fear Stir a ripple.

"Ah Heng, I miss you so much." A pair of soft-shoulders gently held Guan Heng's hand, she leaned against Guan Heng's arms and said, "After that, you and I will never be apart again, shall you?"

"I, I ca n’t ask for it. Even after going through thousands of years, this is my only wish." With all the endless joy in Guan Heng's heart, it is difficult to describe in words. Face kissed.

—— [2016.6.25 second, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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