Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1351: Five pole beads and core

"Shut up, you still call me a teacher. Why did I accept you as a useless student?" Ganiso said angrily: "I wouldn't have chosen you if I was not worried about the extinction of the knowledge of the Dragons. Such a mindless guy is the heir. "

"Uh, teacher, I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong." Seeing that Ganesha was a little angry, Kufa hurriedly said, "Actually, what you teach about fighting, like how to use the dragon's fighting spirit, attacking dragon spell I'm learning everything, everything. "

"I said you two, are you noisy enough in my head?" Guan Heng smiled bitterly at this time: "My head is buzzing, please stop for a while."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said, "I am not too worried about the battle tomorrow. I am concerned about how to find the palace of the demon **** and the punk of Paine, so I must do more preparations in this matter. Only as for how to achieve the goal depends on your own means. "

Gannisol groaned and suddenly said, "Guan Heng, remember that there is a way to use the" hunting mark "in the magic spells of the ancient dragons I taught you."

"Of course I remember, His Majesty the Dragon God." Guan Heng slightly replied with his jaw head. "This tracking mark uses some Dragon God's power to put special marks on others, so that no matter how far the other party is, the caster You can find his trace, His Majesty Dragon God, do you have any ideas? "

Ganesha grinned: "I tell you, in order to prevent Utro from fleeing after the defeat, or if there is any accidental departure, you'd better leave the trace of the trace on him in advance, just in case."

"Well, that's a good idea."

Guan Heng touched his chin and said, "I think, besides Urtero, he should also leave this mark on his minions." After a pause, Guan Heng continued, "I really hope the battle tomorrow After the end, you can get the exact location of the devil's palace, and then go to settle the ledger with the demon Pawn. Right, you have to grab Ruta's eyes, the remnant of my fiancee, and ... Shard of the Astrolabe. "

"Well, what is a magic shard?" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Ganezo asked curiously, "What's the important thing that makes you so worried?"

"You want to know? Then I'll tell you." So, Guan Heng told the origin of the "big magic astrolabe" and the ancient dragon **** again, and after hearing this, Ganesha suddenly realized, it cried out: "The original one The famous world-class magic weapon 'Inverse Astral Disk' turned out to look like this? This group of demons really ruin things. "

After finishing this sentence, Ganezo explained: "In ancient times, the first place where the astral plate fell was the land of St. Lomplon. At that time, the **** of the human race and the devil were three people. I have n’t turned my face, but I'm still a good friend. "

"Recalling those years, it's really a bit of a miss." Ganissuo murmured to himself: "At that time, we all had a strong interest in the anti-horoscope, so we got together and started to repeat this thing. Research."

Guan Heng and Kufa asked in unison, "What about later?"

"The first person to discover the function of the anti-astronomical disk was the **** of human race." Ganiso said: "Through research and experiments, he learned that the anti-astronomical disk can absorb the original power of all living things and 'purify' them. At that time, Nothing can do this yet. "

Guan Heng thought to himself: "That is to say, the power of the inverse astral disk is used by the people in the magic domain to extract life, and then converted into the power of faith.

"After that, I also discovered another function of the inverse disk. I think that is the true function of the inverse disk. That is, the inverse disk works to find the lost things for the holder."

Ganezo continued: "That is to say, you can find lost items in infinite universe, no matter how remote the planes are, they can be found, but to make this function work, you must also Absorb a lot of original power, as a supply of anti-horoscope operation. "

"Yes, I have heard the same thing with the **** of light in Ashton."

Guan Heng slowly said at this time: "The remnant soul of my fiancee Qing Huang is lost in many cosmic planes. If you want to collect them one by one, this anti-horoscope is a good prop that can be used. Lachender promised me that if all the shards of the astrolabe were collected in their hands, their five gods could unite their power to repair it as before. "

"Want to repair the astrolabe ?!" After hearing this sentence, Ganezo suddenly laughed: "It is really a arrogant utterance made by the little **** of height and height. To repair the astrolabe requires not only a lot of divine power, but also There are still a few key 'parts'. If you don't get them all together, the anti-horoscope cannot be repaired. "

"Dragon, what are you talking about? What parts are missing?" Guan Heng heard Ganisol's words, his eyebrows tightened, and he whispered, "What's that?"

"At that time, when the anti-astronomical disk fell on St. Lomplon, it was a whole, but then the ancient tribal war broke out. The devil knew that there was no chance of reconciliation with me and the human god, so he seized the anti-astronomical disk. , I shot at the same time under the anger of the Terran God, hitting the Astral Disk into pieces. "

Ganniso thought of the battle at that time and sighed, "I took a slower shot and didn't get anything. All the shards of the horoscope were taken away by the devil, but the **** of humanity picked up five The "polar beads" of the astrolabe, and the "core" of the astrolabe. "

"You mean ... in addition to the thirteen inverse disk fragments, there are polar beads and the core of the disk missing ?!" Guan Heng asked, "What is that?"

At this moment, Dragon God Ganeso explained: "The five polar beads represent the five regions of the universe-east, west, middle, south, and north, and the core of the astrolabe allows the treasures to fully function. thing."

Guan Heng asked with a grimace, "Where are these things now? Is it still in the hands of the **** of the human race?"

"How is it possible that the **** of the human race has fallen when the three gods decisively battled." Ganezo sneered: "I wanted to take those things from his body, but I didn't find them, I guess , Either scattered in the world, or in the demon realm. "

Guan Hengwen was startled: "It is still possible to be scattered in the world, why do you say that you will be in the demon domain?"

At this moment, Ganesha began to recall the past: "That's the case. On that day, the three gods were fighting together. I and the gods of the human race teamed up to defeat the deities. The gods of the gods and the deities fight against each other. After being seriously injured, the surroundings have already produced The fissures and fissures in countless different spaces are the later realm boundaries. "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.26, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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