Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1429: Lone war beast

"Serachi and Tingsi, protect Mrs. Senlu to stay here." Guan Heng tossed down the sentence, and flew open the door of the house and rushed out, then released a multi-headed basilisk, let it entangled on the roof of the cabin In case of accidents or accidents.

"Hey—click, click!"

On the snow not far away, a large area of ​​bright red color has covered the ground. There is a blue-scale beast that is several meters long and unusually strong is chewing the village chief's corpse. This blue-scale beast has a terrible appearance. The fangs and blood teeth squirmed open and closed during eating. Suddenly, it found that Guan Heng was walking towards himself.

"Hoo—so brave! How dare you show up ?!" The Xuexu's savvy was obviously so high that he could utter his words. This guy threw down half of the village head and glared at him. Guan Guan said: "Hey, the daring Devil people should taste better, then I will eat you first!"

Because Guan Heng's appearance at this time still turned into the appearance of the Demon race, the wild beast took him for granted.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at be being swift and swift, the snowy beast shook his huge body to Guan Heng. Do n’t look at it's huge body and its speed can be called swift and impeccable.

"Hoo!" The beast waved his front claws and wrapped his wind against the cross-section door, trying to smash the other's head, but Guan Heng sneered: "Ignorant animal, how dare you offend me ?! Do n’t believe it ’s ugly to die? ”

The words didn't fall, and Guan Xuan slammed the front claws taken by Yuxue Wild Beast, his wrists twisted and twisted, Yuxue Wild Beast only felt that the sky turned, and his huge body was caught in the air for a while, bang But fell on the snow!

"Hum--" Suffering from severe pain, the beast suddenly felt that his back was almost broken into eight petals.

"This guy is by no means an ordinary demons." The Xuexue mad beast is not a low-lying straw bag. After turning his head, he immediately realized that he might not be an opponent of Guan Heng, but the mad beast has three points of pride. He With a bit of luck in my heart, I also wanted to try it. This guy turned up and hurriedly retreated a few meters, and then a large number of nearby ice elements whistled and gathered into the body.

At this moment, Xunxue's mad beast shouted, "Beast beast ice crystal cannon-kill !!!"

"唰 —— 唰 啦 click!" An ice crystal energy as thick as a bucket wrapped in a fierce hurricane like a blasting hurricane, blasting directly towards Guan Heng, the power of the element of ice and snow contained in it was terrifying!

"Huh, stubbornly resist, and do not control yourself!" Guan Hengshi fired, Guan Heng sneered, and he suddenly pulled out the dragon's tooth blade and slashed forward: "Ice Demon Breath-"

The two freezing forces suddenly encountered in the air, and then a loud bang erupted: "Oh!"

Although the snow crystal beast of Xunxue Beast is sharp, the ice demon slash not only envelops the frozen air, but also attaches the power of the dragon's breath. How can this beast ’s trick be an opponent of Guan Heng?

As soon as the two were in contact, the victory and defeat had become clear. Under the ice devil's offensive attack, the power of the ice crystal cannon was dissipated, and the power of the dragon's interest was still intact. The beast's forehead, "Oh!" The blue scales splattered and flew along with the blood light, and suddenly the snow screamed wildly. "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Stupid thing, do you know how terrible right now?" At this moment, Guan Heng stepped forward with a dragon's blade and said, "You can try again and see if you can escape my palm!"

"Abominable, I fight with you !!" At this moment, the extreme madness flashed in the eyes of Xunxue Beast, and when he shook the injured forehead, he yelled, "Ill!"

Suddenly, Wu Xue's mad beast disappeared in place, and Yan Guanheng was suddenly surprised: "What's going on?"

In the next second, the beast's huge figure suddenly appeared behind Guan Heng, and then he slammed into Guan Heng's body severely. At the same time, Guan Heng involuntarily took two steps forward, while the dragon teeth in the palm. Sword swept backwards, but ended up empty!

"How is that possible?" Guan Heng glanced around at this moment, thinking secretly in his heart: "Is the snow beast moving so fast? I can't even catch it?"

"No, if it ’s moving at high speed, there will be wind noise. Such a quiet and strange whereabouts cannot be caused by pure speed!" Guan Heng frowned, and there was some surprise in his heart: "I didn't expect that there is an ancient one. The beast has such a strange ability, which is interesting! "

But Xunxue's mad beast did not give Guan Heng more chance to think. This time, the mad beast suddenly appeared from mid-air, and opened his mouth to bite Guan Heng madly and bite: "You go to death, stink boy! ! "

"Hey, I said you were stupid, I really didn't wrong you." Guan Heng suddenly slammed two sharp slashes at the ground: "Bang!" Numerous white snow was suddenly stirred up into the sky, covering the snow suddenly The sight in front of the mad beast suddenly surprised him, and then slammed to the ground. When he looked for Guan Heng again, the other party lost his track like he was before.

"Hey, stupid thing, where are you looking?" Guan Heng's figure suddenly fell on the side of Xunxue's mad beast, and then a fierce punch hit his stomach!


Guan Heng's fist wrapped the dragon's breath, and he suddenly hit the snowy beast with a red mist. This guy fell diagonally and fell out!

"Bone is sturdy—" A wild beast tumbling on the snow, a twisted body quickly climbed up, and just when it wanted to reapply the old skills and disappeared in place, Guan Heng had leaped swiftly and humbly: "This time , I won't let you do that weird trick easily! "

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Only Xunxue beast was dying and could not help screaming.

"I thought of a fun idea to tweak you, Basilisk!" Stepping on the snow beast with his feet, Guan Hengxi suddenly made a whistle, and then exclaimed, "Become an avatar and get into this. The guy ’s brain sends me all its memory messages. "

"Observe, master." When the multi-headed basilisk received the order, he immediately transformed into a ghost demon similar to himself, and slipped into the ears of Xunxue's beast. Then, there was a lot of memory information. Gush into Guan Heng's mind.

Ten or more seconds later, Guan Heng had read most of the memory of the wild beast, and his face had a rather unexpected look. It turns out that this magpie beast is not a native creature of the Abyss Demon. It is the strange life captured by the three-eyed demon lord from another world.

—— [2016.7.12 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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