Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1446: Save people

As he rushed, Guan Heng saw some tall houses on the left and right of the road. His eyes turned to his heart, and he suddenly opened his palms, and gathered a weak, fiery dragon's source of power, and turned it Quickly ejected: "Dark Dragon Star Pyroblast."

"嗤嗤嗤 ——" The small fireball formed in mid-air suddenly burst into the air and fell on the roof of the house. "Boom!" On both sides of the road, the fire was soaring into the sky, and all the people in the room were rushing in a hurry. Go out the door: "No good, it's on fire! Save the fire!"

Due to the poor living environment of the Dark Devil and the scarce water sources nearby, once the house is on fire, it must be particularly difficult to extinguish it. The more people gather on the street, the call for help has become loud, and the scene of vocalization is on the verge of losing control.

At this moment, Guan Heng could see clearly in the hidden corner. The mounts and followers of Shi Zhesu and Alliedo were blocked by the screaming crowd, and he could not move forward for a while.

"Excellent, I've got some time now, and I'm going to save people." Guan Heng reversed his figure at this moment, and ran away with his legs.

Although I am not very familiar with the streets and alleys of the underground city, Guan Heng had read the memory of a Dark Devil serpent warrior before. At this time, he touched the soul of that guy and searched while running, and finally found it in a few minutes. The gate of the underground city prison.

"Well? Captain, are you coming to the guard cell now?"

Seeing Guan Heng's face disguised as "Captain Snake Demon", the two snake clan guards guarding the prison gate were a little surprised, but Guan Heng said impatiently: "Hurry to open the door, Lao Tzu is going in now Do you know, do you know? The patriarch and the special envoy of the mouse clan will be here for a while, and all of them will be awakened. Do n’t look like a **** and a brain, it ’s really a shame to Lao Tzu! "

"Yes, yes, Captain, please." When the two guards heard that the patriarch was approaching in person, they were so scared that Lingling fought a cold war, opened the gates incessantly, and put the lock horizontally in.

"Listen to the Captain of the Snake Demon to explain that Io's mother and son are being held in a special prison on the other side of the basement."

Guan Heng walked forward at this time, thinking in his heart: "How to get away after finding their mother and child? Presumably now the snow beast has reached the Underground City through his own space leap, right? I have to find a way to bring The two went out of town and joined the snow monster. "

Guan Heng walked and thought for a moment that he didn't care about the surrounding environment, but didn't pay attention to his shoulder and just collided with a person who came across: "Bang!"

"Blind thing, can't your eyes be blind?" Before Heng Heng opened his mouth, the other person had begun to yell: "You **** jailer, how dare you touch the clothes of the patriarch of dirty dirty? Believe me or not! you?"

"Young patriarch?" Guan Heng raised his eyes and looked at the other side, and saw that the guy looked a bit similar to that of Shi Shisu, and also had half of the Devil's face, and the other half had green and black snake scales. This guy was full of dirty words, It was arrogant, and beside him were two men who were also aggressive and dog-like.

The chief of the clan yelled a few words, and when he saw Guan Heng was indifferent, he felt that he had been ignored, so he stretched out his hand and pulled out the sabre hanging from the ribs to use force: "Damn, I just slashed a sword here ... ... "

"Young patriarch, don't do it first!" "Yeah, yeah, the young patriarch is angry, don't care about small people, aren't you here to find happiness? It's important to go to that beautiful 'woman prisoner'."

At that moment, when the chief prince was desperate, the two followers hurried to stop talking, and then dragged and led the chief lord forward. At this moment, the corner of Guan Heng's mouth flashed a sneer: Hey, hey, you're doing fine, I'll take it! "

Speaking late, fast then, Guan Hengyan suddenly scrambled behind the three people, "Pap, Pap, Pap!" The three hand knives cut almost at the same time on the neck of the other person. On the spot.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said lowly: "Basilisk, get the three soul monsters out of it, and immediately control the bodies of these guys."

The multi-headed Basilisk promised, and immediately transformed into three avatars, digging into the body of the patriarch and two followers. The Basilisk's ability can also be attached to the living human body to control their behavior, but it cannot be maintained. Too long, so Guan Heng rarely uses this skill.

At this moment, I saw the three guys who were controlled by the soul monster stand up staggeringly, but in their eyes was confused and unconscious, Guan Heng said, "Well, come with me now."

Guan Heng walked straight to the basement of the prison with these dumb guys. The two black armored snake guards at the door saw Guan Heng just about to ask, and noticed that Guan Heng, who was left and right, had whispered and sneered, "Choose Don't stay alive when they are! "

"Oh!" The patriarch and two bodyguards who had been completely controlled by the soul demon's avatar immediately pulled out the blades and rushed towards the guard like crazy. The unfortunate guard died instantly.

"Hey, it seems you don't need to do it yourself, but it's easy." Guan Heng murmured with a smile, reached out and took out the key obtained from Captain Snake Devil, "Wow, click!" He opened it in two or three times. The jail door was closed suddenly, and when the iron door was opened, an accident suddenly happened!

Suddenly, a roar came out of the cell: "Dark Flame Snake !!"

Guan Heng's eyes froze suddenly: "Someone shot inside ?!" At this time, the opponent's attack had already hit the iron gate here, and the bang smashed the iron gate into a powder and crushed. At the same time, a huge black flame snake went straight Hovered towards Guan.

"Huh, for me immune to flames, this stuff is a waste!" At the same time he saw the flame snake, Guan Heng greeted without hesitation. "Pop!" With five fingers together, he immediately turned Black Flame The snake smashed, but the black flames gathered around Guan Heng's palm and did not immediately dissipate and disappear.

"Hey hey, let you also **** black flame attack, die!" In Guan Heng's cold laughter, those dark flames turned into long and narrow arrow shapes in a short time, and then burst out into the air, 挟The strong wind went straight to the enemy just shot.

"It's too powerful ... bad! Everyone retreat ..."

"噗-噗!" The person who hadn't waited for the warning to finish the speech in one breath, the dark flame and arrow had pierced her neck, and then completely burned this guy to ashes!

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.15, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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