Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1451: Go away

After commanding the multi-headed Basilisk, Guan Heng glanced scornfully at Shi Jiesu, who became drowsy and sweaty, and then went out.

The fighting in the patriarch's dormitory room just now was not small. There were dozens of serpent demon guards rushing upstairs and they came upstairs. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng did not hesitate in the palm of his hand: "Frozen Dragon's Breath--"

"Hoo! Crackling!" The body of dozens of snake demon guards shook for a long time, and was immediately frozen in place to become a moraine, and then violently slashed into powder.

"Wow, you are so good." Adan, who was crawling on Guan Heng's back, was startled at this moment, and he muttered to himself: "I wonder if you and my uncle are more powerful?"

"Hey, I didn't compare with him, I don't know." Although Guan Heng said so, his instincts thought that he would not lose to any giant sky ape.

One move flattened many serpent guards, walked down the stairs with a big swing, and walked straight out of the gate of the clan's mansion. At this moment, the door was surrounded by hundreds of dark devil snake warlocks and warriors. They saw the illusion. Guan Heng, who looks like a heart-running rat family, came out, wondering what the truth was, but Guan Heng took the lead.

"Three-in-one battle of fighting dragons, the power of ice inflammation, and lightning storage!" It was a bit late, then, when Guan Heng jumped into midair suddenly, the dragon's tooth blades in both hands gathered the power of ice flames. Crackling, "Taste this trick-Bingyan Lightning Dragon Tooth Cut!"

"Boom!" Hundreds of dark devil snakes in front of the huge slashing sword Jin, they shattered and fluttered, and the screams of screams suddenly sounded. I don't know how many people were injured or killed. And Guan Heng had already brought Adan quietly into the distance, running wildly and running out of the underground city.

As he ran out of the city gate, Guan Heng communicated in his mind with the soul demon king of the palace clan of the mansion: "Hey, basilisk, how is it with you?"

"Master, here has been surrounded by a large group of dark devil snake clan groups, but they did not dare to act rashly when they saw my 'Anlieduo' holding a sword against his patriarch's neck voice." The multi-headed basilisk asked: " Master, what should I do now? "

"Hey hey, now that the audience is all together, then you can do it." Guan Heng sneered at this moment and said, "Immediately kill Shi Yansu by the hand of 'An Lido', and then you will break away from this bite The body of the special envoy of the mouse and rat family came to meet me. "

"I see, Master." The multi-headed Basilisk promised, and suddenly there was no sound. Within a few seconds, he appeared in Guan Heng's palm.

In fact, carefully speaking, Guan Heng's idea was also insidious. He called the multi-headed basilisk to control the body of Alliedo, and in front of all the dark snake snakes, he killed the snake patriarch Shi Zongsu. After Xia Anlie woke up, he couldn't say clearly. By then, the snakes and rats would surely be in an endless situation.

"Hey, who made this snake and mouse want to be counted as ape demon. Now these guys with bad stomachs are smashing their feet with stones and deserve to be unlucky." Guan Heng was walking outside the city at this time, Giggle aside: "As for me, it's just a little help, as it is called, harmless, just right, oh ha ha ha-"

Not long after, Guan Heng had arrived at the meeting place, and Xue Xueshou was already waiting there, Guan Heng laughed: "Okay, this is a complete solution, let's withdraw."

"Okay, come up and sit still!" When Guan Heng hugged the child Adan Xun and stepped on the back of Xun Xuebei, the guy suddenly jumped in a low roar, and suddenly left the area of ​​the underground city.


The next moment, Guan Heng and Xun Xuebei have come to the place where they broke up with each other. The brothers and sisters of Seraki, the three people of the Ape Demon Caravan, and Mrs. Io all anxiously waited there. When they saw Guan Heng with the ape When the demon child Adan returned safely, everyone was relieved, and they said invariably, "Whoo, finally came back."

"My son, you're safe." Io saw Adan fluttering and crying and hugged the other side. She sobbed and said to Guan Heng, "Thank you, thank you Mr. for your life-saving grace . "

"You're welcome, Mrs. Io, my companion and I are planning to go to the desert hills of the ape-monger family." At this moment, Guan Heng simply said, "I wonder if you would like to lead the way with Gang Kui?"

After hearing this, Iao said in a hurry: "No problem, no problem, these are all trivial matters, and I will be happy to work for benefactors."

In this way, brothers and sisters of Guan Heng and Seraki, as well as the ape demon family began to go on the road, heading for the ape demon territory. The desert hilly area of ​​the Ape Demon Territory is not far away from where they are. It didn't take long for everyone to go far.

At this time, Iao actively drove the mount to Guan Heng, and she whispered, "Mr. Guan Heng, although a little embarrassing, but I still want to ask, what is going on in the realm of our ape-devil?"

After saying this, Io paused a bit, and then explained to Guan Heng: "Because my cousin, the lord of the fourth-tier abyss of the Sky-splitting Giant Ape, has a very bad temper in recent years, even if you have After saving the life, once the lord is furious, it may be bad for you, so please forgive Mr. Kwan Heng, and please explain the purpose of this trip, so I can explain it to my cousin. "

"That's what happened."

Hearing this, Guan Heng knew that the other party was also considering the safety of his party, so he simply removed the illusion camouflage on his face, and then said to Iao and all the ape demons: "Dear, in fact, I and my companions They were all humans from the side of St. Lomplon, but they inadvertently broke into the abyss of the Demon Realm. "

Having said that, Guan Heng glanced at the apes and demons and found that although they were a little shocked, but there was no hostility on his face, he continued to say: "To return to the human world there, I took Seraki and Tingsi in The layers of the abyss are walking in order to find and get the fragments of the alien world teleportation array in the hands of the lord of each layer of the abyss. Exactly, there should be a shard in the hand of the Great Sky Ape Lord, so I want to ask him to hand it over. "

"Well ..."

When he heard what Guan Heng said, the first person to be embarrassed was the boss of the caravan. He hurriedly compacted to Guan Heng and said, "Benefactor, I don't tell you, although I have rarely seen these two years, In the presence of the patriarch, I also know that his temper is getting more and more irritable. If you want to get something from his hand, I'm afraid ... this ... hey, it's really difficult. "

—— [Fourth more of 2016.7.16, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ┗O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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