Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1471: Counterattack

"Hahaha, did you see that? This is the biggest secret of the Heart Eater clan-Wanxin Bite !!" At this moment, Carupa fought his fists fiercely, and then roared: "I have swallowed these years With more than 10,000 hearts of various demons and monsters, the heart, it is not only the most delicious food, but it also brings me invincible power !!! "

"Like the power gained by killing innocent people like this, don't bother!" Seeing her father had become like crazy Warcraft, Tiki chilled for a while, and whispered in her mouth: "I must stop you from continuing wrong, even if It was you who killed you! "

"Come! Inverse girl--" Although Carupa's body was skyrocketing at this time, the speed was even more rapid. I saw this stunned figure, "Oh!" There were three or four rapid afterimages and time. Come around to Tiki.

"Rat Emperor's Heartbreaking Fist !!" "Woohoo!-Bang Bang!" A dozen fist-struck fist shadows came violently, and Tiki unavoidable, immediately wielding a sword to block the left Cover right block.

"Dangdang Dangdang!" Jian Ying's fist collided with each other and gave up on one hundred ten strokes, but Tessie was always intimidated, so it must be a long-term loss.

Sure enough, only a loud bang was heard in the fierce battle, and the sword in Tiqi's hand was again blown by the fist, and it was broken into pieces in a moment. At this moment, Tiqi's sword was only a few inches long. Rupa growled, "Go and die for me!"

When the words didn't end, the mad, bloodthirsty guy had already concentrated his whole body energy in his two fists, and then struck out in a loud roar: "Kill--"

"Eh ?! What should I do?" At this moment, Tessie had six gods in her heart, but a voice behind her shouted: "Don't be afraid, fight with him with your fists!"

It was too late to speak, and at that time, Tiki, who heard the words, had no time to think about it, and immediately threw away the hilt in her hand, but also fisted up to meet her!

"Bang-boom-" The two of them fought fiercely at the instant of turning, but at this moment, unexpected changes happened!

At the moment when Tiki and his own fist were fighting hard, Carupa laughed inwardly: "The power of this inverse girl is obviously not as good as mine, even dare to fight with me ?! Look at me giving you all the bones Shattered! "

But things were far from what Carupa imagined. At the moment when the two fists touched, he suddenly felt that the power of the opposite Tiki had increased more than ten times, and he relentlessly crushed over himself.

"No! It's impossible!" Carupa, who couldn't believe it, was caught off guard and finally fell into a mountain defeat. Tiki's fierce punch broke the arm bones of both arms, and then punched in the chest: "Bang! ! "

"Uh-huh!" Suddenly he heard the sound of his crackling bones, and Carupa raised his head in the blood mist and fell straight out.

At this moment, Tiki still had a look of disbelief. She looked at her hands stupidly. In fact, Tiki didn't know. Just when she fell in the downwind, Guan Heng, who watched the war in the iron cage next to him, quietly crushed. With a dark dragon soul stone, the soul demon wrapped around the original power of this dragon soul, and quietly penetrated into Tiki's body.

The soul demon avatar took that dragon soul's original power and quickly spread inside Tiki's body, which made her power increase more than ten times during the battle, so the reversal was like a reversal, which killed the cast of "Rat's Thousand Hearts" Carupa.

However, this power can only be used once, and with Tiki's boxing force, it will directly blast out of the body, leaving no trace left. If no evidence is found, this is not considered a help.

Guan Heng laughed in his heart at this moment: "What **** patriarch of the Heart Eater clan, still playing‘ Wan Xin Biao ’?! I ca n’t hold this master secretly.”

At this time, Tiki couldn't help thinking about why her power suddenly increased. She hurriedly walked to Karupa who fell down and blew out, then said loudly, "Carupa. You have completely lost, now If you surrender willingly and confess your guilt in front of all the Rats and Demons, I can consider saving you for life and imprisoning for life, think for yourself! "

"Don't, don't kill me ... vomit ..." At this moment, the severely wounded Carupa spit out another blood, he struggled and begged: "Tessie, good daughter, I am old and seriously injured, you Just give me a life, I'm willing to confess in front of everyone. "

"Okay, I believe ..." When Tiki heard that the other party was willing to admit her mistake, she immediately rejoiced in the past, so she subconsciously assisted Carupa.

But at the moment of this flash of light, Guan Heng in the iron cage suddenly shouted: "Tessie, be careful, this guy is not kind!"

But Heng Heng ’s warning sound was too late. Tessie ’s hands had covered her opponent ’s shoulders and blocked her own realization. Carupa, who looked down and sneered, shook her wrists, and the thorns on the mittens time. He popped a half-foot, then slammed into Tiki's abdomen fiercely!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh than am I?), Tirchwan did n’t expect Karupa to be so vicious. After she was injured, she suddenly spurted a few meters and then dizzy.

"Hahaha, Tiki, who is the loser now?"

In the proud roar, Carupa shook his blood-stained fist, struggling to stand up, this guy laughed wryly: "Stupid girl, you still can't let go of your father-daughter relationship, but I'm different, No one wants to block Lao Tzu ’s way, even if it is the closest of all flesh and blood, I will be merciless to kill! "

"Uh-huh!" After Carupa's heartbreaking remarks, Tiki was spitting blood again. She thought sadly in her heart: "Well, I'm still too naive, I would believe this The devil of humanity can also be rehabilitated, and now it is too late to regret it. "

"Hey, I said that ... Karupa." At this time, a lazy voice said, "You are too vicious, anyway? It is also a natural flesh, you can get it, and there is more than you Shameless guy? "

"You dared to yell at me ?!" Carupa yelled angrily: "Don't worry, after I slaughter Tiki, it's your turn to take the next step, and let you have a great skill, too. Don't want to escape my Adamantite cage! "

Carupa himself was very jealous of Guan Heng, because he knew that Tiki could quickly occupy the entire Mozhuang bunker, and Guan Heng made a lot of efforts, especially this guy killed his two most proud The strength of his men is unfathomable.

However, Guan Heng is now locked in an iron cage doped with an abyss fine gold ore. Even if he inserts wings, it is difficult to fly, so Carupa relaxed his vigilance slightly.

—— [2016.7.20 fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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