Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1474: Lord's Obituary

"Take a few minutes to go up and see the situation." After Guan Heng said these words, Seraki and Ting Si nodded their heads, so Xunxue beeping on the bulging rock beside him After a few landings, he jumped to the upper part of the cliff.

After seeing the scene in front of us, everyone was shocked. It turned out that there was a forest clearing by the water. Now it has become the battlefield of Sen Luo, and the breath of death is spreading everywhere. Dozens of people are still bleeding. His corpses were scattered all over, lying on his back and lying on the ground.

Brothers and sisters of Guan Heng and Seraki turned over and drew down the back of Xun Xuebei, and then looked closely, they found that the deceased were all the appearance of the demons, old and young, male and female, and there were several sets of The cart dragged by the monster in the realm seems to be a family migration.

After a few more glances, Guan Heng found that the dead young demons were either carrying bows and arrows, or holding various weapons. Obviously they were all good bodyguards, but these people's weapons had not yet been sheathed, and they had already suffered. When the raid was intercepted, the other party was obviously more rapid and secretive, and his shot was ruthless without leaving traces. At this time, Guan Heng stepped forward to a dead old demons.

"Oh, what's this ?!" Guan Heng saw that there was still something in his stiff corpse, so he stretched out his hand and pulled it down, then looked at it, and then looked at him. Guan Heng's face suddenly calmed, he Slowly let out a breath: "Hoo ... is this true?"

"Brother Guanheng, come here soon!" Just then, Ting Si suddenly screamed in her throat: "Someone here doesn't seem to be completely out of breath."

"Huh ?! There is still alive!" Guan Heng and Seraki around him looked at each other, and ran towards Ting Si shouting immediately.

"This ... is a child?" When Guan Heng ran there, she saw that Qing Tingsi was holding a little girl of eleven or two years old and had closed her eyes and passed out.

At this moment, Tingsi said, "I accidentally found that the child was stuffed into a box. She didn't seem to be injured, but she just stopped her breath."

Speaking, Ting Si tapped on the back of the little girl a few times, and the little girl suddenly coughed out loud: "Woo ... kekekeke ..." Guan Heng asked at this time: "Hey, kid Who are you? Why are you here? "

"Call ...... call ......" This demon girl gasping for breath, slowly, softly and said: "My name is Suolan Ya, this area is remote territory, Malone lord's daughter ......"

Immediately afterwards, this little girl of the tribe named Solanya told her what happened.

It turned out that a few days ago, all the small lords in the second abyss had received an obituary to learn about the terrible changes.

The second lord of the abyss, the third brother of Demon Pawn, Herkinson, has suddenly died in his lord's house at "Horn Magic Ridge" due to the old wounds suffered by the expedition to Ashton.

Herkinson seemed to have a hunch about his death, so he left a testament that he would pass on his lordship to one of the eight little lords in the second abyss.

The eight individuals are: the little lord of the ancient waves and the sea-Berkelly; the little lord of the Golden Desert-Su Lang; the little lord of Dasenling, Karin, and the little lord of the Bloodbird Ridge, the Karben brothers; the crystal tomb Fang Fei's little lord; Ai Fa, the little lord of the stone magic cliff; Gulta, the little lord of the Horned Rhinoceros Hunting Ground; Malone, the little lord of the remote territory.

Herkinson's will does not explain who the lord should be passed to, but that no matter which little lord, as long as he comes to the horn magic ridge for the first condolence, then he is his heir.

This is a great thing. The eight little lords have their own ambitions, and they all want to go to the sky one step, so the first time they received the false accusation, they rushed to their horns with their family members and their bodyguards. Already.

This includes Solana ’s father, the small lord of the remote territory, Malone. Among the eight small lords, Malone has the smallest land closure, low taxes, barren land, and even careful calculations throughout the year to barely maintain a family. Subsistence.

Malone regarded Herkinson's false accusation and will as his life-saving sign, and tried to take this opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the second abyss lord and improve his family's distress.

Taking a step back ten thousand steps, even if Malone was not the youngest lord to sacrifice Herkinson to the Horn of the Magic Ridge, he also wanted to take his daughter, Solanya, to settle there with the Horn of the Magic Ridge, because the remote territory was there It is too poor to survive.

However, Ma Long never expected that he and his daughter and bodyguards followed him halfway, and they were suddenly attacked by unknown killers, and all died here.

"After my father Malone encountered a killer, he was seriously injured and fell down into the waterfall. He was washed away by the water ... The old housekeeper saw me in a box and I escaped ..."

Guan Heng heard Solanya sobbing and said here. The little girl was sobbing and very sad. Tingsi looked at her pitifully and began to soften her words and consoled her.

At this point, Guan Heng looked at the obituary picked up from the deceased in his hand. He knew that the little girl said nothing false, but in the end who was the fierce killer who killed Ma Long and his team. I see.

Guan Heng thought for a while, then asked Solana: "Do you have any relatives now?"

"Uh ... I have an older brother named Carl. The day before yesterday, my father had asked him to use the fastest mount to go to the Horn Crest and prepare to arrange accommodation for us." Solanja wiped her tears and said, "I think he might Alive. "

"Guan Heng ..." At this moment, Seraki pulled Guan Heng's sleeve, called him aside and asked, "What shall we do with this little girl?"

"In addition to the obituary, I found this just now." Guan Heng shook the thing in front of the other person, a topographic map of animal skin and a round metal plate, and then said, "Anyway, we also If you want to go to the Herkinson Mansion on the Horn of Magic, and look for the teleportation debris, you might as well send the little girl there to find her brother Carl. What do you think? "

"Well, you are the leader anyway, Tings and I both listen to you." Seraki shrugged his shoulders and said, "Escort a child along the way anyway, it is not a burdensome thing for us."

"Hmm." Guan Heng slightly slightly his head, he turned and walked in front of Solanja, highlighted the map and the metal plate and asked: "Do you know, how do you see this map? I don't understand the sign above."

Solanja blinked and said, "Oh, this map needs to be used with your 'trackpad'."

—— [Second more of 2016.7.21, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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