Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1476: Villain alliance

The killers were killed by more than half of them at once, and the remaining seven or eight together with the killer leader were frightened to fight the cold war: "My mother! What kind of monster is this?"

At this moment, without waiting for Guan Heng to move his hands, he had already pressed Seraki and Tingsi who could not help but wanted to move their bones and rushed out first: "Let's pack up the rest of the debris!"

"Dragon Fighting Triple Cut!"

"Boom!" In the low roar, Seraki took the lead in his achievements. His great sword was chopped by the wind. He immediately split the three killers upside down, and when the air was flying upside down, the blood of the sky was already sprayed. Fog, seeing you can't live!

At the same time, the white staff in Tingsi's palm suddenly turned half a circle, and then pointed the front of the staff head forward: "Ice crystals bind the feet, icicles thorn!"

Frozen breath formed instantly in mid-air, swept away towards the remaining killers, and instantly frozen their feet in place. Then, the ground shook suddenly at the feet of the killers, and dozens of narrow ice spikes were swollen in an instant. Through!

Brothers and sisters of Seraki from the moment of killing to killing the enemy, but in an instant, the killer leader has not yet responded, he has become a complete lonely widow, this guy secretly screams badly, turn around and run away Run away.

But at this moment, he heard only the sound of a smash of clothing, and Guan Heng moved to him in an instant: "Where else do you want to go?"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhh?" The killer boss, who was exclaimed in exasperation, saw Guan Heng blocking his way, and the first reaction of his subconscious was negative resistance. I saw the kid's wrist suddenly turned, and the steel blade suddenly turned into a cold light. Horizontal neck: "Boy, you die!"

"Haha, are you dreaming ?!" Speaking late, then, quickly, Guan Heng sneered with a disdain, already punching his fist on the other person's cheek, while the boy heard the sound of his bone fracture Flipping and rolling, he slipped and fell at the feet of Aifa and Zoranya.

"You wicked, did my dad kill you?" The little girl of the clan now flushed with anger, flew a pedal on the head of the killer, and the other person groaned suddenly with pain.

"The junkies just called him" Lord ", and at that time I began to suspect that this guy was an acquaintance he had met." At this moment, Ai Fa, who had ripped off his plaque and bandaged his wound, stared and yelled. : "Look at your figure and attack style, your kid should be--"

Speaking of which, Ai Fa reached out and tore off the mask on the opponent's face, he exclaimed with indignation: "It really is you, the little lord of the Hornbill Hunting Ground, Gulta!"

Nagulta had a bluish-purple Devil face, which looked unusually burly, but now he was seriously injured and quite a bit embarrassed.

"Why do you kill me with a thousand knives, why are you attacking me and killing all my subordinates ?!" At this moment, the angry Ai Fa gripped the opponent's collar and shouted, "You tell me honestly, my Did your good friend Malone kill you? "

"No, no, Malone ... he was not killed by me, I was only ordered to act, not the mastermind."

The Gulta saw that the other party was anxious to eat himself. He knew that he was on the verge of death, and shouted incessantly: "It was the lord brothers of Dasenling and Bloodbird Ridge who attacked Malone— Karin, Karben, I just learned the news. After they succeeded, they hurried to the lord's mansion of the horn magic ridge. "

"Hey, you're attacking the little lord everywhere. What good is it to do this?" Guan Heng said slowly beside him at the moment: "And how many little lords are your alliances, and who is the biggest one of them? Yiren, explain these things first. "

Just now, Ai Fa, the little lord of the stone magic cliff, wanted to kill Gulta and vent his anger. When he heard what Guan Heng said, he immediately gave a stimulus. He sighed in his heart: "I was reckless. Not that person reminded me that I almost missed the opportunity to investigate the truth. "

Thinking of this, Ai Fa nodded his head to Guan Heng gratefully, and then stared at Gulta with his eyes round and staring, "Hit, you are not quick? Believe it or not, I will tear you now ?!"

"I, I say!"

Gulta's face was panic-stricken at the moment, and he stunned and said, "Just after hearing the sudden death of Lord Herkinson, Bekerley in the ancient waves, the Surang in the Golden Desert, and Karma Lin, the Karben brothers, and I quickly reached the "Five Little Lords Alliance Agreement" and decided to ignore the testament left by Herkinson and intend to re-divide the territory of the Second Abyss into five medium regions, which we separately control and remove Get rid of all of Herkinson's men, so as to prevent future troubles. "

"Originally, we wanted to count the small lord Fang Fei in the crystal tomb, but the girl seemed to have another plan, and resolutely refused to form an alliance with us. As a result, she angered both Berkeley and Su Lang and shot Fang Fei seriously. Imprisoned. "

Speaking of which, Gulta paused a bit, and he continued: "As for Ai Fa and Malone, you have always been loyal to the Lord Herkinson, so you will never agree with our plan, and we have to remove Dropped target ... "

"You bastard, you die!" After listening to Gulta's confession, Ai Fa, who was furious, had already hit the opponent's head with a fist, only Gulta's nose and blood blew, and he cried in wailing: "Rao Come to me, this is all the mastermind of Berkeley and Su Lang, and I was forced to helplessly, please see us as our former colleagues' Shangrao ... "

"Colleagues ?! When you led my subordinates to kill my subordinates, and you tried to put me to death, why didn't you think we were your former colleagues?" After saying this, Ai Fa shot in the eyes. With a fierce anger, he turned around and asked Guan Heng: "Can I handle this guy with my own hands?"

"Please, I'll ask the information anyway." Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and smiled with amusement: "At this moment, there is a good chance of revenge and resentment!"

"Okay, thank you!" Glancing at Solanja next to him, Aifa probably didn't want the child to see any **** scenes, so he dragged Gurta, who was constantly screaming, into the forest next to him.

Immediately afterwards, the screams of Gulta, the throbbing sound of punches and flesh, and the scolding of Aifa ...

A few minutes later, Aifa stepped out. He first walked in front of Guan Heng and bowed to salute, and then said, "I am an old man who only knows how to use martial arts to kill, but the man of the Demon race has clear grudges. Since you saved me Life, then I will entrust your life to you and serve you! "

"Serve? No, this is not necessary." At this moment, Guan Heng smiled. "My companions and I are just passing by here. By chance, Solanja and you were saved. Next, we only need to Go to the Horn of Magic and find something and leave. "

—— [2016.7.21 Fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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