Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1478: Save two more people (first)

"What ?! You murderer!" Carr, who had not known the news of his father's death before that, was stunned when he heard the words: "Animal, you dare to kill my father, I want to take revenge on him--"

Speaking late, fast, just listening to the sound of a cricket, Galin's steel blade added a deep mark on Karl's body, and the sudden pain made him feel shocked!

But Carr, who wanted to avenge his father's revenge, didn't care about these hurts. He suddenly roared and stuck his shield with the steel blade of his shield. Garin pulled it hard but he couldn't move, but Carr's tomahawk was already sting He smashed down with all his might: "Hoo--"

"Click!" The cold light flashed, and Garin's arm fell to the ground, and the boy suddenly yelled, "Eh, ah!"

"Animals, you—go to death !!!" In the flash of light, Carl threw away the tomahawk shield in his hand, and slammed Garin's waist to push him earlier, anxious Karin kept backing and suddenly stepped into the air. It turned out that he had been pushed out of the cliff by Carl and his feet were hanging!

"Uh-huh ..." With a scream of incomparable screams, Garin fell to the bottomless cliff with his dream of becoming the second-tier abyss lord. This great reversal only happened within a few seconds.

Karin ’s brother, Karben, did n’t even have a chance to respond, so he watched his elder brother fall to the cliff and die, so angry that Karben stomped and shouted, "Brother-you are so terribly dead!"

"Everyone kills me-slaughter these two dogs and men to take revenge for my brother!" The barking and gazing Karen had taken the lead to Fang Fei: "Smells, I break you first!"

Prior to this, Carl rescued Fang Fei from the secret detention of the killers, but at that time, the little lord of the crystal grave cave had been seriously wounded by Berkeley and Su Lang. At this moment, Fang Fei was actually It was already the end of a strong crossbow. When the black stone mallet in Kaban's palm collided with her arc moon blade, it immediately shook it and flew away.

"Uh ..." Fang Fei snorted, her wrists and mouths could not bear the strong impact, and she cracked and bleeded for a while, and then Karen Su laughed: "The next blow will break your brain ..."

On this occasion, a monster with nine snake skulls flew over the oblique stab, and suddenly wrapped his long neck around Karben's wrist, and then dragged the boy directly into the air.

"Uh ?! Ah, what is this monster?" The horrified Karben looked at him further and further away from the ground, and suddenly panicked: "Help ..."

But at this moment, dozens of soul demon avatars have been rushing to the killers in an instant, and sneaked into their ears and nostrils. Then, the seven tricks of the killers kept bleeding outside, and then screamed and mourned. Roll in place.

"Hey, is there a man named Carl here?" Guan Heng asked in a loud voice at the moment: "I brought your sister Solanja. Would you like to meet?"

"Well, benevolent, I am Carl." At this time, the demon boy walked to Guan Heng and said, "This one next to me is the little lord of the crystal tomb cave, Sister Fang Fei. Thank you for your life-saving grace, I do n’t know my sister. Where is it now? "

"Oh, they're on the edge of the woods, where you fought just now." Guan Heng looked at Kaben, dragged by a multi-headed basilisk into the air, and said to Karl, "Lingzun Malone has been poisoned, but Your sister has been rescued by me. Besides, you must know who the master behind the killer is, right? "

"We already know that in addition to the **** Karin and the Karben brothers, there are three **** things like Berkelli, Surang and Gulta."

At this moment, Fang Fei gritted her teeth and said, "I was captured by them, because before I was the guard officer of Lord Herkinson, I knew the seal and the place where the token was located. These guys need to ask those things. So I did n’t kill me for a while. "

"The secret room ..." Guan Heng secretly murmured: "This mystery is likely to also collect the fragments of the teleportation array I am looking for." But at this moment it was not a good time to ask Fang Fei, Guan Heng temporarily held the suspect in his heart, then immediately Speaking to Fang Fei and Karl, "I want to interrogate our captives and ask for information. You can wait for me to go to Aifa and Solanja."

"What? The little Lord of the Stone Devil Cliff Aifa ... he is with you too?" Seeing the other side's slightly surprised eyes, Guan Heng said casually: "Yes, I saw Gulta on the way. He led someone to kill Ai Fa, then rescued him and slaughtered Gulta. "

After saying this, Guan Hengpa hit a ring finger, and the multi-headed basilisk threw Karben out of the air.

"噗通 ——"

"Oh my mother!" Karben was screamed suddenly, almost bubbling on both ends.

"Slap!" At this moment, Guan Heng lifted his feet on Karben's body, and asked with a smile: "Are you Karben?"

"Yes, I am ..." After hearing Gulta's death just now, where did Karben dare to say anything else at this time, he now regarded Guan Heng as the death of a stare.

"I ask you, where are the remaining two lords, Berkeley and Su Lang?"

Although Guan Heng smiled and asked questions casually, Karben had felt the murderous spirit behind the smiley face, so he said in a hurry: "Berkelly and Su Langta, they have already gone to the lord's mansion in Horn Crest, It was said to kill all the Herkinson servants and housekeepers who remained there, and then search for all the treasures left by Lord Herkinson in the mansion. "

"Shameless thief!" Fang Fei, the former lord's mansion guard, suddenly became furious, and yanked Kaben's mouth.

At this time, Guan Heng and Karl next to him smiled and looked at their palms, and they all thought: "I wanted to slap that guy, but I didn't expect to be preempted by the hot sister ... …Ugh."

At this time, Fang Fei had been upright and rude, and she reached out to hold Karben's collar and whispered, "I ask you, why is Lord Herkinson's good guy suddenly violent, isn't it you guys who are fools? Harmed him? "

"Eh ?! No no no-nothing like that!" Seeing Fang Fei's angry look as if she was about to eat herself, Karben said with a lot of sweat and sweat: "Aunt Grandma, we really did not harm the Great Lord In other words, before it was too late to harm him, the big and big lords were dead ... "

"What does it mean to have no time to harm him?" After hearing Karpen's words, all three of the audience were confused, Guan Heng kicked Karben immediately, and he growled: " Why do n’t you say anything special, make it clear! "

—— [2016.7.22 the first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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