Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1480: Double evil (third more)

"Damn old thing, dare to despise your grandpa beckley and go to your--"

"Pop!" In the arrogant roar, Berkelli's slap has been slapped on the old man's face, and the other person's cheeks swelled suddenly.

"Uh ..." The old man shook his head and spit out some **** teeth. At this moment, he raised his neck high and shouted angrily: "Berkeley, Su Lang, you two rebels who killed thousands of swords, Don't die! "

"Hahaha, stupid old thing, even if one day, you can't see it alive!" Berkley now looked fierce, and asked angrily with the collar of his opponent, "said! Hull Where is Kingson ’s treasure chest? "

"Alas, beasts, one of them killed my old Pete. I would never betray my master's affairs in exchange for my chance of living. Don't dream about it by day!"

The old housekeeper Pete was hard-bone, and he didn't put his eyes on him at all. He struggled and yelled, "My Lord Herkinson is still alive, and I won't allow you to trample on his house. of!"

"Well, old man, you are sober, yeah, if Herkinson was alive, even if he was in a sick time, it would be an extremely fierce lion, and we would never dare to enter this lord's house Half a step, just a pity ... "

At this moment, Su Langsen sneered: "Your master is dead and upset, Pete, and now no one supports you. If you want to stay alive for a few days, it is best to take what we want to know Say it all, otherwise, I will surely let you torture, not to survive, not to die! "

"Well, I'm old enough for Pitnot." The old housekeeper shouted hoarsely at this time: "Still, killing me is easy, but let me reveal the master's secret, you are delusional! "

"Okay, old guy, you have enough life, but these people are very young. Do you want these guys to help you with the dead body?"

Speaking, the insidious Su Lang slammed his fingers, and immediately a few black killers like wolf-like tigers escorted a crowd of people, all of whom were dressed as servants, including maids, cooks, and young teenagers The guards were all captured prisoners when the black killer rushed into the mansion.

Seeing those companions who lived with him day and night, their heads were trembling one after another, but the old housekeeper Pete was sweating suddenly. He stared at Su Lang, and yelled in disbelief: "What on earth are you doing? "

"What? Old things, in fact, you know it well." Berkelly smiled at this moment, with bloodthirsty fierce mane in his eyes, he ran over a young maid, and then growled: "Say! Where is the door to the treasure chest? "

"You want to know ..." Old Pete trembled and uttered these words. Berkelli yanked his hands to the left and right, immediately tearing the maid's body in half, and the red mist soared and fell and splashed. Old Pete's face looked at him, instantly scaring him silly on the spot.

"Crap!" Berkelly threw away the murky body in his hand, and then said arbitrarily, "Old man, I see how long you can last, as long as your answer can't satisfy Lao Tzu, I'll take everything in the lord's house here. All torn in half !!! "

"Wow--" Before the old Pete spoke, a few timid maids and servants had scared the pants. These were the people who lived in ordinary villages of the Demons before they entered the Lord's Mansion. When did they see the tragedy? !!

"You, you ... beasts ..." Old Pete saw that, because of himself, Berkelli killed a person like crushing an ant, and his heart suddenly shook: "I, should I tell them that the treasure is where is it?"

But the next moment, the cruel fact had been rehearsed in Old Pete's mind. He knew very well that even if he made a confession of 151, the other party would not leave any living words in the lord's house. It is better for the Lord to be humiliated and die than to be stubborn and keep a trace of dignity for himself!

"Berkeley, Su Lang!" Old Pete shouted with a tearful throat at this time: "If you have the ability, you will kill everyone in the house, I will never tell you where the treasure room is Location, it is by no means cheap for you, the two messengers! "

"The old guy has a hard mouth, okay, anyway, these people are going to die anyway, I'll just show you how lively it is!"

Berkeley suddenly raised his head and roared, his body suddenly doubled, and his hands and arms became thicker and longer for three full laps. This is what Berkeley ’s hard-fought Demon Realm looked like when the black spirit broke out. "Slap!" The guy caught the neck of a young guard in a sudden!

"Uh ah-the old housekeeper saved me ..."

The guard just screamed for a long time, and his head was suddenly separated from the neck cavity. It had been torn off by the fierce and fierce Berkelly, and the blood mist in the neck cavity suddenly filled. On the other side of a snow-white wall, it seems that someone has scratched a bright red color with a big pen!

When the second victim appeared, the old butler Pete actually regretted it. Facing such a cruel and **** scene, he felt that he should not let so many young lives accompany him to death, but Pete also knew one thing: saying In truth, the same is the dead end. The difference is just to let yourself live for a few more minutes.

Just as the victims continued to increase, and Pete was facing a collapse and was about to tell the truth, a loud noise suddenly made in the direction of the gate of the lord's mansion, and then two metal door plates spun rapidly and flew, passing by unbiasedly. The body of four black killers.

"噗 —— 噗 —— 噗 ——" The speed and the huge impact, where the metal door panels passed, immediately killed several black killers on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the others were frightened to hide, and the door was wrapped in the sound of the breaking wind and rushed directly to Berkelly, who was killing the servant.

"Huh? This is it?" Berkelly suddenly felt the wind behind her head was wrong, and hurriedly threw away the captive who was about to be torn in half, saying that it was late, and then, when Berkelly turned back, she was blown with a fierce punch: Go to hell!"

"Bang--click!" The boxer blasted the mid-panel, and suddenly it was ripped apart, but Berkelly felt a surge of force, and he couldn't bear the strong impact. Berkelley could not help but retreat. Eight steps, then I felt a severe pain hit all over my body, and then I saw that my **** hand was spraying blood, and three fingers had been cut off by the edge of the metal door panel!

"Uh ah ah-my hand!" Bekelly's other hand caught the **** wound, and a stern roar erupted: "It hurts me!"

—— [The third change of 2016.7.22, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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