Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1483: Paine's past (first)

But the euphoria did not last for a few minutes, and it was ruthlessly broken by the brutal facts. A group of robbers who were behind the demons pioneers of the Pawn Brothers also appeared here.

It turned out that those sly Demon robbers tried to get it for nothing, so they quietly followed behind Pawn and others, let these pioneers take risks in the front, try to find out which space gaps can pass safely, and after they reach the safe destination, they follow The robber immediately showed bloodthirsty fangs.

The purpose of these vicious robbers is simple: to seize the Pawn brothers and their companions as slaves, to occupy this fertile land of magical land, and seeing that the beautiful home they just found will be taken away again, the three angry Pawn brothers suddenly Rising up resistance, helpless disparity, coupled with being outnumbered, the first Pawn who rushed up was soon smashed to the ground by the robbers, bathing in blood on the spot.

The screams of companions' injuries continued to echo in Pawn's ears, but he couldn't move, but at this time, the eagerness for the powerful power suddenly appeared in Pawn's mind.

A stream of blood flowing underneath suddenly merged into the rolling hills that resembled the giant's remains, making a small part of it react, and a strange light continued to bloom in the sudden, then, Those rays gathered together and suddenly penetrated into Pawn's body.

Just when the demons robbers defeated all the pioneers and sneered and captured them, Pang, who was full of light, suddenly stood up slowly, his sword wounds had disappeared, and the panic eyes of those robbers were terrified. In the blink of an eye, Pawn floated to midair, and began to chant an inexplicable mantra in his mouth.

The next moment, with a wave of Pang Xinxin, countless black airstreams instantly penetrated into the seven tricks of the robbers, and the loud sound of "Bang, Bang, Bang" was endless, and the robbers burst into their heads and died.

Hundreds of pioneers who escaped from the robber's claw saw Pawn floating in mid-air, killing those people with a wave of his hands, and knelt and kept worshiping, treating Pawn as a godlike figure.

At that time, the other two brothers of Paine, the third brother Herkinson and the second brother, were very strange. The reason why Pawn suddenly became strong, but the explanation they got was that Pawn fell to the ground seriously at that time, and his own The blood converges into a river, inadvertently interacting with the remains of the ancient deities at the bottom of the abyss.

In this way, Pawn activated his bloodline of the demon god, so that his strength increased tenfold and hundredfold. In the years that followed, Pawn led the forces of the Demon Realm that gathered around him to continually battle all levels of the abyss with the attitude of "the strongest in the Demon Realm", and finally achieved his dominance.

But Pawn, who has become the overlord of the abyss, has become increasingly dark inside. Regardless of everyone's opposition, he has developed a huge teleportation team to the Ashton continent and led an army expedition. On the mainland, the five gods suffered both losses.

Later, Pawn spent countless precious materials to build a magnificent devil palace with magical teleportation ability for himself, transferred his base from the abyss of the demon domain to an unknown mysterious place in the land of St. Lomplund, but nine A lot of mess in the abyss of the Demon Realm was thrown to those lords that seriously injured and slept.

No one knows what Pawn's heart is thinking, but his two brothers are very clear that his elder brother has completely become another person, no longer the Pawn they are familiar with.

Originally, the second brother recklessly walked closer to Pawn, but the younger husband, Herkinson, was always upset because of a past event, and secretly had a disagreement with Pawn, and dissatisfied with each other. Herkinson's The notes only mentioned vaguely that the grievances of the two originated from a woman, but who the woman was, was not mentioned in the notes.

The only thing that is clear is that Herkinson is extremely obsessed with this woman and has reached a crazy level. The second-tier lord of the abyss of the demon domain, a powerful warrior with great reputation, never even used other women's colors in his life. He Only loved that woman.

However, Herkinson's favorite woman only likes Paine ... this is the real reason for the brothers' wall.

Out of her love for that woman and her loyalty and respect for her brother, Herkinson had already sadly withdrew from the race for love and wanted to fulfill that woman and Pawn, but what made Herkinson extremely angry was that Pawn Less than a year with that woman, he abandoned the other person with a ruthlessness!

The angered Herkinson even resolutely challenged Paine to try to get his brother to accept the old love again, but Paine did not hesitate to seriously wound Herkinson and let him grow away. Since then, the two brothers broke completely. No more contact.

Seeing Herkinson's notes here, Guan Heng suddenly touched the letter in his arms and mumbled to himself: "Pawn, who has broken off with his brother ... Hey, it's a little bit interesting, right Now, let ’s take a look at what ’s written on the letter. I remember that the envelope had been written by Pawn. Maybe it was something interesting. "

After making up his mind, Guan Heng reached out and took out the animal skin envelope to take out the stationery for viewing. After reading the content in a hurry, Guan Heng's face suddenly flashed a look of sorrow and laughter: "No wonder Herkinson saw this The letter would spit blood and suffocate. This letter ... is just his desperate book! "

It turned out that the content of the letter was roughly that Pann told Herkinson that he had long lost contact with the woman he liked. If the third brother wanted to, he could take over the woman at any time, which was enough for Hull Kinson burst the contents of blood vessels.

In addition, the letter also used a commanded tone to allow Herkinson to stay in the lowest area of ​​the abyss for a period of time. This was done to protect the remains of the ancient deities and to properly keep the fragments of the teleportation array that he once stored there.

Moreover, the recklessness of the first layer of the abyss has also received the same letter at this time, and has directly passed to the bottom of the abyss through the secret teleportation array. It turned out that many years ago, Pawn had made himself most trusted. Reckless have made the way to the lowest level. At that time, Paine often had to go to the lowest level of the remains of the ancient deities to meditate and accumulate strength.

Just a few days ago, Reckless came to Herkinson's mansion, handed the letter to Peng, and saw that his three younger brothers were not healed. Reckless ordered him to rest peacefully, but he was He took the fragments of the teleportation array of Herkinson and went directly to the bottom of the abyss.

However, recklessly did not expect that the letter he sent to Herkinson turned out to be the lifeblood of the third brother, which was completely unexpected!

—— [2016.7.23 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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