Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1485: Each has arrangements (third)

"Oh, Sister Fang Fei is married to me, so naturally I will follow her back to the crystal tomb." Carl said with a smile to his father and sister at this time: "After the wedding, we will go back."

"Eh ?!" At this moment, Malone seemed to realize something, and he asked with a stunned look: "What do you guys mean?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Everyone laughed in unison: "The next lord, you must be Malone!"

"Great, Dad." Solanja shook her father's arm at the moment, and she smiled happily. "Don't you always look forward to the opportunity to take good care of the second abyss and turn it into a peaceful and peaceful land? This is the best opportunity! "

"Well, okay, I decided to try." Seeing that everyone had their own plans, Ma Long nodded, believing that he was the successor. Guan Heng casually expressed his congratulations, and then led his brother and sister Seraki and Wu Xuebei to leave the lord's house and continue on the road.

"According to Malone's introduction, the second level of the teleportation array leading to the first level of the abyss is at the top of the highest mountain of the horn magic ridge."

At this time, Guan Heng said to the brothers and sisters on the back of the Xuexue: "After this long journey, I finally want to enter the first layer of the abyss, but I got a piece of news that is not too good."

As a result, Guan Heng told the siblings of the first layer of the abyss, the reckless shards, with the fragments of the teleportation array kept by himself and Herkinson, and went to the bottom of the abyss. Began to spread sadness.

"So, if we want to get the remaining two pieces, we need to return to the bottom of the abyss again?" Seraki's mouth twitched and said in an embarrassed expression, "I didn't expect that they had already come here, but they appeared. It ’s awful!

"Yeah, Brother Heng Heng, it can be said that it took a lot of trouble to come along this way." Ting Si also pointed her fingers at the forehead and said, "I can't imagine that I will go to the bottom of the abyss again. If I can, I can support it. "

"You don't need to worry about this." At this moment, Guan Heng laughed with his shoulders: "The mission to the bottom is too dangerous, so I decided not to take you with me."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng paused for a moment, and he continued: "My plan is like this, when I reach the first abyss, I will find a safe and secret place to settle you properly and stay Xiayu Snow Beast and Abu came to serve as bodyguards. Their strength is absolutely reliable, so I don't have to worry about your safety. "

"The thing is, I think it's quite safe to do so." Wu Xueshou said, shaking his head, "In the past, I went to the first layer of the abyss with the old ghost of the three-eyed monster, and knew that there was a Yishan there. The hidden valley by the water is perfect for Tibetans, so let's take Seraki and Tingsi to stay there for a while. "

"Well, good idea, I decided to do just that." Guan Heng said, turning his head to the brothers and sisters of Seraki: "It's so easy to bring you two living people here, just one step back. St. Lomplon, you can't have any more accidents. "

"Thank you, Guan Heng. In fact, if my strength can be stronger, I can gather the courage and go to the bottom of the abyss." Seraki said a little embarrassed at this time: "How much weight I have, I'm still very clear about it, alas, I'm blushing when I say it, I'm far worse than you. "

"Serach, what are you saying?" Guan Heng deliberately put a face on his face and said, "Every brother who can save his life and protect his sister is admirable in my eyes. Or, remember, your life is not yours, that is the power to protect Ting Si! "

"Brother Guan Heng is right, brother, you are very strong."

At this time, Ting Si played around with the white staff in her palm, and said with a smile: "And after going through the trials and battles of this journey, I feel that I have also become stronger. So, Brother Hengheng, you just Go to the bottom of the abyss and look for the teleportation debris. "

Speaking of which, Tingsi stretched her arms over Seraki's shoulder, and said with a smile: "I can take care of my elder brother."

Listening to Ting Si's words of confidence, everyone smiled. Under the wild running of Xun Xuebei, they finally reached the top of the highest peak of the horn magic ridge and found the simple teleportation array.

"Well, there are still people who use the teleportation array in these days." Guan Heng grabbed a piece of black magic crystal waste on the edge of the teleportation array and said, "It should be the first layer of the abyss lord, the second brother of Pawn- Recklessly, he should have returned to his territory and reached the bottom of the abyss. "

"Guan Heng, let's hurry and go to the first floor." Seraki said at this time: "Try to follow each other's steps as soon as possible, otherwise, it may change late."

"Well, you're right." Guan Heng then waved to the others and said, "You go to the teleportation team first, I'll set up a new black demon crystal, let's go immediately!"

After a few seconds, Guan Heng waited for someone to step in the middle of the teleportation array, and his whole body turned into several white lights at once, and then disappeared instantly.

At the next moment, the first layer of the abyss is in sight. As the uppermost layer of the abyss of the demon domain, it has the best vegetation resources and mineral deposits, which is far better than the lower layers of the abyss.

Now that he has been here, Guan Heng can't take care of the scenery along the way with everyone. He just urges Xue Xueju to desperately run forward to reach the deep valley you can let the brothers and sisters of Seraki hide as soon as possible.

"Oh!" When the snow beast swept across a cliff and rushed towards the valley in front, a hundred fist bald monsters suddenly flew across from them. These fierce birds could stand the way of the snow beast. "Hula la" flapped wings around and immediately surrounded them.

"呱呱呱 ——" hissing hissing, the bald-headed hairy pheasant of the bald bird suddenly stood upright, "嗤嗤嗤 ——" 霎 time is like a sharp arrow, shot through the sky toward the snow beast!

"Abominable, where's the noisy bird? Give me a roll !!!" Guan Heng stretched out his palm with a stern face, and saw that the palms of his palms gathered in a flash of faint, faint, hot dragon power, quickly clinging into a ball, and turning it Quickly ejected: "Dark Dragon Star Pyroblast."

"唰 唰 唰 唰 —— 嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" The Dragon's Breath Explosive Bombs that are rushing at a fast speed, do not favor the sharp and strange birds and feathers, and burn them into powder instantly, and use them The remaining flames of the dragon's breath fell on the strange birds, and they were suddenly screamed and screamed, one by one in the air, and then the onions fell down to the bottom of the deep valley.

—— [The third change of 2016.7.23, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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