Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1488: Ghost Flame Stone Sea (first)

As of today, Yu Tian Ye Mo Zu got the exact news: the reckless men have left the first abyss alone and are missing, and there are only some guards and a sick young son in his mansion. This is a good opportunity to kill those relatives who are savage.

So the ambush in the woods began. The raids were the wives and wives of the fierce capital and their maids' guards. After being caught off guard, most of these people were killed on the spot, but the woman whom Guan Heng encountered had only one breath.

At this time, Guan Heng thought: "Now comparing with the memories of this Night Demon clan, they are only secretly attacking the relatives of the reckless people, and they don't know what the use of this strong demon heart is."

"Hey, grabbed a ghost, but only knew some grudges between Yutian Ye Mozu and Mang Li."

Guan Heng now felt his chin and thought, "In addition, even though the reckless dude is in a group of wives and concubines, he has only one son who has been bedridden for a long time. He is already dying. Could it be said ... what a strong demon heart, Has something to do with the reckless son ?! "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng shook his head slightly, and whispered to himself: "Anyway, reach the area of ​​Ghost Flame Stone Sea first."

"噌 ——" Guan Heng straight up into the sky, flying with the blessing of the dragon to the distance, but within a moment, he has come to the legendary "Sea of ​​Ghost Flame Stone".

The so-called ghost flame sea of ​​stones can be said to be worthy of the name. There is the hottest geothermal black fire in the entire first layer of the abyss. They are burning and boiling all day long, roasting all the mountains, stones and mountains within a thousand miles here. Color, this is the title of "Ghost Flame Stone Sea".

Although it is extremely hot here, it is the place where all kinds of demons live in the first layer of the abyss, because the sea of ​​ghost flames is hot, but it is also the place with the darkest gas in the magic domain.

In the daily life, the demons here can absorb the most dense dark matter in the black gas even if they breathe freely, and this kind of stuff can nourish the physique of the demons and make them have a long life again. The amplitude is extended.

Therefore, all kinds of demons living in Guiyan Shihai have a longevity. This is also the most suitable habitat for demons.

These messages, Guan Heng have been understood in the memory of the Yu Ye Ye Mo people, in addition, he also knows the destination that the Ye Mo people want to attack-the location of the first abyss lord castle, that place is The southeast area of ​​Ghost Flame Stone Sea covers an extremely large area, and the building is luxurious and exquisite, which is very conspicuous.

Now that he is here, Guan Hengke can no longer fly in the air at will by using Dragon Xiang. Because in the abyss of the demon domain, no one has such ability, so Guan Heng turned out of a magic pet tube, which is inside It was a flying magic pet he seized when he killed Su Lang at the second level of the abyss lord house.

Guan Heng didn't know what it was called, just looking at it's wide nose and wide mouth, grinning his teeth and shaking his head, his body was covered with golden fur like satin, and his wings were wide on his back.

When the guy was just released from the tube of the magic pet, he saw Guan Heng still staring at the other with a silly look, which seemed to be a little dissatisfied. Guan Heng reached out and patted his head and laughed. "I don't know your name, but I'll call you Golden Retriever in the future."

"Oh!" The golden retriever shook his body when he heard his new name, but he didn't like it, but at this moment, Guan Heng suddenly sank his face and let out a hint of dragon's breath.

After feeling this amazing momentum, Jin Mao suddenly frightened himself into a cold war. This guy was very knowledgeable and fell on his face in front of Guan Heng. He even stuck out his tongue and opened his mouth wide, smirking at Guan Heng.

"Well, that's right, as long as you follow me, you will never lose money." At this time Guan Heng turned over and jumped onto the golden retriever's saddle, and he exclaimed: "Let's go to the First Abyss Lord House now. Castle. "

Although the speed of the golden retriever is not as high as that of Guanxiang's Dragon Surgery, it can also be called a gallop. It didn't take long to have arrived at the gate of the Lord's Castle. It really is magnificent and elegantly decorated, but I don't know what The reason is that the whole castle gives a deadly feeling, which seems to reflect some ominous premonition.

At this moment, Guan Heng jumped out of the golden retriever's saddle, and stowed it into the tube of the devil's pet. Then he walked up to the gate of the castle. At this moment, two gatekeepers yelled and asked, "Stop, what are you doing? Yes, I do n’t know if the Castle of the Lord ’s Mansion is forbidden to come around? ”

"I'm too lazy to talk to you and other miscellaneous fish, and quickly find a supervisor to talk back." Guan Heng's face was a bit impatient and said, "Lao Tzu is very busy, just say it once, I'm here to report the funeral, you castle out All the women's families outside died in the hands of Yutian Ye Mozu! "

"You, what are you talking about ?!" The demon soldiers of the two hands suddenly heard bad news. Although they didn't know if it was true or not, they were suddenly frightened and their hands and feet were cold. Already.

"If you hear clearly, just go in and report." Guan Hengla Lala said, "I'll wait here."

Look at me, I look at you, one of these two soldiers, and one of them whispered immediately: "I'm going to look for Yossarian, you are here ... wait a minute!"

With that said, the demon soldier dragged his spear into the gate of the castle swiftly and fiercely. Within three minutes, he hurried to the gate with a housekeeper-like person.

"Mr. Yosseur, it is this ... sir, there is news of the husband's death." The pale-faced demon soldier said, "Look ..."

"Well, you can step down first, this gentleman will be greeted by the director." Yossé waved a hand, and the two magic soldiers stepped back with interest. At this time, Guan Heng looked closely at the middle-aged demons. This man looked ordinary, but the square appearance of the whole man was extremely serious and cautious, and indeed he was a leader of the deputy.

"You're the chief of the Lord's Castle?" Guan Heng said at this time. "How about? Shall we go in and talk? Or just say things here clearly?"

"Uh ... I'm sorry, I neglected the VIP, I'm really sorry."

The Yossarian saw Guan Heng's persecution, like countless sharp figures. He immediately realized that the other party was not an ordinary character, so Yossi immediately changed his respectful attitude and said to Guan Heng: "Please follow me into the castle and tell the story in the living room."

"Huh, that's pretty much the same." Guan Heng knew that the reckless lords of this abyss had left at this moment. I am afraid that no one in the whole castle was his opponent, so he walked in with the general manager of Yosseh. door.

—— [2016.7.24 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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