Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1490: Accidental frequency (third)

"Uh, this is so coincidental. I didn't think the child could not wait for even a few hours." Guan Heng shook his head secretly, but the other party didn't say that he would leave the strong demon heart, so he didn't mention it Already.

"Ahem." At this moment, Guan Heng cleared his throat and asked, "Mr. Yoss, I want to ask you something. Do you know where the teleportation team to the bottom of the abyss of the demon domain is?"

Hearing Guan Heng's inquiries, Yossie's face suddenly appeared embarrassed, and he asked, "Oh, well ... Mr. Guan Heng, what's your intention?"

"Well, that's what happened." Guan Heng already had a good set of rhetoric at this time, and took out something and handed it to Yossarian. "You look at this obituary first."

"Ah ?! This is the second-layer Lord Abyss Lord Herkinson ... obituary ?!" Seeing this, Yossah was shocked: "Is Lord Herkinson dead? This is too sudden!"

"Exactly, that's what happened in the past few days." Guan Heng said at this time: "I'm a friend of Herkinson, and I know Paine ... Hehe ... Your Majesty and Recklessness They are all lords, so they volunteered to go to the bottom of the abyss to inform them, and then they need to pass that bottom teleportation array, do you understand? "

Guan Heng's excuses seemed decent, and there were few flaws, so Yossa believed seven or eight points. The steward's eyes suddenly turned, and he didn't know what he thought of, but he was unconscious. Lost in thought.

"Hey, Mr. Yossarian!" Guan Heng saw the other party standing in place and looked dumbfounded, so he frowned and asked, "I'm asking you where is the lowest teleporter, why don't you speak?"

"Eh ?! I'm sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry." Yossi was a little embarrassed at this time, he said in a hurry: "That's it, Mr. Guan Heng, there are two places in the first abyss where we can go to the bottom. Teleportation, one is in our Lord's Castle, but ... "

"But what?" Guan Heng said with a frown, and asked, "You don't have to talk about anything. Hurry up and say something."

"That's it. Just this morning, the Lord's Mansion was attacked by the Royal Night Demon Clan." Yosse hurriedly explained at this time: "The teleportation array located on the top floor of the castle was damaged on a large scale, and it is no longer possible. used."

"Abominable, these **** Royal Night Demon Clan have troubled Lao Tzu at this time!" Hearing this, Guan Heng was stomped and almost stomped the green bricks on the ground. He then said to the director: "I will repair various teleportation arrays and take me to see the damaged area immediately, maybe it can be saved."

Guan Heng's knowledge about the formations of the demon domain are all from the memory of Baidi, the bishop of the serpent guardian, so he has some confidence in repairing the destroyed teleportation array.

However, when General Yossi led Guan Heng to the front of the teleportation array on the upper floor, Guan Heng shook his head and whispered: "The group who killed thousands of swords has completely destroyed the shape of the teleportation array. , Even if repairs are needed, it won't be possible without ten days and a half months. "

Suddenly, Guan Heng turned his head and asked Yossarian, "Did you not say that there are two teleportation arrays? Where are the other teleportation arrays? Tell me!"

"Uh, this ..." At this moment, Yossah hesitated a little, but still whispered, "Another teleportation line leading to the lowest level is at the end of the sea of ​​ghostly flames. There is a burning ground all year round. The black-hearted canyon maze is also the habitat of the Royal Night Demon! "

"Huh, on the site of those **** things ?!" Hearing here, Guan Heng's face sank suddenly, and he asked: "Is that teleportation team under the control of the Nomads ?!"

"I think it should not be under the control of the other party." At the moment, Yossarian said: "Because the position of the teleportation array is special, it is placed in the hottest black geothermal black cave. For this black fire, The Royal Night Devil would never dare to approach, because the fire would burn their belt bones to ashes. "

"It's weird, why is that teleportation team in such a weird place?" When hearing this, Guan Heng murmured in confusion: "Why not find a better place to set up a teleportation team?"

"That's it, Mr. Guan Heng."

Seeing his confusion, Governor Yosse explained: "The black earth fire in the first layer of the abyss is not as strong as it is now, so there was no flame in the cave where the teleportation array was originally set up, but it happened hundreds of years ago. A huge natural disaster has caused those terrible black flames to spread endlessly. This is the scale of the fire today. "

Speaking of this, Yossarian paused before continuing to say: "Because the earliest teleportation team that was going to the bottom floor was surrounded by the earth's black fire, the reckless masters set up a new teleportation team on the castle roof, the black flame The teleportation array in the hole is basically abandoned. "

"Anyway, that old teleportation team that hasn't been used for a long time is my last hope." Guan Heng thought at this moment and thought: "No, this will definitely be a trip."

"Mr. Guan Heng, do you really want to go to the cave where the black heart is raging ?!" Seeing Guan Heng groaning, the general manager Yossé was a little nervous, and he said, "But there is not only a black fire there San, but also the domain of Yutian Ye Mozu, every step forward is full of danger, you ... "

"Okay, about my safety or not, that's not what you should worry about." Guan Heng waved and said at this time: "You just need to tell me how to get to the Black Fire Grotto where the teleportation array is located. ! "

Hearing Guan Heng's insistence, Tie Daxin was about to go to the end of the sea of ​​ghost flames, Yossarian sighed slowly, he said, "In this case, please wait a moment."

With that said, Yossé turned away, and within half a minute he fetched a map of the skin of the animal, rolled it into a tube, and handed it to Guan Heng: "I put the Yu Tian Ye Mo Habitat on it , As well as the exact location of the geofire cave, please be careful when you go. "

"Thanks for reminding me, I will pay attention."

At this moment, Guan Heng waved his hand, and then "sniffed", ascended into the sky from the rooftop, and used the dragon technique to fly towards the far end of the sea of ​​ghost flames and stones. Long Xiangshu, coupled with the acceleration of the multi-headed Basilisk, made Guan Heng soon reach the edge of the raging fire in the sea of ​​ghost flames.

"Well, the heat of this black heart is really great."

Although Guan Heng is a flame-immunity physique, he still feels that the black fire here is a hundred times hotter than the layer where he and the Great Sky Ape meet. He couldn't help praising: "I'm afraid of the entire abyss Only here is there a top-level black fire. "

—— [2016.7.24 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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