Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1507: Back to top (fifth more outbreak)

"Well ... unless we have a way to erase the self-consciousness of this evil mind and remnant soul, and turn it into a pure source of energy, otherwise, I have no way."

Ganezo said in a deep voice at this time: "And it is not appropriate to seal or destroy it now, because some of the wicked souls' avatars have been detached from this place and have occupied the body of the demon Pawn."

"Guan Heng, the soul stone of evil thoughts will be left to you for safekeeping." At this moment, the old man of the goodwill of the demon soul and the black robe said: "After all these years of thinking and planning, I have developed a willingness to hope to be with us The power of the three ancient gods has created a new deity that can return the chaotic Saint Loren to peace. "

Having said that, the goodwill remnant paused for a moment, and then continued: "So, I intend to return to the land of St. Lomplon with you, meet with the gods, and discuss this matter together."

"Understand, then put the evil soul stone on me first." Guan Heng said, then he held the soul stone up, but he suddenly thought of something, so he quickly took out a gold leaf note, in Gan Nissuo and the demon spirit in good faith dangled in front of him: "I found this thing on the site of the ancient skull family, and would like to ask its origin, by the way, please translate ..."

Therefore, Guan Heng told the other party about the relationship between the gold foil notes, the inverse astro five-pole beads, and the core spar.

"That's the case. That ancient skeleton kid was so bold that he kept our gold foil notes behind us." At this moment, the face of the demon God's good-willed soul couldn't help but be angry. The research on the anti-horoscope has been stagnant, which is really odious. "

"Well, the devil, it's all in the past, don't mention it again."

Ganezo said at this time: "When we did find the Astral Meteorite, we took a lot of thought and translated a lot of the same text as in this gold leaf note. That is the civilization in the ancient star domain, but we have to It will take a day or two to completely translate such a thick note, so go to Saint Loren, find the gods, and work with the three of us to help you translate. "

"Okay, thanks a lot." Guan Heng slightly nodded his head and said, "The effect of the inverse astrolabe is very great to me, so I want to know as much as possible about it."

Having said that, Guan Heng walked to the dead brother of Pang Er, who was fierce, fumbled up and down, left, right, inside, and outside for a while, and finally found a storage ring. After mental inspection, he finally found the last two. Fragments of a block transfer space array.

Guan Heng tossed the shard in his hand twice, and said, "Okay, with this thing, I can immediately return to the first floor of the abyss and go to St. Lompren with brother and sister Seraki."

"Cough, Guan Heng." Ganesha cleared his throat and said, "I will stay with you after returning to the land of St. Lomplon. After the gods and gods meet, they can translate the gold leaf notes for you, but Then, to deal with the demon Lord Pawn and recover another part of the evil spirits, we must complete it ourselves. "

"I understand, I understand, this is called mutual benefit." Guan Heng laughed: "Anyway, the guy with Pawn and me and the old account have to be liquidated. I just went to the palace of the devil and packed him up!"

After saying this, all the people present laughed, thinking in their hearts: "Pawn, this boy, is going to be bad!"


After a while, Guan Heng found a teleportation array that was used recklessly and came to the lowest level, but recalled that the teleportation array on the first floor of the abyss lord's house rooftop had been destroyed, and he was worried that this teleportation array would still be available.

However, the dragon **** said that as long as he stepped on this teleportation array, when he encountered the barrier of the space screen, he could pass through a gap with the javelin of the king of bones, and there was no need to worry, although the idea of ​​the dragon **** was a bit risky. However, Guan Heng couldn't care so much in a hurry, so he stepped into the teleportation array.

"Hey!" Guan Heng's figure disappeared in time, and then, he began to rush through the dark and long space tunnel.

This time through the barriers of space in the abyss of the thirteenth layer of Demon Realm, Guan Heng had enough time to face the obstacles ahead. Sometimes the moment the body was about to hit the barrier, the Dragon God and the Demon reminded each other: "Do it!"

At this time, Guan Heng would wave the Jade King Bone Javelin in the palm of his hand, and "Dala" sounded a sound, broke into the wall, and then continued to move forward.

On the way, there was no danger. When Guan Heng cut through the last layer of weak space barriers, he had already seen the scenery on the first floor of the abyss. He was overjoyed in the past: "Great, finally here."

At this moment, the demon's goodwill residual soul said: "Guan Heng, me and the dragon **** temporarily rest for a while around the dragon's breath crystal in your body. The energy emitted by this thing seems to be good for me and Ganeso. You can call us again if something happens. "

"Okay, that's it." Guan Heng was anxious at this moment, and after saying a word to the demon, he immediately used the dragon technique to fly up into the sky, and hurriedly hurried toward the sorrow deep in which the brothers and sisters of Seraki and the snow monster were hiding.


At the same time, brothers and sisters of Seraki suddenly came to a group of uninvited guests. The first one was the bald old man whom Guan Heng had encountered on their way. He once made a group of ugly strange birds meet everyone on the narrow road. And hurriedly had a fight.

The bald old man suffered a big loss under the hands of Guan Heng and Xun Xueshou. Not only did the loving birds suffer a lot, but even himself was almost slashed by Guan Heng, but Guan Heng was in a hurry and hurried away. The death of this old thing made him escape by accident.

However, the bald old man has been on the first floor of the abyss for many years. He has never suffered such a big loss. In his anger, he found dozens of familiar helpers, and sent all his birds and pets to find Guan Heng everywhere. Their tracks attempted revenge.

Kung fu was worthy of care, just when the bald old men almost gave up searching, a strange bird flew to the news and led them to the mouth of the valley where the brothers and sisters of Seraki and the snow beast hide.

Observed in secret, the other party did not find a trace. But the bald old man remembered the terrifying means of Guan Heng. At this moment, he was still at a loss, so the bald old man sent people to use countless black demon crystals to form a chain trap to detonate the array in order to prevent accidents. He led someone to kill him.

"Roar-suffer, we have been discovered by the enemy!" Wu Xuebei has a keen sense of smell, and the first one found that something is wrong. In the sound of thunder, Wu Xuebei suddenly sprayed a frosty breath on the enemy who rushed forward. : "Beast Roar Ice Crystal Cannon!"

The nearby Ting Si also did not respond slowly, and immediately waved the white staff and whispered, "Frozen magic arrow!"

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.27, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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