Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1516: Night talk

"That's right! He turned the world upside down!" Akin shouted at the moment, shaking his pink fist and shouting, "Just let Pann **** the ball, and taste the power of our 'Devil Squad Women's Army'!"

Zuo Wei and Imila also got up and shouted in unison, "Yes, the Demon Squad's Girl Soldiers are going to kill the mess of the Demon Army!"

Suddenly, Guan Heng felt the murderous swiftness of the three girls soaring suddenly. He secretly said, "I drop a mother. Otherwise, don't say anything to the angry woman, otherwise there will never be Good fruit! "

"Bang, bang!" Guan Heng just thought of it, and the phoenix phoenix soul next to his heart suddenly jumped twice. Guan Heng quickly stroked his heart and said, "Sorry wife, what I said are so powerful women, absolutely It's not you, the world can learn! "

Guan Heng's painful complaint in Qing ’s heart, Qing Huang ’s remnant soul stopped the restlessness. Nowadays, Guan Heng is more and more aware that Qing Huang ’s remnant soul has recovered a bit of vitality. For him, Definitely a happy event!

At this moment, Zuo Wei grabbed Imela's wrist and said, "Sister, let's sleep together tonight, we haven't talked in a long time."

"Hey, I'll go with her." A-King Kong was going out with her, but Zuo Wei smirked: "Forget it, Sister A-Jin, we know you and Brother Guan Heng have a lot to say, He's leaving tomorrow, aren't you hurrying to seize the opportunity? "

"Smelly girl, what are you talking about ?!" Akin, who heard this, suddenly flushed. She was chasing Zou Wei under shame, but she did not expect the other person to laugh and hold Yimera to smoke. Ran out of the room and closed the door by the way: "咣 当 ——"

"Well, Zuo Wei is really crazy. In this case, she won't marry in the future." Guan Heng murmured in his mouth at this time, but saw A Jin holding his hands on his back and squinting his head. Come over, she said, "Well ... you ... accompany me to the rooftop to blow hair?"

"Well, let's go." At this moment, Guan Heng knew something that wasn't clear and was a little owed to A Jin's feelings, so he silently followed A Jin and came to the rooftop of the parlor hall together.

At this time, looking at the starry sky and the bright and bright moon, A Jin suddenly leaned back against the fence, Ren Qingfeng disturbed her hair, and she suddenly said, "Can I call you Aheng? Just like in your heart That 'she' ... "

"Uh, this ..." Guan Heng's expression of hesitation was already in the eyes of A Jin, and her face suddenly felt a little dark, but Guan Heng said quickly: "Yes, name, and It's a title, just like I call you Akin now, and it's the same thing, and there's no difference in it. "

"Well, yeah, how can your lover call‘ Aheng ’and the ordinary person ’s‘ Aheng ’feel the same?”

At this moment, Akin's mood is a bit lost, but more is to get acquainted with her. She finally summoned her courage and ended this period of acacia that should not belong to her. Long pain is worse than short pain. For Akin This is actually a good thing.

At this time, Guan Heng asked suddenly to divert the topic: "After the war, do you have any plans?"

"Well ... I don't have any interest in being a king anyway, it would be nice to have a brother in the Kingdom of Gagila to take care of it."

Speaking of which, A Jin suddenly stretched out her jade fingers to pick up the messy hair in front of her forehead, and her mouth turned up with a smile and said, "I want to travel everywhere and see a wider world, Ah Heng, your presence opens up for me In the window of eagerness to see more things, although you haven't tasted what true love between men and women is in you, I realize that there is not just one good man in the world. "

"Wow, it's great that you can think that way." Guan Heng then patted his heart pretendingly, "I'm so afraid that after you leave, you will think that excessive lovesickness will make the jade go away. In that case, how about me? Haven't you become the culprit who killed the Queen of Gold? "

"Well, look at your unharmful look." A Jin froze at this moment, then said with a smile: "But, I really like this type of you, hehe, I intend to think of you as Templates look for their true lover. "

"Oh my god, girl, you set too high a goal for yourself." Guan Heng completely restored his relaxed expression at this time, he also smiled and said, "I am such an excellent man for thousands of years, in case you are rare What if you can't find the same? "

"Then I don't care!" At this moment, Akin shouted facing the vast world outside the rooftop: "If you can't find a good man like Aheng, I will consider accepting Dovre's love ..."

"Don't, you don't mess around!" Hearing Ah Jin's words, Guan Heng was so scared that he didn't plant the rooftop. He held his hand to the railing and grinned, "Sister Akin, don't make this joke Fortunately, Dovre is now chatting with them in the room of the gods and demons. In case you say this to Dovre's ears, she will definitely entangle you forever. "

"Oh, ha, are you worried about me?" Akin walked to Guan Heng at this time and stretched out her index finger for a playful gesture to Guan Heng's jaw. She smirked and said, "Well, why don't you marry me?" "

"Uh ah-I really can't stand your female man's teasing!" Hearing this, the embarrassed Guan Heng screamed: "Oh my god, it's not my fault to look handsome, This is just the calamity given by parents. "

"Hahaha, smelly!" Akin patted Guan Heng's face lightly at this moment, she said with a smile: "I'm having a good time playing with you tonight, I'll go to bed first."

"Uh, I won't send it far." Guan Heng just said so helplessly, and A Jin who walked back suddenly turned back and grinned: "Hey, would you like to come to my room? I'll leave the door for you ... "

"Ah-I'm not alive!" Guan Heng suddenly covered his face, suddenly turned over and leaped away from the rooftop, but there was only a series of silver bell-like laughter left in the corridor, but in this laughter, there were How much joy, and how much sadness, only the talent knows about this.

At this moment, Guan Heng had used the dragon technique to flit across the air, and he flew to a small black mountain in the God Control Stone Mine. He lay down with his hands on his head and murmured: "Oh, escape! In order to be weak, I don't know, keep cutting, and rationality ... "


At the same time, in the room where the gods of man and the demon translated gold leaf notes for Guan Heng, the devil suddenly deciphered a text accidentally, and he exclaimed, "God of man, come and see, this content is really strange, Unexpectedly, if you got this note early in the year, you and I and Ganeso might have learned the secret of the inverse of the astrolabe. "

"Well, it turns out that the place in Ashton's mainland is also ..." When the man and **** said here, he suddenly glanced at Doffer who was snoring at the corner of the table next to him, and then he asked: "Do you want us to let little The elf now calls Guan horizontally to explain this? "

—— [2016.7.29 fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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