Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1518: Persuasion and compromise (first)

When Cohen said this, his tone became full of temptation: "On the contrary, as long as we are loyal to our demon domain, honor and power immediately come down first. Even a dog will choose the loyalty of its own loyalty. Imagine Think, who would choose a companion who is not as good as a dog? "

"Miscellaneous things, what do you say ?!" Ruta heard Cohen's absurdity, and suddenly he was so angry that he shouted, "Cohen who killed a thousand swords, Ma Ze is a hero, not behind you. You can't insult him so much as a fur-skinned dog who flicks for food! "

"Enough Ruta, stop talking." Just then, Ma Ze suddenly interrupted Ruta's words, and he whispered, "Please let me be quiet and think carefully, and don't forget me. What I said to you, you ... believe me! "

After hearing Maze's words, Rutta suddenly became speechless. At this moment, he suddenly remembered his conversation with Maze in the cell last night.

At that time, the two were sitting idly against the corner of the cell, and Ruta suddenly asked, "Hey, what are you thinking at the moment? Are you thinking about going to the execution ground tomorrow?"

"Haha, don't look down on me." Ma Ze raised his head and smiled: "Death is not the end for me, because I have already died once, you see, now they have become undead. I am here Think about what happened in the past. "

"My life is full of blood, fraud, helplessness, and loneliness. At least before I knew Guan Heng and you, I was deceived to join the Dragon Army, killing innocents everywhere, and my hands were soaked with blood. That's how I spent it."

Speaking of which, Ma Ze paused a moment, he lifted a straw on the ground and put it on his lips, and then slowly said, "But ... I was defeated by Guan Heng, but I accidentally got it as an undead. After being born again, and becoming a companion of everyone, I have gained valuable friendship. To me, all of this is much more precious than my own life. I promised that I would never betray any companion! "

"Ruta ..." Ma Ze looked at his companions at this time, he said word by word: "You will witness my vow, you must believe me! I will never betray my soul ! "


At the execution ground, Ruta suddenly remembered what Ma Ze said in the cell, and his heart began to pound, and then he kept thinking: "Ma Ze, will you really keep your vow? Me, I really Can you witness it all? "

"It's almost dawn, and let's not continue grinding our teeth!"

"Pop!" At this moment, Cohen suddenly groaned, and then snapped his fingers. Immediately, there were two anxious demons holding a dark two-eared flask with the inscription on the surface. A ridiculous face of Warcraft, all around is full of ominous weird breath!

"Hey hey--what a wonderful breath." Kou Han suddenly said a mantra, and the bottle mouth of the ear-flask suddenly burst out a black mist, and two sick heads passed between the light and flint. , These two unlucky eggs immediately turned into a collapsed skeleton state, died of anger.

"Hoo!" Cohan suddenly stretched out a thin black claw from the black mist around him. He squeezed the flask with a "snap" and then waved, and the black gas re-entered into the bottle. The strange water sound of "wow-la-la" was heard in this container.

"Well, after absorbing two spirits, the purity is just right."

Cohen shook the bottle in his hand at this time, and proudly said to Ma Ze: "You don't have to think about it anymore, because the dawn of the execution is just a blink of an eye, as long as you drink the pure black gas in my bottle The brewed 'magic wine' can become a dark warrior fully loyal to the magic domain, then we are our own. "

With that said, Kou Han's vulgar words turned sharply: "But if you refuse my kindness and want to 'go all the way to the dark', then wait for Ruta to become a pair of hard-to-brothers, heads Falling to the ground at the same time is dead. "

"Kouhan ..." At this moment, Ma Ze raised his head slowly, his pale face flickered with a faint smirk, Ma Ze stared at the gray and dull eyes and said, "Want to know my Answer? Let go of the chain first. "

"Huh, you can!" With a wave of Coaw's claws, he immediately cut off the chain that bound Ma Ze, and he secretly murmured: "You Ma Ze is now wounded, and 10% of his life has been lost. Even if it ’s loose, it wo n’t escape my palm. "

"Wow!" The broken chain fell instantly, and Ma Ze rubbed his sour wrist slowly. He glanced at Rutta with anxiety first, and then said coldly to Cohan: "Give me the bottle Right. "

"No, Maze, don't drink it!" At this moment, Ruta was really anxious, he shouted, "Did you forget the vow you made to me in prison? Maze , Don't be a coward, you shouldn't give in !!! "

"Enough is enough, Ruta, I said a long time ago that this world is dark for me. Since I can't get the light, I will tear it up with my own hands." Maze finished this sentence, Suddenly, he took the binaural flask with both hands, and immediately drank the "magic wine" in it!

"Don't--" Ruta saw Maze finally drank the potion. He only felt dark for a while, and was almost angry with a spit of blood.

But at this moment, something weird finally happened to Ma Ze!

Originally an undead, Ma Ze showed a golden skeleton in some parts of his body. His body was suddenly painted with a thick layer of dark color.


After drinking the magic wine, Ma Ze suddenly made a beast-like roar slowly in his throat. Then, a large area of ​​black magic in the realm suddenly poured out of his body, and time covered Ma Ze's whole body, Ma Ze's golden The bones were originally covered with no flesh and looked extremely dazzling, but now Black Gas has used his own power to replace Maze with a fresh layer of flesh and blood, and is constantly removing the carrion that represents the characteristics of the undead from Maze.

"Hehehe, did you see this? This is the miracle created by the pure Demon Black Gas!" Kou Han laughed loudly at this time: "Maze willingly dedicated himself to the dark, he is now a dark warrior of the demons It ’s no longer a shitty, undead person, hahahaha— "

"Damn, Maze ... the Maze I know has been swallowed by darkness!"

Ruta thought about it, and he suddenly felt guilty of tears and blood. He regretted in his heart: "It's all my fault. If I give Ma Ze more support and give him some encouragement, maybe he won't fall. Into the dark abyss. "

At this moment, Ma Ze, who was reborn by the dark domain of the Demon Realm, finally stood on his hands and slowly stood up. His undead carrion had all been turned into powder and replaced by a perfect dark skin. , Black hair and dark pupils, those beast-like fierce mans flashed from time to time in those eyes!

—— [2016.7.30 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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