Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1527: Struggling to die (fifth more outbreak)

In desperation, Tivilo looked back, and suddenly he cried out: "It's you, how can you ..." It turned out that Ting Ting followed with a cheeky face, and his eyes were faintly murderous. wire.

"Huh, I didn't expect I would chase it, right? I wasn't able to find you just next to the corpse of the devouring dragon. Miss Ben knew that you wanted to take the opportunity to slip away."

After saying this, Tingsi whirled the white staff in her palm, and the surrounding ice crystal elements slowly gathered. She exclaimed: "Tivelo, you have done all the bad things, you have sacrificed Saint There are as many innocent and good people in Lomprum, and how many people have ruined your family under your conspiracy. You have no right to survive. Now, let me take you on the road! "

"Uh ?!" After hearing Ting Si's conviction for his crime, Tivilo was so frightened that he immediately screamed in horror in order to survive: "Miss, ah no, grandma, you can spare the little one. It ’s a fate, I ’m despicable, I ’m shameless, but these bad things are forced by the two mixed **** of Pawn and Cohan to eat others ’food, and I have to serve others, and I have no choice but to help.”

Speaking of this, Tivilo covered his hands with his hands broken and still splattering his **** legs, and said poorly: "Miss benevolent, look, I have become disabled, completely It does not pose any threat to you, please, please let me die, I swear, from now on, I will change my heart and forsake evil and good ... "

Upon hearing this, Ting Si immediately interrupted the other party's words: "Shut up, you are a well-known demon dragon known for its vicious shame, countless lies have been told, how can I believe what you said about Tiverlo? "

"Uh ah ah-please, please!"

In a series of screams, Tivelo was struggling to slap on the ground. He banged with his head on the ground. His head was like a chicken pecking rice, and he shouted: " Miss, you have also seen that the demon Lord Pawn and Cohen have left me alone and let me die on my own. I Tevero is at best a funeral dog. This bad life is really not worth you. Noble hands are dirty, raise your noble hands and let me go. "

"Well ..." When Tivelo said so pitifully, Ting Si, who had always been soft-hearted, suddenly felt unbearable. Her eyes suddenly fell on Tivelo's hands, and a flash of light flashed, Ting Si immediately sternly Drink asked, "Hey, what's that in your hand? Isn't it the shard of the magic disk that Brother Guan Heng is looking for?"

"Uh, this ... that ..." The shard of the astrolabe is the only thing in Tivelo's heart that can give him the opportunity to make a copy. According to his original intention, no one can take it away, but just now and When Ting Si was talking, she was so careless that she forgot to collect the thing, which was the biggest mistake!

"Hey, just look at your expression, it must be the real magic star disk fragment!" As soon as the sentence came out, Ting Si immediately calmly continued and said, "Give it up!"

"This, this ..." Tivelo's face turned red and white for a while, and then it was a little cloudy, and then he looked embarrassed and whispered, "If I hand over the fragments, can you look at me poorly? For my part, let me go? "

"Dare you dare to talk about the conditions ?! I hit ..." The angry Ting Si had just raised her staff, but saw that the broken leg of the other person had stained the surrounding ground, and she suddenly let go of the guy who was discouraged, and she let go of her. Said: "Okay, as long as you give me the pieces, you can get out of it, remember not to do bad things in the future."

Speaking, Ting Si stepped forward and stepped forward, she had to reach for the debris, but at this moment, Tiverlo, who looked down at the ground, suddenly flashed a tinge of viciousness, and another The vacated hand slowly grew a few inches of claws, and thought fiercely in his heart: "The moment you reached out to get the shard, Lao Tzu came up in your heart, wanting to take my magic disk fragment, dreaming Come on! "

But a few seconds passed, Ting Si's feet stayed a few meters away, but she didn't come over, and Tivelo secretly screamed: "Well, I have to take a step forward before my sharp claws can reach her heart. Position, why doesn't this girl move? "

"Hey, idiot, look up."

At this moment, another sharp voice suddenly sounded, and Tivelo suddenly looked up, only to see Ting Si standing in the same place, and there were the figures of Dovre and Abu in the air. Luo scared a ghost and said: "Oh, why are you here ?!"

"Tivelo, you dregs with water in your head, don't you really think that Miss will be fooled by you?"

At this time Ting Si leaned against the side of the mountain and said proudly: "Just yesterday, Brother Guan Heng said to us dozens of times, the most cunning is the demon dragon. Don't believe him. , Hum, it was true at first sight today. If I walked by just now, I'm afraid I would have been conspired by you, you, this scumbag!

"How can this be, this girl is so shrewd." Tivelo thought of it, and suddenly felt bitter, and then Dove laughed softly: "Idiot Tivelo, this time you died unjustly, take it. ? "

"Serve a fart, Lao Tzu fights with you!" The disguise of begging for his life has been shattered, and Tivolo, who was jumping over the wall, had to fight desperately in a hurry. In time, Tivelo gathered with only the magical power left. It became a huge ball of flame, and threw it in the opposite direction: "Go and die!"

"Good to come, I'm afraid you are not cluttered, and we will not be addicted to killing!" Doffer's voice did not fall, Ting Si's staff immediately stretched out: "Ice Blade Cutting-"

"Oh!" Five or six narrow ice blades flew across the front of the fireball in an instant, and immediately shattered it to become Mars, which fluttered into the sky. At this moment, Doffer laughed aloud: "Haha, Let me **** flame too! The Elf's Fire Scatters "

"Ehhhhhh!" Dozens of igniting stars quickly broke through the sky under the fan of the elves' wings, as if the rain was pouring down, and Tivilo screamed, "Eh yeah--"

"It's not over yet, the small arrow of the Royal Fire!" With the low snoring sound of Dovre, the three-inch-long Elven Fire Arrow suddenly condensed and formed, and a "squeak" flew to Tivelo's face door. "Oh!" Naked into the villain's left eye socket!

The red mist soared in a moment, and Tivilo's eyes burst instantly. The pain made him scream suddenly, almost fainting on the spot.

"Huh, this arrow was given to you by Maze." At this moment, Dovre cried in the air with his arms around Xiaoman's waist. "Just one glance, it's cheap for you."

Hearing this, Tivilo almost didn't breathe his heart and lungs, but the next moment, Ting Si's swift attack came straight away!

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.31, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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